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Build your own "YouTube/Vimeo[*] Learning Library" using Internet-in-a-Box!
[*] We aim to help educators download the videos and audio recordings they truly need, from almost 2000 websites.
Calibre-Web (initial release 2015) is an exceptional tool based on Calibre (initial release 2006) for organizing, converting, reading and listening to e-books. Starting in 2023/2024, this is being modified for Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) to not only allow you to collect and organize digital books — but also the learning videos, audiocasts and images most needed by your community or family — all thanks to Calibre-Web's familiar and intuitive interface!
Calibre-Web's longstanding support for E-books and audiobooks is what makes it great!
Administrators can fine-tune which such file formats are allowed after logging in to Calibre-Web, under Admin > Edit Basic Configuration > Feature Configuration — by adding or removing file formats in the Allowed Upload Fileformats section.
The Enable uploads checkbox should already be set, for the Admin account (e.g. teachers!) But feel free to also enable uploads/downloads on a per-user basis, e.g. if a student co-librarian is helping everyone manage the collection? (N.B. This checkbox might be renamed to Enable adding content in future.)
Internet-in-a-Box is extending Calibre-Web's E-book and audio capabilities — by adding support for common video and image formats.
The aim is to help you organize the most meaningful learning videos, illustrations and photos — rather than just traditional books.
Below is a list of the media formats (proposed in EXTENSIONS_AUDIO, EXTENSIONS_VIDEO, EXTENSIONS_IMAGE) we've been working on to ensure full support, including upload, playback and display of associated covers a.k.a. thumbnails a.k.a. posters:
Video formats:
Video format | Upload | Playback | Cover |
MP4 | Supported | Supported | Supported |
WEBM | Supported | Supported | Supported |
... | ... | ... | ... |
As of Q4 2023, rarely used video formats (e.g. MKV, AVI... ?) were increasingly being removed from browsers. We too try to follow these norms. Design will evolve per community needs — see discussion on "Remove unsupported formats" (PR #16).
In short for video, we strongly recommend MP4 or WebM in most all cases, as these can be played without hassle in most browsers.
Image formats:
Image format | Upload | Display | Cover |
JPG | Supported | Supported | Supported |
JPEG | Supported | Supported | Supported |
PNG | Supported | Not yet supported | Not yet supported |
GIF | Not yet tested | Not yet tested | Not yet tested |
SVG | Not yet tested | Not yet tested | Not yet tested |
MPEG | Not yet tested | Not yet tested | Not yet tested |
WEBP | Not yet tested | Not yet tested | Not yet tested |
Audio Formats:
[Provide link/context for audiobook/podcast/music browser norms, mentioning those removing {ogg,wav} support for MP3 ?]
E-book Formats:
[Provide link/context around modern & evolving norms!]
Major websites like YouTube and Vimeo typically offer static image cover art to showcase each video/song/podcast/etc. In other cases, we will try to auto-extract cover art (a.k.a. thumbnail, a.k.a. poster) from the beginning of videos, using FFmpeg.
Whereas for illustrations, maps and photos, the image itself can automatically be turned into cover art.
We crop rectangular cover art so that it fits into a square (PR #80) allowing users to browse video/book titles, similar to the squares appearing in Google Photos' mobile app. CLARIFICATION: We avoid letter-boxing, as that "archivist's approach" shrinks cover art too much.
