This is the official Java client library for the IP address API, allowing you to look up your own IP address, or get any of the following details for an IP:
- IP geolocation data (city, region, country, postal code, latitude, and longitude)
- ASN information (ISP or network operator, associated domain name, and type, such as business, hosting, or company)
- Company data (the name and domain of the business that uses the IP address)
- Carrier details (the name of the mobile carrier and MNC and MCC for that carrier if the IP is used exclusively for mobile traffic)
Check all the data we have for your IP address here.
You'll need an IPinfo API access token, which you can get by signing up for a free account at
The free plan is limited to 50,000 requests per month, and doesn't include some of the data fields such as IP type and company data. To enable all the data fields and additional request volumes see
Click here to view the Java SDK's API documentation.
Add these values to your pom.xml file:
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out the hostname
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
ASNResponse response = ipInfo.lookupASN("AS7922");
// Print out country name
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
: A runtime exception accessible through theExecutionException
of a future. This exception signals that something went wrong when mapping the API response to the wrapper. You probably can't recover from this exception.RateLimitedException
An exception signaling that you've been rate limited.
This library provides a very simple caching system accessible in SimpleCache
Simple cache is an in-memory caching system that resets every time you restart
your code.
If you prefer a different caching methodology, you may use the Cache
interface and implement your own caching system around your own infrastructure.
The default cache length is 1 day, this can be changed by calling the SimpleCache constructor yourself.
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
// 5 Day Cache
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
.setCache(new SimpleCache(Duration.ofDays(5)))
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out the hostname
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
This library provides a system to lookup country names through ISO2 country codes.
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out the country code
// Print out the country name
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
This library provides a system to lookup if a country is a member of the European Union (EU) through ISO2 country codes.
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out whether the country is a member of the EU
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
This library provides a system to lookup if a country is a member of the European Union (EU), emoji and unicode of the country's flag, code and symbol of the country's currency, and public link to the country's flag image as an SVG and continent code and name through ISO2 country codes.
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out whether the country is a member of the EU
// CountryFlag{emoji='๐บ๐ธ',unicode='U+1F1FA U+1F1F8'}
// CountryCurrency{code='USD',symbol='$'}
// Continent{code='NA',name='North America'}
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
This library provides an easy way to get the latitude and longitude of an IP Address:
import io.ipinfo.api.IPinfo;
import io.ipinfo.api.errors.RateLimitedException;
import io.ipinfo.api.model.IPResponse;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
IPinfo ipInfo = new IPinfo.Builder()
.setToken("YOUR TOKEN")
try {
IPResponse response = ipInfo.lookupIP("");
// Print out the Latitude and Longitude
} catch (RateLimitedException ex) {
// Handle rate limits here.
- This library is thread-safe. Feel free to call the different endpoints from different threads.
- This library uses Square's http client. Please refer to their documentation to get information on more functionality you can use.
There are official IPinfo client libraries available for many languages including PHP, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, and many popular frameworks such as Django, Rails, and Laravel. There are also many third-party libraries and integrations available for our API.
Founded in 2013, IPinfo prides itself on being the most reliable, accurate, and in-depth source of IP address data available anywhere. We process terabytes of data to produce our custom IP geolocation, company, carrier, VPN detection, hosted domains, and IP type data sets. Our API handles over 40 billion requests a month for 100,000 businesses and developers.