An multiplayer modification for the game Subnautica BZ.
Website | Discord | Translation | Credits
The source code in this repository is shared to help you understand how Subnautica Below Zero Multiplayer works, to guide you when modding other games, and for your reference when creating plugins. Therefore, the source code cannot be copied, sold or modified by 3rd parties. I do not accept any contributions, so do not send any pull requests. The source code in the repository may not contain the latest version of the mod. The mod is only being developed by me in a different repository. So I will occasionally update the public source code in this repo.
Do not create an issue for other things that are not in-game bugs. Github is not for support. If you need support, join our discord server. Github is only for reporting in-game bugs. If you notice an in-game bug, report it on our github repo.
You can download the beta version at For your own safety, do not download from anywhere other than "".
You can contribute to us to translate the mod into other languages. You can get started at here.
- Open the Crowdin page.
- Click on the language you want to translate.
- Click on the language.json file.
- Translate all sentences step by step.
- The translated sentences will be approved after being checked by me.
Note: If you do not see the language you want to translate in the list. Contact me by joining our discord server. (@botbenson)
Language | Lang Code | Translation Page |
Romanian | ro | ro.json |
Icelandic | is | is.json |
Ukrainian | uk | uk.json |
Turkish | tr | tr.json |
Croatian | hr | hr.json |
Russian | ru | ru.json |
French | fr | fr.json |
Polish | pl | pl.json |
Dutch | nl | nl.json |
Korean | ko | ko.json |
Japanese | ja | ja.json |
Italian | it | it.json |
Finnish | fi | fi.json |
German | de | de.json |
Czech | cs | cs.json |
Azerbaijani | az | az.json |
English | en | en.json |
Portuguese, Brazilian | pt-BR | pt-BR.json |
Portuguese | pt-PT | pt-PT.json |
Chinese Simplified | zh-CN | zh-CN.json |
Swedish | sv-SE | sv-SE.json |
Spanish | es-ES | es-ES.json |
Serbian (Latin) | sr-CS | sr-CS.json |
Base Piece Construction Synchronization (20/20)
- BaseObservatory
- BaseWindow
- BaseCorridorI
- BaseCorridorL
- BaseCorridorT
- BaseCorridorX
- BaseCorridorGlassI
- BaseCorridorGlassL
- BaseLargeRoom
- BaseLargeGlassDome
- BaseRoom
- BaseGlassDome
- BaseReinforcement
- BaseHatch
- BaseFoundation
- BaseConnector
- BaseControlRoom
- BaseMoonpool
- BaseMapRoom
- BaseMoonpoolExpansion
Furniture Construction Synchronization (53/53)
- BarTable
- ExecutiveDesk
- SingleWallShelf
- WallShelves
- StarshipDesk
- LabCounter
- VendingMachine
- Toilet
- AromatherapyLamp
- EmmanuelPendulum
- Shower
- Sink
- SmallStove
- Sign
- BaseLadder
- BasePlanter
- PictureFrame
- Jukebox
- Speaker
- Trashcans
- LabTrashcan
- Aquarium
- Workbench
- Fabricator
- StarshipChair
- StarshipChair2
- StarshipChair3
- Bench
- Techlight
- Spotlight
- Snowman
- SmallLocker
- Locker
- PowerTransmitter
- ThermalPlant
- SolarPanel
- BaseBioReactor
- BaseNuclearReactor
- BasePartition
- BasePartitionDoor
- BatteryCharger
- PowerCellCharger
- Recyclotron
- CoffeeVendingMachine
- Fridge
- BaseFiltrationMachine
- FarmingTray
- PlanterPots (PlanterPot / PlanterPot2 / PlanterPot3 / PlanterBox / PlanterShelf)
- Beds (Bed2 / NarrowBed / BedJeremiah / BedSam / BedZeta / BedDanielle / BedEmmanuel / BedFred / BedParvan)
- BaseBulkhead
- Hoverpad
- BaseUpgradeConsole
- BaseWaterPark
Player Items Synchronization (22/24)
- Scanner
- Builder
- Knife
- HeatBlade
- Coffee
- Constructor
- SmallStorage
- QuantumLocker
- LEDLight
- Beacon
- Flashlight
- AirBladder
- Seaglide
- Welder
- Thumper
- DiveReel
- Flare
- TeleportationTool
- LaserCutter
- SpyPenguin
- SpyPenguinRemote
- MetalDetector
- PropulsionCannon
- Gravsphere
World Synchronization (39/39)
- ThermalLily
- Fragments
- JukeboxDisks
- Static Items
- ScrapMetal
- Water
- DisinfectedWater
- Flare
- NutrientBlock
- FirstAidKit
- CopperWire
- OxygenPlant
- SupplyCrate
- BlueprintHandTarget
- Elevator
- Scanner (Fragments/Plants/Environment/etc..)