How is cover art chosen? The 5-step write-up below is not yet complete (e.g. it only applies to "Download to IIAB" button) but it's a start:
If a matching cover is found in the video file's directory, it is set as the cover; otherwise, a default cover is used. Here is how it's done in https://github.com/iiab/calibre-web/blob/b9b057edb744f2751096782981b84961f645a668/cps/uploader.py#L273-L286:
- Check Directory Existence
The function first checks whether the directory of the video file exists:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(row['path'])):
- Iterate Through Files
It then iterates through each file in the video file's directory:
for file in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(row['path'])):
- Check for Suitable Cover Image
For each file, the function checks if it meets the criteria for a suitable cover image (by checking if the cover image is named after the video_id
if file.lower().endswith(('.webp', '.jpg', '.png', '.gif')) and os.path.splitext(file)[0] == video_id:
- Set Cover File Path
If a suitable cover image is found, the cover file path is set, and the loop breaks:
cover_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(row['path']), file)
- Handle No Cover Found
If no suitable cover file is found, a default cover file path is set:
log.warning('Cannot find thumbnail file, using default cover')
cover_file_path = os.path.splitext(tmp_file_path)[0] + '.cover.jpg'
CAUTION: Calibre-Web sneakily renames each .webp cover file (originating from yt-dlp) to cover.jpg (https://github.com/iiab/calibre-web/blob/348651c55f6c3227edbc8c35b6d50b283eac1195/cps/editbooks.py#L933), even despite graphic internals remaining WebP! This is very sloppy, but as of May 2024 we're going to continue to live with this (respecting Calibre-Web's awkward-but-still-functional upstream decision).
We support downloading from popular videos platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. For YouTube, our support extends to a wide range of URLs, making it incredibly versatile:
- Standard video URLs (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFVdHDMcepw)
- Short URLs (e.g., "youtu.be/KFVdHDMcepw")
- Playlists URLs (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJicmE8fK0EiFngx7wBddZDzxogj-shyW)
- Individual video URLs from playlists (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFVdHDMcepw&list=PLJicmE8fK0EiFngx7wBddZDzxogj-shyW&pp=iAQB)
- Playlists of playlists (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/@TEDEd/playlists)
- Channel URLs (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/@TEDEd)
For Vimeo, while experimental, we can handle basic URLs. Do note that Vimeo covers are not currently working.
After you log into Calibre-Web (at http://box/books), a Download to IIAB button is displayed near the top of the page (if your Calibre-Web user's role allows for it). This works a bit like the command-line tool calibredb but in a friendlier way, allowing you to directly import the educational videos (and their metadata) that your students need.
If after clicking Download to IIAB you specify the URL for a YouTube channel or playlist or similar, a Calibre-Web bookshelf will be auto-created to store them. If the bookshelf name is already taken, a numbered suffix will be added to create a unique bookshelf name. Finally, a suitable subset of the channel or playlist's videos (e.g., 100 videos) will be added to the bookshelf, one at a time, over ensuing minutes (or hours if necessary!)
Important metadata associated with every downloaded video/playlist/channel is retained automatically, for teachers/students and all.
The xklb command-line application (summary, usage, explained further below) enables ETL-like integration / translation — building on xklb's tubeadd and download features to import useful video/playlist/channel metadata.
When you submit a playlist URL containing more than 100 videos, Calibre-Web automatically sorts these videos in the background based on their views per day, leveraging metadata stored in the xklb-metadata.db database. Following this sorting process, Calibre-Web proceeds to download the top 100 videos from the playlist and organizes them into a bookshelf named after the playlist title as explained in the previous section.
Even if a playlist contains 100 or fewer videos, Calibre-Web still performs sorting based on views per day. This ensures that the most relevant and popular content is prioritized for download.
To tailor this behavior according to your specific needs, such as accommodating playlists with more or less videos, you can customize the maximum number of videos to download by following the steps below:
After installing Calibre-Web, locate the file
in the installation directory. Typically, this file is located at/usr/local/calibre-web-py3/cps/constants.py
. -
in a text editor of your choice. -
, find the line that definesMAX_VIDEOS_PER_DOWNLOAD
. This should be around line 52. -
Modify the value assigned to
according to your preference. The default value is 100. Change it to your desired maximum number of videos to download. -
Save the changes to
. -
Restart the Calibre-Web service to apply the changes. You can do this using the appropriate command for your system, such as
sudo systemctl restart calibre-web
By following these steps, you can customize the maximum number of videos that Calibre-Web will download when using the Download to IIAB button.
