Releases: hoylabs/OpenDTU-OnBattery
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
This release includes upstream OpenDTU v25.2.3
🚀 Features
- Add support for smart buffer batteries (e.g. Marstek B2500, Anker Solix, Zendure, etc.)
- Feature: Add prefix 1420 to HMS-4 channel inverters
🐛 Fixes
- fix: Make sure limit values are consistent and not above 100%
- Fix: R48xx: only interlock against battery-powered inverters
- Fix: DPL mode 2 for smart-buffer-powered inverters
🌎 Web Application
- webapp: set overscaling threshold default value
- webapp: hide overscaling thresh. for inv with PDL
- webapp: explain "Use battery at night.." (#1615)
🛠 Under the hood
- Use new name for ESPAsyncWebServer
- Move network reconfiguration to main loop to prevent crashes
- Merge branch 'pr2513'
- Added greek language pack
- Harmonise all language packs
- Upgrade ESP32Async/ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2
- README: add endorsement for Fusion hardware
- Update espressif32 from 6.9.0 to 6.10.0
- Improvement: handle stale issues and prs
- Manually applied latest changes in PR #2509
- Merge upstream tag 'v25.2.3'
- add "State of Operation", "Float voltage" and "Absorption Voltage" to solar charger (#1576)
- Improvement: DPL: encapsulate SolarPassThrough check
- Improvement: DPL unconditional-passthrough method name
- Prepare Release 2025.02.10
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
This release includes upstream OpenDTU v25.1.14
🚀 Features
- Add support for solar charger data from MQTT broker
- Feature: Add support for HERF-600 inverters
- Feature: Added support for HMS-450 inverters which begin with 1400
- Feature: show mqtt battery live view card
- Feature: show hint if device profile missing or not selected
- Feature: New handling of command queue
- Feature: Set Limit transfer only to "OK" if the queue does not contain any more commands
- Feature: Show inverter status and current power in overview (if multiple inverters are available)
- Feature: Detect if inverter supports 'Power Distribution Logic'
- Feature: Huawei grid charger: update values when submitting parameters
🐛 Fixes
- DPL Fixes
- Revert changes to limit calculation for solar-powered inverters
- Allow management of DPL-governed inverters while DPL is off
- Fix: start nighttime discharge cycle only once per night
- Fix: Huawei grid charger efficiency value
- Fix: Huawei grid charger with MCP2515: avoid missing out on CAN messages
- Fix: Huawei grid charger: known last value ends transaction
- Fix: Remove temperature readings for ESP32-S2 modules
- Fix: Auto reboot was not triggered on pin mapping change
- Fix: Wifi.begin was called with wrong parameters
- Fix: Uptime overflow after ~50 days
- Fix: need to skip BOM also when migrating config
- Fix: Hint regarding required device profile is shown for profiles which don't need a device profile
- Fix: 'create release badge' action and show it (#1545)
- Fix: millis() rollover in smart shunt loop()
- Fix: align mqtt publish interval in webapp and API
- Fix: Really always execute the generate of the factory.bin file
🌎 Web Application
- Show totals in blue and producing inverters in green
- Fix: live card header bg matches upstream colors
- webapp: fix typo in "IgnoreSoc" label
- webapp: fix line break for reload button
- webapp: avoid undefined serial for InputSerial
- webapp: improve styling of hints on home view
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
🛠 Under the hood
- Fix: lint errors
- Fix: replace helgeerbe with hoylabs in tmpl URLs
- Make function getClientId const
- Organize includes
- Remove not required string generation
- Use correct variable to set AUTO_GIT_BRANCH
- change markdown table to github style
- Update table with supported inverters in library
- add Sum of DC Power
- Disable queue debugging
- Remove extra semikolon
- Update bblanchon/ArduinoJson from 7.2.0 to 7.2.1
- Update bblanchon/ArduinoJson from 7.2.1 to 7.3.0
- Upgrade ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.3.22 to 3.3.23
- Upgrade ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.3.23 to 3.4.0
- Upgrade ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1
- Upgrade ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2
- Upgrade ESPAsyncWebServer from 3.4.2 to 3.6.0
- [Update nrf24/RF24 from 1.4.10 to 1.4.11](220cfbf7aed09...
