A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
This template intends to provide you with a Nest framework starter repository that complies with The Twelve Factor App guidelines.
It provides the following features:
- Config service - Set to fail if required variables are not found.
- Auth module with JWT strategy, login & sign up.
- DB config (PostgreSQL or CockroachDB).
- Basic GH Workflow.
$ pnpm install
# development
$ pnpm run start
# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev
# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod
When the app starts, it looks for the configuration in environment variables. If
such variables are not set, it fails on start. These variables can be also set
with a .env
The required variables can be found (or modified) at
this file. Or use .env.sample
as a reference.
# unit tests
$ pnpm run test
# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website - https://nestjs.com
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.