Which video/audio compression should be chosen? Low-income educators can no longer be ignored, in every country. So our 3 goals are:
- Avoid Bloated Media Files that "sabotage" SD cards, drives, Wi-Fi bandwidth, personal devices AND civic action (interpersonal/family learning) in low-income communities.
- Vivid Learning Videos with non-blurry whiteboards/blackboards, clear illustrations, and life-like nature/science visualizations.
- For blind users especially, reasonably Comfortable Audio Quality.
Thanks to the discussion at yt-dlp #5169, /usr/local/bin/lb-wrapper is evolving (based on PR #60, PR #62 and PR #63) towards a target (viewing) bitrate of 1000 kbit/s.
Aligning codecs is a moving target with no perfect solution (definitely an art more than a science, evolving year by year!) If you happen to be a video/audio professional which concrete suggestions for low-income educators — we ask you to please email or post — helping us to get this right for all countries!
In the past, we've also considered yt-dlp options like:
: Prefer video formats with free containers over non-free ones of same quality. WARNING: MP4 patents expired around 2018 (after 20 years) so this flag is currently quite flawed, regardless of its original (debatable) merits.
--format best
: Requests best available quality for both video and audio, which yt-dlp defines as --format-sort lang,quality,res,fps,hdr:12,vcodec:vp9.2,channels,acodec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,hasaud,source,id
as of 2023-12-14.
--format-sort 'res:720,tbr~2000'
: Using --format-sort
allows you to change the criteria for being considered the "best" (WARNING: this behaves very differently, based on whether-or-not you ALSO include --format best
!) Either Way: This particular example would instruct yt-dlp to sort the available formats based on resolution primarily, and TBR bitrate secondarily. Firstly, it prefers formats with a resolution similar to 720p: res:720
prefers larger videos, but no larger than "720p" — and the smallest video if there are no videos less than "720p" (CLARIFICATION: res:720
actually refers to the minimum dimension, e.g. allowing for vertical videos, that are 720 pixels wide instead of 720 pixels high). Secondarily, this example then favors viewing TBR bitrates of approximately 2000 kbit/s (tbr~2000
--format 'bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]'
: To understand how this works, see yt-dlp docs and their examples.
Local community videos should be compressed BEFORE uploading them to IIAB! Of course, impatient/naive educators or parents will nevertheless sometimes try to upload "overweight videos" (HD, Ultra HD, etc) directly from their phones to IIAB.
To help impatient/naive uploaders recover (after they unwittingly pollute IIAB's storage/drive, or worse jam up IIAB's Wi-Fi learning hotspot), Band-Aid workarounds like FFmpeg post-processing within IIAB might be considered in future.
Of course putting such videos on a diet is NOT easy on low-end IIAB Raspberry Pi CPU's (in low-income regions without steady electricity especially!)
So: educating educators showing them how to compress their own videos in advance (on their own phones, or even by sending their videos thru WhatsApp) is critical to keeping videos lightweight! ✅
2024-01-01 WARNING: Long videos and large channels/playlists do not yet work (#79).
IIAB Calibre-Web installs xklb (a.k.a. "library"), which also installs yt-dlp.
This integration of xklb and yt-dlp provides a robust backend solution for downloading and organizing learning video downloads. These help validate URLs for download, and allow searching thru video subtitles/captions/transcripts/lyrics:
- Online Video Download Support: Described in #7, and implemented by PR #6.
- Download Tasks Tracking: Described in #8 and #9, implemented by PR #10, and improved with PR #18.