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
This release includes upstream OpenDTU v24.11.7
⚡ Breaking Changes
- BREAKING CHANGE: remove default scaling/compensation for unused inputs
- BREAKING CHANGE: huawei grid charger with MCP2515 requires IRQ pin
🚀 Features
- Support for Huawei AC charger using the CAN Transceiver on OpenDTU Fusion CAN/Iso shield.
- Feature: huawei grid charger: support serial CAN controller (Conflicts with CAN-based battery providers!)
- Support for HMS-1600/-1800/-2000 inverters with firmware 01.01.12
- Mitigate overscaling issues when used with "solar-passthrough batteries".
- Feature: show hint if device profile missing or not selected
- Feature: webapp: show hardware UART allocations
- Feature: hide inverter totals if no inverters configured
- Feature: webapp: warn about small lower power limits
- Feature: auto-detect SoC precision for MQTT Battery provider
- Feature: include MPPT power in debug log
- Feature: sub-second DTU poll interval resolution
🐛 Fixes
- Fix: wait for inverter stats before doing full solar-passthrough
- Fix: use battery when in full solar-passthrough
- Fix: need to skip BOM also when migrating config
- Fix: rename solar-passthrough losses to conduction losses
- Fix: DPL: proactively set known limit on inverters
- Fix: Huawei AC charger sends signed values
- Fix: webapp: DPL: config hint only for governed inverters
- Fix: wrong usage of 'isSunsetAvailable'
- Prevent solar powered inverters from getting stuck at low limits
- Setups without a solarcharger interface configured will not try to do full-solar-passthrough
- Fix: huawei grid charger: prevent deadlock on mutex
🌎 Web Application
- webapp: avoid undefined serial for InputSerial
- webapp: DPL: clean up obsolete language tokens
- webapp: DPL: use new terminology "governed" inverters
- webapp: show OpenDTU-OnBattery-specific config version
- webapp: improve styling of hints on home view
- webapp: allow to reduce MQTT publish interval down to 1 second
- webapp: add "-OnBattery" in "NotReady" language token
- webapp: fix warning message about pin mapping profile name length
- webapp: define pin mapping interface for Huawei and PowerMeter
- webapp: add proxy for /huaweilivedata location
- webapp: show precise data age for inverters
🛠 Under the hood
- DPL: beautify log by considering plural for amount of inverters
- DPL: optimize verbose logging output
- config.json: remove skipping BOM a second time
- introduce and use ConfigurationClass::migrateOnBattery()
- DPL: cache load-corrected voltage
- github actions: switch to ubuntu-24.04
- power meter serial SDM: whitespace/style cleanup
- delete .DS_Store
- match file "COPYING" to OpenDTU-OnBattery
- huawei grid charger: split controller and CAN driver
- huawei grid charger: make MCP2515 driver private to controller
- huawei grid charger: whitespace cleanup
- huawei grid charger: clean up #defines
- huawei grid charger: web API: remove unreachable code
- huawei grid charger: start HW interface abstraction
- [huawei grid charger: prepare to accept tx and rx pin config](h...
