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Releases: jobrachem/alfred3-interact

alfred3_interact v0.3.1

27 Mar 15:39
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alfred3_interact v0.3.0

13 Feb 17:50
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What's Changed

  • Fix database locks by @jobrachem in #35
  • These were critical issues!

Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.3.0

alfred3_interact v0.2.4

08 Dec 14:19
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Fixed v0.2.4

  • There seems to be a race condition in MatchMaker._init_member(). Sometimes,
    apparently a member has already been created, but the session ID is not available
    in the database yet. We added a hotfix to try and make this problem less severe.
    Now, GroupMemberIO.load will try to load the member data repeatedly, with
    a one-second sleep in between tries for 15 seconds before aborting. In most cases,
    this should give the database enough time to catch up.

alfred3_interact v0.2.2

14 Feb 21:12
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alfred3_interact v0.2.2 (Released 14.02.2022)

Added v0.2.2

  • Added the parameter shuffle_waiting_members to ParallelSpec. If True,
    groups will be composed after shuffling the list of waiting members.
    If False, members who have been waiting for a longer time have a
    higher priority (although their prioritization is not entirely deterministic).

alfred3_interact v0.2.1

28 Oct 20:19
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alfred3_interact v0.2.1 (Released 2021-10-28)

Added v0.2.1

  • Added alfred3_interact.MatchTestPage, a page that can be used to
    quickly test the matchmaking of interactive experiments.

Fixed v0.2.1

  • Fixed an issue that lead to problems with role assignment in parallel

alfred3_interact v0.2.0

14 Oct 18:40
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alfred3_interact v0.2.0 (Released 2021-10-14)

Changed v0.2.0

  • We refactored the matchmaking system to make it more robust, more
    powerful, and easier to use.

    • You can now randomize and chain group
      creation through alfred3_interact.MatchMaker.match_random and
      alfred3_interact.MatchMaker.match_chain. Both of these methods enable
      you to take the special challenges of interactive experiments into
      account. Chaining group creation is handy, for example when you want
      to create groups of different sizes. Larger groups are harder to realize,
      and thus you may wish to prioritize them: When possible, create a
      large group. Only when large group creation fails, create the smaller
      groups. Please refer to the documentation for more details.

    • Matchmaking now requires the definition of "Group specs". These specs
      currently come in three different flavours: alfred3_interact.ParallelSpec
      for parallel (synchronous) groups, alfred3_interact.SequentialSpec for sequential
      (asynchronous) groups, and alfred3_interact.IndividualSpec for
      "groups" of size one. The latter allow you to include individual-sized
      conditions in group experiments via match_random and match_chain.
      You can use group specs to control the maximum number of groups that
      should be created based on a specific spec via their parameter nslots.

  • We changed the admin facilities to use the new admin mode introduced
    in alfred3 v2.2.0. You can now add alfred3_interact.MatchMakerActivation
    and alfred3_interact.MatchMakerMonitoring to your experiment

alfred3_interact v0.1.8

14 Jun 09:33
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  • alfred3_interact was updated for compatibility to alfred3 v2.1.5

alfred3_interact v0.1.7

28 May 20:13
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alfred3_interact v0.1.7 (Released 2021-05-28)

Fixed v0.1.7

  • Fixed #7

alfred3_interact v0.1.6

28 May 18:13
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alfred3_interact v0.1.6 (Released 2021-05-28)

Changed v0.1.6

  • The admin view now includes the start date of each member's session.

Fixed v0.1.6

  • Improved the fix of #6. The fix in v0.1.5 was incomplete.
  • Fixed a bug in ping handling of groupwise matching.

alfred3_interact v0.1.5

27 May 20:06
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alfred3_interact v0.1.5 (Released 2021-05-27)

Changed v0.1.5

  • Changed the way repeated calls are made during matchmaking (adressing in the process #1). Now, the MatchingPage and the WaitingPage operate almost identically, both using repeated AJAX calls originating from the client's browser. Hopefully, this will further increase the robustness of waiting and matchmaking. This removes the arguments 'match_timeout', 'timeout_page', and 'raise_exception' from match_groupwise

Fixed v0.1.5