- Searching thru video subtitles/captions/transcripts/lyrics — expected Q3 2024: PR #244
If you must install them manually (xklb a.k.a. "library", and yt-dlp), simply run:
sudo -i
apt update
apt install pipx -y
pipx install library
ln -s /root/.local/bin/lb /usr/local/bin/lb
Instead of the above 2 lines, this can also work:
(but if so, remember to prepend every subsequent pipx command with PIPX_HOME=/opt/pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin
PIPX_HOME=/opt/pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin pipx install library
For a quick test of xklb functionality:
lb tubeadd test.db https://youtu.be/6GI0zANA3S4
If you upgrade xklb, its internal dependencies (such as yt-dlp) also need to be updated. Unfortunately, the approach below often fails to upgrade yt-dlp: (e.g. if xklb itself does not have an upgrade available)
pipx upgrade --include-injected library
So here's a much better method: (ensuring both yt-dlp and xklb get upgraded, no matter which-or-both have an upgrade available)
pipx reinstall library
To revert to a prior version, e.g. 3.0.061:
pipx install --force library==3.0.061
Alternative method: (slower but guaranteed!)
pipx uninstall library
pipx install library==3.0.061
To check xklb version:
lb --version
pipx list | grep library
To check yt-dlp version:
yt-dlp --version # e.g. if /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp symlink exists
/root/.local/pipx/venvs/library/bin/yt-dlp --version # e.g. on Ubuntu 23.10 and Debian 12
/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/library/bin/yt-dlp --version # e.g. on Ubuntu 24.04+ and Debian 13+
You can verify that your yt-dlp version roughly corresponds with the version specified in xklb's pdm.lock file, for example yt-dlp "stable" version 2025.02.19
as of February 26, 2025.
Finally, yt-dlp offers 2 other release channels (nightly, master) if you need the bleeding edge! If so, please read their pip install tips and run pipx inject -h
for detailed help. For example, if you want to upgrade yt-dlp to their "nightly" release channel, run:
pipx inject --pip-args="--upgrade --pre" -f library yt-dlp[default]
If you choose the "nightly" rolling release of yt-dlp, also consider installing it automatically during your IIAB Calibre-Web initial install (example), and regularly upgrade it using the iiab-update command (example).
xklb (a.k.a. "library") is integrated (as an external subprocess) into Calibre-Web, enabling the creation of an additional database (/library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db
) to store additional metadata that Calibre-Web was not originally designed for — e.g. captions/subtitles/transcripts/lyrics.
UNRESOLVED: Will audiobooks sometimes violate the assumption that all transcripts are stored on the xklb side (xklb-metadata.db) ? If so, where exactly will these transcripts be stored on the Calibre-Web side (metadata.db ?) — and how will they be searchable?
ASIDE: Two associated database files (xklb-metadata.db-shm
for shared memory and xklb-metadata.db-wal
for rollback journal) are temporary and can generally be ignored.
The integration process involves the automatic setup of xklb-metadata.db
within Calibre-Web to store information related to the media content when a URL is provided via the Download to IIAB button. In the background, an external script (lb-wrapper) is run, ensuring the following command is run on behalf of the user, creating and updating the database:
lb tubeadd <database> url -vv
This database is designed to catalog metadata fields or indices that encompass essential details about the media, such as title, description, duration, and more.
Upon receiving download requests for media files with
lb dl <database> --video --search <url or search query> --format best --format-sort 'tbr~1000' --write-thumbnail --subs --live --live-from-start -o <outtmpl> -vv
(example) the integration enables automatic updating of the database. This update process involves registering information about the downloaded media, including paths to the downloaded files. The database is structured to accommodate this new data.
