Fetch based library for cloudflare workers with sessions based on durable objects (which requires premium subscription.)
Based on work from cf worker guide with some fixes that make it more production worthy: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/tutorials/authorize-users-with-auth0 https://github.com/neilmock/workers-auth0-example/
- Bugfixes:
- Bugs:
- Instructions:
- After login will redirect using loginRedirect cookie. When redirecting to Auth0/login set the cookie.
- fixes exchange codes getting stored in session per user, rather then kv globally
- Stores sessions in durable object, but doesn't store userID within it
- Redirects user back to original location after verifying logged in status (which is just logging in, so not advised as it introduces extra lag- no session checking)
- Logs out from auth0 session too
- Doesn't ever delete any of code/session durable objects while hopefully consuming the storage
- Its possible that the session isn't stored in persistent storage
- No way to indicate redirect url at login hook integrated into package
- Session expiry won't logout user from auth0 session, and paid no attention to session expiry logic written for kv and not DO
- No account linking logic (auth0 has limited support for it)
They can be configured with wrangler.toml as environment variables and secrets
AUTH0SECRET = 'something'
MODE #if 'test' returns a stub for user (always logged in), if not production returns dev redirect (localhost)
SALT # https://csprng.xyz/v1/api or read the blog above
AUTH0DOMAIN = 'your-tenant.region.auth0.com'
#App will check against local copy of session, but will run verifications with auth0 after the fact to renew their sessions, setting either one to zero or not defining it will lead to sessions being never ending.
AUTH0EXPIRY = 4320 #Inactivity timeout
AUTH0MANDATORYRELOG = 43200 #Require log in after
Mainly you have to set /auth path as hook for auth0 redirect for code based authentication flow. You also need to set allowed logout url, since unlike in the tutorial you'll be logging out of auth0 sessions. The tutorial link is at the top of this readme.
import { authorize, Session, State } from "./auth/index.js";
export { Session, State };
3. in wrangler.toml that is configured to use esmodules (exports fetch function and doesn't handle event with a callback)
bindings = [
{ name = "SESSION", class_name = "Session" },
{ name = "STATE", class_name = "State" }
tag = "v1" # Should be unique for each entry
new_classes = ["State", "Session"]
name = "auth-production"
durable_objects.bindings = [
{ name = "SESSION", class_name = "Session" },
{ name = "STATE", class_name = "State" }
API.get("/login", async (req, env) => {
const auth = await authorize(req, env);
return auth;
//necessery route for autho0 hook, you don't have this a login doesn't work
API.get("/auth", async (req, env) => {
return authorize(req, env);
API.get("/logout", async (r, e) => {
const b = await authorize(r, e);
return b;
import { authorizedCookie, authorize, authorized } from "../auth/index.js";
//Returns boolean that just checks if browser sent a session cookie
await authorizedCookie(environmentVariablesFromStepOne);
//sends a respones if user isn't logged in, otherwise user data, check
const auth = await authorize(req, env);
if (auth.authorized === true) {
//do your stuff
if (auth instanceof Response) {
return auth;
} else {
//do your stuff
//checks against auth0 session store if user is logged in, if not
//returns object {authorized: false}, rather then a response to
//login with auth0 like authorize function does
await authorized(req, env);