TDLR: A flexible way of sheeting damage, comparing relic sets or supports.
Has support for debuffed enemies (think Silverwolf, Topaz or Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat), buffs on specific attacks or team buffs.

- Install Go 1.20+ (
- Execute the following command to run it without making an exe:
go run .\cmd\hsrtctsheets\
(from the root directory of the repository)go run {FULL_PATH}\cmd\hsrtctsheets\
(from any directory)
The app looks for a file named "HSRTCT-config.xlsx", needs to be on the same folder.
Most stuff is coded as a buff (including enemy debuffs).
A buff consists of:
- The stat it buffs (or debuffs)
- The number value of the buff
- The damage tag condition (if it has one)
- The element condition (if it has one)
Scenario explanation example (cropped):
- Create the calculator package hsrtct
- Decide the database to use
- A google sheet input kek
- An in memory db kek
- Make the config sheet
- With a Character, using a LC
- With 1-5 Enemies
- With N Attacks to Enemy with an amount
- Final damage: The addition of all attacks damage times their amount
- Better explanations
- Add "Dmg reduction" stat
- Implement stuff like "Crit dmg taken" on enemies
- Implement a way to add break damage on scenarios
- Implement a way to calc heals/shields