The integration allows users to implement custom code to extract specific information from the media and manage the associated files. By leveraging user-defined scripts or code snippets, it becomes possible to extract targeted details from the media content and efficiently move the files to the Calibre-Web library directory: /library/calibre-web/
NB Here's a great way to see the actual content (e.g. schema and tables) of any .db (i.e. SQLite) file:
- Run as root:
PIPX_HOME=/opt/pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin pipx install datasette
- Run as root:
datasette /library/calibre-web/xklb-metadata.db -h -p 8080
- Then browse to: http://box:8080
When a user initiates a download, a task is triggered calling xklb in the background. This task is set up in download.py which is [can also be?] called from editbooks.py. It is executed through a Python subprocess, using bash script: /usr/local/bin/lb-wrapper
- Use [Calibre-Web's] existing job queuing system for downloads (#9)
- Automate bookshelves' creation and population (#11)
Currrently our fork of Calibre-Web doesn't support redownloading videos with the same ID because xklb will not attempt to download something if it has been downloaded before (see February 2024 discussion on PR #125). However, here are some good reasons why we must work on implementing this feature:
Dynamic Content: Video content on platforms like YouTube can be subject to change due to various reasons such as updates, edits, or revisions by the content creator or platform administrators. Users may want to ensure they have the most up-to-date version of the content.
Metadata Updates: Video metadata, including titles, descriptions, and tags, may be altered over time. Users may need to fetch the latest metadata associated with the video, ensuring that their local copies remain synchronized with changes made on the platform.
Bookshelf Management: Videos often belong to multiple bookshelves, and users may want to download or update these videos individually or as part of a bookshelf.
Error Handling and Recovery: Sometimes, downloads may fail due to network issues, server errors, or other technical reasons. We need a mechanism for error recovery, allowing users to retry failed downloads.
Archival and Preservation: For archival purposes or personal collections, it's important to have a reliable mechanism to update and maintain local copies of online content. Users should be able to preserve the integrity of their collections and access the latest versions of the content they care about.
Example, to be expanded upon, with CI/CD needing to become more automated soon: (using GitHub Actions, Ruff, Selenium, etc)
As of February 2025, the Multipass virtual machine (VM) system is the easiest way to install everything!
Install Multipass 1.15.0+ onto a Linux, Windows or macOS computer with at least 8 GB RAM.
Pre-releases of Multipass 1.16.x also work well. Either way, verify you have a very recent version of Multipass by running:
multipass version
WARNING: Windows 10+ "Pro" works best, as Windows 10+ "Home" also requires VirtualBox to be installed.
WARNING: Some PCs and laptops require you turn on Hardware "VIRTUALIZATION" or "SVM Mode" or "Intel-VT" or "Intel-VTx" or "AMD-V" in your computer's BIOS settings — e.g. turn on your computer and IMMEDIATELY (as black screen appears!) hit DEL, ESC, F1, F2, F8, F10 or F12 (instructions).
If you're on Linux, run:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iiab/calibre-web/master/scripts/omg.yml > omg.yml
1a. Or if you're on Windows or macOS, create a text file called
and copy/paste the contents of omg.yml into that file.
If you're on Linux, install everything by running:
multipass launch 25.04 -c 2 -m 2G -d 20G -n box --cloud-init omg.yml
2a. Or if you're on Windows or macOS, install everything by running:
multipass launch -c 2 -m 2G -d 20G -n box --cloud-init omg.yml
WARNING: Keep the VM named
on Windows, to simplify your life! Why? In 2024 Multipass requires that/etc/hostname
(within any VM on Windows) never deviate from the original name of the VM (#255, #3346) otherwise the VM can never be rebooted!So if you must create a 2nd IIAB VM on Windows, then you MUST during first boot of the VM: (1) set
in the VM's /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml to the exact same hostname set by Multipass, AND (2) verify that/etc/hostname
is likewise correct.ASIDE: Windows continues for years to regularly damage its own networking file
creating a related nightmare for Multipass. To further troubleshoot VM networking on Windows, please see Multipass's tips. -
It should return you to the command-line within about 1-5 minutes. That's your indication that a Multipass VM was just created.