- Dynamic Items (Limestone/Kyanit/etc..)
- PhaseGate
- Plants
- GenericRibbon
- PurpleStalk
- TwistyBridgesMushroom
- RedBush
- DeepLilyShroom
- LilyPadResource
- Creepvine
- KelpRootPustule
- Spotted Dockleaf
- Hardy Cave Bush
- FruitPlant
- Marblemelon Plant
- Chinese Potato Plant
- Horseshoe Shrub
- Antennae Plant
- Preston's Plant
- IceFruitPlant
- CreepvineSeedCluster
- Brinicle
Creature Synchronization (17/28)
- GlowWhale
- Skyray
- Jellyfish
- SmallVentGarden
- TitanHolefish
- Crash
- CrashHome
- LilyPaddler
- ArcticRay
- Chelicerate
- ShadowLeviathan
- VoidLeviathan
- BruteShark
- Cryptosuchus
- SeaMonkeyBaby
- Brinewing
- Symbiote
- Penguin
- PenguinBaby
- Pinnacarid
- RockPuncher
- Rockgrub
- Trivalve
- SeaMonkey
- SquidShark
- SnowStalker
- SnowStalkerBaby
- IceWorm
Story Synchronization (15/15)
- RepairBridge
- Sanctuary
- DownloadAlan
- Marg1
- Marg2
- RadioSalvage
- HackRadioTower
- Marg3
- Body1
- Body2
- Body3
- FabricatorIntro
- BuildAlan
- FrozenCreature
- EndGame
- Inventory Synchronization
- Inventory Equipment Synchronization
- Player Movement Synchronization
- Encyclopedia Synchronization
- Technology Synchronization
- Item Pin Manager Synchronization
- Base Ghost Move Synchronization
- QuickSlots Synchronization
- Ping Indicator
- Player Signals
- Player Health/Food/Water Synchronization
- Day/Night Synchronization
- PDA Screenshots Synchronization
- PDA Notification Synchronization
- Player Item Animation Synchronization
- Base Power Synchronization
- Player Animation Synchronization
- Multiplayer Lobby / Intro Synchronization
- Life Pod Synchronization
- Power management (Consumption) Synchronization
- Item Drop Synchronization
- Item Pickup Synchronization
- Entity/Item Position Synchronization
- Vehicle Movement Synchronization
- PDA Log Synchronization
- Weather Synchronization
- Vehicles (Animation etc..)
- Snowfox
- Prawn Suit
- Seatruck
- SpyPenguin
- PDA Beacons Synchronization
- Base Hull Strength Synchronization
- Please first note that the bug you are about to report here has not already been reported.
- If you are experiencing a synchronisation problem, please check in the to-do list whether the item/furniture you are experiencing the synchronisation problem with has been completed.
- Follow these steps by going to our github repo. "Issues -> Bug Report -> Get Started"
- Fill in all mandatory information requested from you.
- Describe the bug in as much detail as possible.
- If you have video recordings or screenshots, please attach them. (These will make it very easy for me to solve the error).