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
This release includes upstream OpenDTU v24.11.7
🚀 Features
- Extend Dynamic Power Limiter (DPL) to support multiple inverters
- Support JBD BMS as battery provider
- Extend support for VE.Direct charge controllers
- Implement support for language packs (from upstream)
- DPL: support overscaling on all inverters (#1286)
- add SoC & voltage thresholds for battery current limit
- Refactor config management interface
- Validate JSON before uploading
- Added device info for HMS-700
🐛 Fixes
- protect api/powerlimiter/status endpoint
- skip BOM in JSON files (pin_mapping and config)
- SBS Unipower battery discharge current handling
- Take DST into account when recalculating the sunrise sunset time
🌎 Web Application
- Added global reboot wait screen
- add gap between inverter selectors
- add JDB BMS issue texts
- adjust look of tables in accordions to live view cards
- align table headers with card headers
- always scroll up when navigating to another view
- apply card-table class to info view cards
- avoid inline style for inverter channel info value
- avoid inline style in inverter channel info card
- avoid spurious DOM elements, avoid v-show, use v-if
- beautify radio statistics reset button
- consistently use no colon in form labels
- declare emitted event in FormFooter component
- device manager: optimize cards for tab nav
- do not use div with v-if but template elements
- equalize style of cards with tables in live view
- fix AC charger admin view
- fix inverter "add" and "save order" button positions
- fix inverter selection button breaking
- fix line break for reload button
- fixup battery total cards
- Fix: WaitRetstartView showed basic auth dialog
- generalize battery serial interface settings
- inverter advanced tab needs space at the top
- last table row shall have no bottom border
- MQTT: no login with cert if TLS disabled
- MQTT: use v-if in favor of v-show
- optimize body bottom padding and length
- optimize look of firmware update cards
- optimize look of login page
- optimize placement of device profile doc buttons
- optimize spacing around power meter test buttons
- optimize spacing on bottom of cards
- prettify battery settings UI
- properly space alert with hint for hostname
- [remove table's bottom margin](
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
🚀 Features
- Feature: Implement W5500 support
- Feature: Add support for HERF 1 channel inverters
- Feature: ESP heap and temperature details on MQTT and HASS (#1242)
- Feature: DPL: Honor battery-provided discharge power limit (#1198)
- Feature: extend battery discharge limit support (#1245)
- Feature: Support for SBS Unipower batteries (#1199)
- Feature: Inverter radio statistics (rx/tx statistics)
- Feature: Allow reset of radio statistics via mqtt
- Feature: Allow reset of radio statistics via WebApp
- Feature: Publish Radio statistics to home assistant
- Feature: Publish YieldTotal, YieldDay and Power of all inverters to Home Assistant
- Feature: rxen/txen support for RS485 transceiver for SDM power meter (#1269)
- Feature: parse additional Pylontech CAN protocol fields (#1213)
- Feature: Add syslog logger (#1267)
- Feature: Show RSSI of last received packet in radio stats
- Feature: show task details in system info view
- feature: Add support for native pytes CAN protocol (#1196)
- Feature: show "Smart Battery Sense" temperature in web UI (#1292)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix: HTTP power meter custom port (#1333)
- Fix: generic_esp32_8mb firmware did not boot
- Fix: don't republish MQTT powermeter data to MQTT (#1250)
- Fix: WebApp was not reloaded after firmware update
- Fix: Wrong topic in home assistant auto discovery for maxalloc and minfree
- Fix: Saving DTU config values just returned "Values are missing"
- Fix: Unable to set CMT transmit power in WebApp
- Fix: Restart was triggered before all website data was sent
- Fix: typo in HASS auto-discovery metadata for heap stats (#1274)
- Fix: cs_ena_posttrans calculation
- Fix: Only count RF RX packets when packets where sent
- Fix: avoid deprecated setAuthentication() to fix memory exhaustion
- Fix: force websocket clients to authenticate
- Fix: prevent unauthorized access to OnBattery websockets
- Fix: Add state_class to several Home Assistant sensors
- Fix: "Equal brightness" in LED settings does not work correctly
- Fix: default value for discharge current limit
- Fix: typo in Battery.cpp regarding discharge current limit
- Fix: Correct output of wifi disconnect reason code
- Fix: conversion from Kelvin to Centigrade (SmartBatterySense)
- Fix: German translation for Victron MPPT load output
- Fix: comment in pio-scripts/
🌎 Web Application
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Upgrade tsconfig node18 to node22
- webapp: Parse version string event if update search is not allowed
- webapp documentation moved as well
- webapp: use shell=True in autocompile script
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Fix html error in eventlog
- webapp: autocompile script: use portable subprocess
- webapp: autocompile script needs to run yarn within webapp dir
- webapp: switch to Node.js v22
- webapp: autocompile script: changes package.json triggers build
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Fix data type for all range inputs
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Apply auto format
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: optimize syslog settings
- [webapp: Update dependencies](
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
If you upgraded to version 2024.08.18 or newer already *2), you should be good to perform an OTA update using the web interface (unless you are using the generic_esp32_4mb_no_ota
firmware variant).