Get used to checking the VM's IP Address(es) regularly, by running: (a VM's IP Addresses can change!)
multipass list
WARNING: If you're on Windows, avoid the top-most IP Address (in the output above) after rebooting the VM, as it's stale and useless! (#3354)
IIAB Calibre-Web is now beginning to install (within your VM!) To monitor its install progress, log into your VM:
multipass shell box
And then run:
sudo tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
You'll know it's done (e.g. 2-to-20 minutes later) when (A) the scrolling output stops, and (B) you see "INTERNET-IN-A-BOX (IIAB) SOFTWARE INSTALL IS COMPLETE" with IP Address(es) ~10 lines below, and then ~10 more lines below that (C) you see at the very bottom an entirely bogus message, falsely claiming: "HIT [Enter] TO REBOOT, CONFIRMING YOU'VE "photographed" THE ABOVE PARAGRAPHS: /usr/sbin/iiab: line 617: /dev/tty: No such device or address"
After software install is complete, use <CTRL-C> to break out of the above scrolling output. This puts you back at your VM's Linux command-line interface.
The 7 IIAB-related commands below are 100% OPTIONAL — just if you're curious about other ways to monitor install progress — and confirm software install is complete:
sudo -i # Change to superuser (root) pgrep iiab -a # Are IIAB installer programs still running? iiab-apps-to-be-installed cat /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml tail -f /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-install.log # A watched pot never boils, so use <CTRL-C> to break out! 🫖 ls -lt /etc/iiab/install-flags # LOOK FOR "iiab-complete" (which confirms software install is complete) iiab-summary
Open a browser and visit: http://box/books
Change "box" in the URL above, to one of your VM's IP Addresses that appear near the bottom of
output above. Likewise you can runhostname -I
within your VM to do the exact same thing, showing your VM's IP Address(es).Alternatively, your VM's IP Address(es) can be obtained from a completely separate Terminal window on your Host PC or Mac, by running
multipass list
— or use the more-detailed-but-less-reliablemultipass info box
. -
Try it out!
Click on Guest in the top-right of the web page to log in:
Click the Download to IIAB button on top, and paste in the URL of a short YouTube video (or URL of a very small YouTube channel/playlist). 2024-01-01 WARNING: Long videos and large channels/playlists do not yet work (#79).
Respect authors and creative people who are publishing learning content for your students. Contact them directly if you have any doubts! As with a school photocopier, it's your responsibility to learn about what Educational Fair Use is allowed (and is not allowed) in your country.
After your download has begun, click the Tasks button on top, to monitor your ongoing downloads.
The page will update itself as downloads progress (so you don't need to reload/refresh your browser).
Finally, click Internet in a Box in the top-left, to explore books/videos as a student. Check out the Shelves (left side of page, near the bottom) if you've downloaded any YouTube channels or playlists.
Get to know Calibre-Web using IIAB Tips — more tips will be added very soon, based on your feedback!
Do you have an Internet-in-a-Box with a very recent version of Calibre-Web already installed ?
If so, use iiab-update to upgrade to the latest (video-enhanced version of) IIAB Calibre-Web in about 1 minute, by running:
sudo iiab-update -f
If your IIAB is a Multipass VM named box
, you can automate the above from your Host PC:
multipass exec box -- sudo iiab-update -f
FYI both above approaches update your /opt/iiab/iiab as well. If you also want OS apt updates and upgrading of (Ansible, Admin Console), then run the following instead: (takes a few more minutes!)
sudo iiab-update
If your IIAB is a Multipass VM named box, you can automate the above from your Host PC, and reboot the VM for good measure:
multipass exec box sudo iiab-update && multipass restart box
Finally, here are the older/manual steps for upgrading Calibre-Web, just for the record:
sudo -i
pipx reinstall library
cd /usr/local/calibre-web-py3
git pull https://github.com/iiab/calibre-web --no-rebase --no-edit
cd /opt/iiab/iiab
git pull https://github.com/iiab/iiab --no-rebase --no-edit
./runrole --reinstall calibre-web
In all cases, please back up everything — to protect your books and videos/media as necessary!
Start with any Internet-in-a-Box where a very recent version of IIAB Calibre-Web is already installed.
