Releases: ihhub/fheroes2
Releases · ihhub/fheroes2
version 1.0.10
- Teach AI to use marketplaces to boost their castle development and improve AI decision making logic during battles
- Add erase tool, artifact and treasure placement in the Editor, and implement possibility to add new future heroes (accessible only for developers at the moment)
- Rework multiple dialogs, fix and speed up several rendering issues
- Add new hero action button icon
- Over 30 issues have been closed since the 1.0.9 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.9
- Improve the AI logic regarding spells and monster positioning on the battlefield as well as path planning logic on the Adventure Map
- Add the ability to confirm actions in battle for touch devices
- Use the "continue movement" button on the Adventure Map to interact with an object a hero is standing on
- Make the AI easier on low difficulties
- Implement roads, streams, monsters and heroes placement in the Editor (accessible only for developers at the moment)
- Update settings on the Adventure Map
- Expand the Hot Keys window
- Over 40 issues have been closed since the 1.0.8 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.8
- Enhance functionality of Load/Save file window
- Improve AI behavior during battles
- Expand translation coverage including vertical buttons, missing window titles and font letters
- Implement terrain transitions in the Editor (accessible only for developers at the moment)
- Limit the AI's Dimension Door spell usage based on the selected map difficulty
- Over 50 bugs have been fixed since 1.0.7 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.7
- Improve AI logic in pathfinding, battle decisions and add support of Summon Boat spell usage
- Translate many in-game buttons and fix rendering for multiple windows
- Fix event handling and fog discovery by human and AI heroes
- Expand Android Toolset to support importing and exporting save files
- Add terrain brush functionality into Map Editor (accessible only for developers at the moment)
- Over 40 bugs have been fixed since 1.0.6 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.6
- Speed up resource loading and overall rendering
- Fix multiple issues with button rendering and add in-game pixel correction for many images
- Improve AI behavior on the Adventure Map for hero and castle handling as well as for interaction with some objects
- Allow to lower the campaign difficulty during playthrough
- Create basic Map Editor GUI (accessible only for developers at the moment)
- Over 20 bugs are fixed since 1.0.5 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.5
- Speed up rendering during battles and reduce resource usage while playing sounds
- Fix the logic and passabilities with some objects on the Adventure Map
- Add text input blinking and polish dozen of UI elements
- Fix many issues with AI logic on the Adventure Map and improve their castle defensive strategy
- Over 30 bugs are fixed since 1.0.4 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.4
- Add widescreen resolutions support and update scaled resolution support
- Add Polish and Russian languages support for Virtual Keyboard
- Add missing post-victory map ratings
- Improve AI logic towards collection of needed resources for kingdom and interaction with several Adventure map objects
- Fix multiple logical and rendering issues during battles
- Over 40 bugs are fixed since 1.0.3 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.3
- Improve AI behavior on Adventure Map: better fog discovery and object prioritization
- Fix multiple rendering issues and improve overall rendering on Adventure Map
- Fix various issues in logic during battles such as Mirror Image or Teleport spell usage
- Add a button to open Virtual Keyboard for dialogs which require text input
- Over 40 bugs are fixed since 1.0.2 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.2
- Add virtual keyboard support for touch devices
- Add new option icons and missing part of Captain's Quarter in Sorceress Town
- Fix multiple issues with sounds on objects on Adventure Map
- Improve Adventure Map rendering speed
- Fix many issues with spells and pathfinding during battles
- Update AI heroes task logic and make AI heroes use Town Portal spell
- Over 60 bugs are fixed since 1.0.1 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
version 1.0.1
- fix many monster and spell animations in battle, even those present the original game
- add "fh2 Toolset" for Android devices to help to setup the game and also to manage save files
- speed up rendering in multiple places within the game
- update multiple translations and fully rework Russian font for buttons
- add scaled resolution support
- complete initial work for the future Editor
- Over 40 bugs are fixed since 1.0.0 release
Full list of changes can be found here.