Branch name: v0.49.0-release
Tag: openj9-0.49.0
For the list of OpenJ9 changes see
OpenSSL 3.0, bundled in builds on Windows and Mac, is updated to 3.0.15 plus CVE-2024-9143, CVE-2024-13176.
OpenJ9 related changes
dadab05 Use generic rather than release specific link in exclude lists Kostas Tsiounis #430
d629e9d Remove unused local variable Keith W. Campbell #428
2c1f166 Exclude ExtensiblePolicyWithJarTest FIPS Strict Anna Babu Palathingal #427
1d4e478 Exclude jdk17 test for FIPS strict profile Anna Babu Palathingal #426
060fdb1 Apply the patch for CVE-2024-56732 Peter Shipton #425
9694206 Reorder the way contents of healthcenter jars are extracted Ravali Yatham #424
f2d3af9 Exclude more tests in FIPS140-3 JinhangZhang #422
b9e7446 CRIU adds @NotCheckpointSafe for MethodAccessorGenerator.generateName() Jason Feng #423
f7e111d Exclude list for FIPS140-3 strict profile JinhangZhang #400
d690e8d Add dependency module for ibm.healthcenter Sharanabasava #421
99c15ce Bundle OpenJCEPlus on Mac/Linux JinhangZhang #420
ea9d52c Fix profiles with same name beginnings being treated as one Tao Liu #419
60f6ee9 Modify JSR166TestCase to gather more error information Theresa Mammarella #418
06278a0 Merge master jdk-17.0.14+4 into openj9-staging Jason Feng #417
6dd0f9c Set test flag Peter Shipton #416
a494a31 Add the error message when the profile does not exist Tao Liu #413
f18b070 Propagate DEBUG_LEVEL to OpenJ9 VM Keith W. Campbell #415
5744714 Add the test cases for Restricted Security Mode Tao Liu #412
8a27fc2 Add Xdump to diagnose intermittent JSR166TestCase failures Theresa Mammarella #414
b841f37 Enable JFR on Aarch64 linux tajila #411
99dfb8b Check if OpenSSL is in FIPS mode and use Java for some algorithms Kostas Tsiounis #410
d4aa505 Block all properties that can be set by profile Kostas Tsiounis #409
53e0100 Replace sprintf with snprintf in networking Peter Shipton #406
3ee7a6f Update the platform flags JinhangZhang #403
e03930b Avoid rebuilding native code headers for OpenJCEPlus Kostas Tsiounis #405
3a65100 Fix names of algorithms printed in debug trace Kostas Tsiounis #407
e01b9c6 Add FIPS problem list placeholder for jdk17 LongyuZhang #408
4ff1022 Set AIX executables to have exempt SED status Julian #402
58faf7a Add configure support to enable RAM class persistence Nathan Henderson #404
03240eb JFR copy "$(OPENJ9_TOPDIR)/runtime/metadata.blob" to "$(LIB_DST_DIR)" Jason Feng #401
9119953 Add more granular digest flags Kostas Tsiounis #399