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ActiveDocument: Document ORM for Yii

ActiveDocument is an ORM for Yii, providing Active Record functionality for document-based storage engines. This library is functionally similar to Yii's own SQL-based Active Record class, CActiveRecord.

Current Storage Drivers

  • Memory - temporary storage using PHP memory. Good for nested documents, and testing.
  • Riak - via the Yii ext, Riiak (currently packaged in with ActiveDocument)
  • MongoDB - via PHP PECL extension

Planned Storage Drivers

  • CouchDB
  • Redis
  • SQL - may possibly add support for SQL, if only as a CActiveRecord wrapper (to enable seamlessly changing storage driver)


  • Yii 1.1+ (Yii 1.1.7+ recommended, lower releases should be compatible, but are untested)
  • PHP 5.3+ (ActiveDocument library is namespaced, which is a PHP 5.3 feature)


Clone this repository to your protected/extensions/ directory, to use the latest available code

hg clone

Quick start

This quick example uses the Memory driver


// ...
'components' => array(
    // ...
        'class' => '\ext\activedocument\Connection',
        'driver' => 'memory',
    // ...
// ...



 * NOTE:
 * An important difference in ActiveDocument from CActiveRecord, is that you are no longer required to specify a
 * model() method within every model class that you create. ActiveDocument makes use of a PHP 5.3 feature, Late
 * Static Binding, to achieve the same purpose as CActiveRecord::model() with less redundancy.
 * @property ConfigSetting[] $options Not needed for ActiveDocument, this exists as helper phpdoc for IDE users
class Config extends \ext\activedocument\Document {
     * This phpdoc notation is detected by ActiveDocument. Only partially supported at this time.
     * @var string
    public $name;

     * Relations function similar to CActiveRecord, see below for an example.
     * @return array
    public function relations() {
        return array(
             * For CActiveRecord, a relation requires 3 values specified (type, model, foreign key).
             * ActiveDocument instead requires 2 values (type, model). A foreign key is no longer needed, as related
             * documents have their primary key stored into the parent document.
             * If you specify the named parameter, 'nested', as true, the related document[s] will have copies
             * stored directly into this model. So in this specific example, if 4 ConfigSetting instances were saved
             * to the 'options' relation, a copy of each would be stored within the Config instance in the data
             * engine.
            'options'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'ConfigSetting', 'nested'=>true),




 * ConfigSetting
class ConfigSetting extends \ext\activedocument\Document {
     * @var string Setting name
    public $name;
     * @var mixed
    public $value;

     * If you do not specify which attribute carries your primary key value, then the default of '_pk' will be used.
     * If the default '_pk' is used, a primary key may be generated for you, based on the behavior of your selected
     * driver and storage engine.
     * You can specify a composite key, by returning an array of attribute names.
     * @return string|array
    public function primaryKey() {
        return 'name';




class TestController extends Controller {

    public function actionIndex() {
        $config = new Config;
        $config->name = 'Test Config';

        $cs = new ConfigSetting;
        $cs->name = 'config1';
        $cs->value = 'config1value';

        $cs2 = new ConfigSetting;
        $cs2->name = 'config2';
        $cs2->value = 'config2value';

         * Helper method to add one or more related documents.
         * Other ways to add related documents:
         * - $config->addRelated('options', array($cs, $cs2));
         * - $config->options = array($cs, $cs2);
        $config->addRelated('options', $cs);
        $config->addRelated('options', $cs2);


         * $config->primaryKey triggers magic call to Document::getPrimaryKey()
        $pk = $config->primaryKey;

         * Perform a fresh lookup of the new config instance
        $config = Config::model()->findByPk($pk);

         * Loop and print the related values
        foreach($config->options as $option) {
            echo 'Option "'.$option->name.'": "'.$option->value.'"<br />';



ActiveRecord-style Document ORM for Yii






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Contributors 3