Let's say you want to test PR #96 (just as an example!) among other pull requests.
Browse to the PR's website. Example: https://github.com/iiab/calibre-web/pull/96
Right-click on the BLUE link on the RIGHT side, then click "Copy link address" (or similar). Example:
Paste the URL into any blank document. Example:
from the middle of the URL. Replace those 6 characters with one single blank space. Example:https://github.com/deldesir/calibre-web deldesir-database
Copy your own results from STEP 6 (both parts, including the space in the middle!) so that you're ready to paste this, as part of STEP 9 below.
Shell into your IIAB (e.g. run
multipass shell box
). Or use ssh if you prefer. -
Run these 3 commands within your IIAB VM: (the bold part below is just an example... paste in your own results from STEP 6 above, INSTEAD OF THE BOLD PART!)
cd /usr/local/calibre-web-py3
sudo git pull https://github.com/deldesir/calibre-web deldesir-database --no-rebase --no-edit
sudo iiab-update -fIf the "git pull" command above requires an email address, go ahead and set any email address, e.g. run:
sudo git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
Finally, here are the older/manual steps, just for the record:
sudo -i
cd /usr/local/calibre-web-py3
git pull https://github.com/iiab/calibre-web --no-rebase --no-edit
git pull https://github.com/deldesir/calibre-web deldesir-database --no-rebase --no-edit
cd /opt/iiab/iiab
git pull https://github.com/iiab/iiab --no-rebase --no-edit
./runrole --reinstall calibre-web # Thoughsystemctl restart calibre-web
is sometimes enough!
The safest approach is to transplant the older Calibre-Web and all of your content together.
WARNING: Do not upgrade Calibre-Web!
- Install the latest IIAB Calibre-Web onto your NEW IIAB. (Ironically, it won't actually be used. Most crucially, this installs xklb and yt-dlp.) Then:
- Run
sudo systemctl stop calibre-web
- Run
sudo mv /library/calibre-web /library/calibre-web.bkp
- Run
- On your OLD IIAB, run
sudo systemctl stop calibre-web
- Copy the older
(including all of its contents) to your NEW IIAB, ideally usingrsync -av
to carefully preserve all permissions etc.
- Copy the older
- Reboot your NEW IIAB, and try it!
If the Download to IIAB button (or similar features) fail for you, in a repeated way:
Please open your browser's console by pressing F12 (or
, or⌘
) and then click Console. -
Please post screenshots of BOTH (1) what is not working, and (2) the console's error messages — into a New issue (click the green button) after you log into: github.com/iiab/calibre-web/issues
You can also inspect Network activity, in your browser console's Network tab:
- Look for requests related to the download process.
- Check for any requests marked as failed or with error status codes (4xx or 5xx).
- Pay attention to the response headers and content for potential error messages.
First, click the Tasks button (to the right of Download to IIAB) to see error messages from particular downloads that might have failed.
Also, look into these log files:
(tips below, if you want to change this) /var/log/xklb.log
- Run
journalctl -u calibre-web
- See also Calibre-Web's
-o <logfile>
command-line option, that's officially part of Calibre-Web 0.6.21+ since 2023-10-21 - See also Calibre-Web's logging documention as mentioned within github.com/iiab/iiab/tree/master/roles/calibre-web#backend
- To change Calibre-Web logging, log in to Calibre-Web (e.g. http://box.lan/books) then click Admin (by Tasks button, on top) > Configuration / Edit Basic Configuration > Logfile Configuration
- Then change these 2 settings:
- Log Level:
- Location and name of logfile:
- Log Level:
For now:
e.g. for covers/thumbnails, and possibly also eBooks like test.pdf or test.epub etc, using hash-like filenames [e.g. random-sequence of characters] initially? -
e.g. to download larger items like videos, before moving them into /library/calibre-web/*
Please if you possibly can, help us work on these important known issues !