Releases: ihhub/fheroes2
version 0.9.13
- Improve AI behavior in battles and on map, including hero recruitment, building castles and to be more aggressive while losing the game
- Fix many music and sound related issues like missing sounds for objects, Vampire movement in battle, incorrect music after switching castles
- Add initial implementation of Text Support mode to allow people with vision issues to play the game
- Scrollbars in the game are scalable according to the number of elements in the list
- Most of dialogs containing icons of artifacts, spells and etc allow to get extra information by right mouse clicking on these icons
- Add support of official Czech translation of the game and fix various general translation related issues
- Awards and choices in campaigns are now right mouse clickable allowing player to get detailed information about each item
- Over 50 bugs fixed since 0.9.12 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.12
- Make AI heroes to create complex paths over water and land and even through whirlpools
- Fix remaining issues with object passabilities on a map
- Add ability to generate German letters for any version of the game and update Russian, Polish, German and French translations
- Fix multiple places with battle logic and interface
- Add Betrayal scenarios for Roland and Archibald campaigns
- Add ability to view dead monster information during battle
- Over 60 bugs fixed since 0.9.11 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.11
- Add Russian language support for any version of the game and generate proper letters for French language
- Add additional spell info for spells owned by a hero
- Add a popup dialog for map information
- Fix AI behaviour during castle defence and update logic with road and its movement score
- Fix UI elements rendering and few crashes related to them
- Over 20 bugs fixed since 0.9.10 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.10
- Add French, Polish and German language support for any version of the game
- Improve AI logic handling spells in the battle and its inability to land on a beach
- Fix the logic related to pathfinding and calculation of terrain penalty for heroes on map
- Update Norwegian translation, add Italian translation and update translations for missing texts in the game
- Fix multiple rendering issues with shadows for buttons, battle grid and various text positioning in many dialogs
- Add V-sync option for SDL2 builds to avoid flickering issue present for some players
- Over 60 bugs fixed since 0.9.9 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.9
- Add Italian language support and Norwegian translation
- Add Barbarian Captain Quarter's missing part, fix Captain Quarter's and Waterfall rendering in Warlock castle
- Fix many issues with AI behavior on the map and add AI interaction with Alchemist Tower and Sphinx
- Add buttons to switch between castles in castle construction window
- Fix multiple places related to object passabilities: diagonal moves, shadow objects, water action objects and Reefs
- Add support for devices with resolution lower than 640 and 480 and also add missing items in resolution list
- Over 70 bugs fixed since 0.9.8 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.8
version 0.9.8 (05 October 2021)
- Fix many corner cases with object passabilities on World Map
- Fix Interface border rendering and World Map rendering for non-default resolutions
- Add The Succession Wars and The Price of Loyalty icons in the list of available maps
- Add cell highlighting for monsters with double-cell melee attack
- Improve AI interaction with Stone Liths, Pyramids and other heroes and castles
- Add a script to extract original game resources on Windows
- Over 60 bugs fixed since 0.9.7 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.7
version 0.9.7 (05 September 2021)
- Add basic German translation support and heavy update French and Polish translations
- Add missing Farm image part in Knight castle and modify Captain Quarters in Necromancer town
- Add AI hero classes for more efficient task distribution
- Fix multiple issues with combat logic for pathfinding and AI
- Fix object passabilities and incorrect rendering on World Map
- Over 60 bugs fixed since 0.9.6 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
version 0.9.6
version 0.9.6 (06 August 2021)
- Add correct translation support with updates for French, Russian and Polish languages
- Add Nintendo Switch support
- Add UI option to change game language dynamically as well as game resolution
- Add cursor shadow display for attacking 2-hex monsters
- Over 60 bugs fixed since 0.9.5 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.
Nintendo Switch build (latest commit)
Fix creature info dialog shadow draw on right click (#9624)
version 0.9.5
version 0.9.5 (04 July 2021)
- Add Monster Description for every creature with special abilitiess
- Fix passability rules for all objects on World Map
- Greatly improve AI behavior on World Map: object interaction, task planning and object value calculations
- Fix multiple logical cases occured on World Map with object interaction
- Add continuous scrolling of scrollbars
- Over 70 bugs fixed since 0.9.4 release
Full list of changes can be found here.
We recommend to use SDL2 version for latest OSes, while SDL1 is preferable for old systems.