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
*2) Only when upgraded using the respective .factory.bin
image over a wired connection to the ESP32, such that the partition layout was actually updated alongside the firmware.
Maintenance Release
This release focuses on bug fixes, many of which are regression fixes. If you are affected by any of the issues fixed in this release, please upgrade at your earliest convenience.
🐛 Fixes
- Fix: Increase Huawei CAN task stack size (fix a bootloop when using the Huawei AC charger)
- Fix: restart TCP connection if HTTP server sends Connection:close (fix HTTPS+JSON power meter talking to Shelly device prompting for authentication)
- Fix: initialize HTTP(S)+JSON power meter values
- Fix: SMA HomeManager PowerMeter must announce new values (fixes SMA HomeManager power meter not working at all)
- Fix: update mqtt subscriptions when topic changed (#1156)
- Fix: update info: compare to respective branch (should now only show "update available" if that is indeed the case)
- Fix: VE.Direct data is invalid if no controller has valid data
- Fix: Pylontech/Pytes CAN driver: user interrupts at level 2 (fix a bootloop when enabling the Pylontech battery interface)
- Fix: reasonable full solar-passthrough default values
- Fix: DPL settings: do not reset solar_passthrough_enabled
- Fix: Allow higher-resolution SoC in live view header (#1197) (relevant for Victron SmartShunt users only)
- Fix: sanitize battery manufacturer name string (#1235) (probably only relevant for users of DEYE batteries)
- Fix: typo in german web app locale
🚀 Features
- Feature: SPIPortManager allows simultaneous use of CMT2300 and Huawei charger
- Feature: support 'use battery at night' without VE.Direct
- Feature: HttpGetter: support MD5 digest authentication
- Feature: HttpGetter: cache digest challenge
🌎 Web Application
- adjust update badge color: having an update available is no danger
- webapp "About" view: link to
🛠 Under the hood
🚨 Partition Layout Change
Coming from firmware version 2024.06.03 or older *1), you cannot upgrade to this release (or any future release) by performing an over-the-air (OTA) update using the web interface! Read and follow the upgrade instructions, where additional information is available as well.
*1) Technically: If you are still using the "old" partition layout where the sketch size is only 1,920 kB. See Info -> System
in the web UI to know your current sketch size.
⚡ Breaking Changes
- BREAKING CHANGE: repartition: double sketch size, see Partition Layout Change above
- BREAKING CHANGE: allow multiple OpenDTU-OnBattery instances at same HASS
🚀 Features
- Feature: Show MCU temperature in system info
- Feature: Add option to clear eventlog at midnight
- Feature: Set/obtain DPL upper power limit via MQTT
- Feature: Set/obtain DPL target power consumption via MQTT
- Feature: Implement DPL 'overscaling' to compensate shading (#956)
- Feature: support Tibber bridge as power meter interface
- Feature: decode more OBIS values in SML power meters
- Feature: make power meter polling intervals configurable
- Feature: HTTP+SML power meter: poll asynchronously
- Feature: HTTP+JSON power meter: poll asynchronously
- Feature: SDM power meter: poll asynchronously
- Feature: support JSON payload in MQTT power meter
- Feature: SDM power meter: switch to software serial
- Feature: Serial SML power meter: poll asynchronously
- Feature: SML power meter: handle checksum error
- Feature: SML power meters: reset SML decoder
- Feature: Allow custom MQTT Client ID
- Feature: Add support for HMS-800-2T-LV inverters
- Feature: add support for Pytes batteries using CAN (#1088)
- Feature: expose 'full solar passsthrough active' via MQTT (#1136)
- Feature: show battery voltage, current, and power in live view totals (#1131)
- Feature: support JSON payload in MQTT battery provider
- Feature: add unit for MQTT battery voltage (#1143)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix #2000: MQTT subscriptions where not updated if MQTT base was changed
- Fix: Apply inverter settings only once and not for each channel
- Fix: Wrong divider in gridprofile RVHF
- Fix: optimize margins in live view
- Fix: SDM power meter: free HW serial port
- Fix: Remove not required semicolon
- Fix: explicitly disconnect prior connecting to wifi
- Fix: Improve overscaling for shaded inputs (#1089)
- Fix: handle numeric values disguised as strings in JSON
- Fix: Victron MPPT: be happy with at least one that delivers valid data (#1118)
- Fix: initialize MQTT power meter values to zero
- Fix: use mutex when writing MQTT power meter value
- Fix: inverter power limits precision
- Fix: Wifi reconnect issue introduced with #2117 and discussed in #2185 was fixed
- Fix: add auth check on battery, huawei and powermeter API endpoints (#1155)
- Fix: Improve DPL nighttime discharging (#1126)
- Fix: Typos de.json translation
🛠 Under the hood
Upstream Tags
- Merge upstream tag 'v24.6.10' into development
- Merge upstream tag 'v24.6.29' into development
- Merge upstream tag 'v24.8.1' into development
- Merge upstream tag 'v24.8.5' into development
Web Application
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: update dependencies
- webapp: disable OTA firmware dialog for unsupported devices
- webapp: Locale update for "screensaver"
- webapp: Remove duplicated code
- webapp: Remove no more required locale
- webapp: Check if temperature is set
- webapp: Add Autoformatter
- webapp: Apply auto formatter
- webapp: apply formatter on downstream sources
- Add proper formatting for flashsize output
- Use correct units in hardware info
- [power meter web UI: remove J...
🚀 Features
- Feature: show ESP32 flash memory size in system info
- feature: JK BMS: HA auto-discovery for battery temperatures
- Feature: SmartShunt: process midpoint voltage and deviation
- Feature: show BMS FW and HW version (JK BMS, SmartShunt)
- Feature: add support for a third Victron MPPT
🐛 Fixes
- fix: project's name is 'OpenDTU-OnBattery' (capital 'O')
- fix: Victron MPPT HA auto-discovery: fix unit of temperatures
- Fix: Huawei PSU: enforce BatterySoC Limit < 100 in UI (#992)
- Fix: properly format Victron MPPT firmware version
- fix: make SDM power meter use serial port manager
🛠 Under the hood
- power meter web UI: add example for array access + translations
- DPL web UI: add hint to setting "inverter behind power meter"
- README: update documentation links
- docs: device profile docs fully moved to wiki
- docs: do not tell users to custom-build because of pins assignments
- docs: mention OpenDTU Fusion board as basic hardware
- docs: tell people to buy ESP32 with 8 MB of flash
- docs: mention ADUM1201 to talk to Victron MPPTs
- docs: explain usage of MCP2515 module
- VE.Direct: prefer strncpy over strcpy
- check FW bin file size when creating factory.bin
- refactor serial port manager: hand out UARTs FCFS
- Prepare Release 2024.06.03 (#1024)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix #1960: Prometheus API return wrong information in function addPanelInfo
- Fix: restore JSON array access for HTTP power meter
- Fix: restore JSON array access for HTTP power meter
🛠 Under the hood
- Prevent compiling the whole project on each commit.
- Use fixed versions for all dependencies
- Upgrade ESP Async WebServer from 2.9.3 to 2.9.4 and set ASYNC_TCP_QUEUE_SIZE to 128 for different Async TCP library
- webapp: update dependencies
- Upgrade build action to support node 20
- Upgrade olikraus/U8g2 from 2.35.17 to 2.35.19
- Merge branch 'pr1920' into dev
- webapp: update dependencies
- Upgrade ESP Async WebServer from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5
- webapp: add app.js.gz
- workflow: ignore v** tags
- Merge upstream tag 'v24.5.6' into development
- embrace upstream __compiled_constants.h approach
- Prepare Release 2024.05.07 (merge development into master)