These Python scripts were used in the analysis of data presented in the Radio Science paper "First observations with a GNSS antenna to radio telescope interferometer."
The large FITS data files corresponding to the three experiments are available here.
This script takes input flux density, observed SNR, and elevation to compute the observed system temperature for a dish-GNSS antenna interferometer.
Example usage:
python --bandwidth 39.6e6 --start_freq 1380.8e6 --input_name ./data/source_data_uy001_nvss.txt --output_name uy001_sensitivity.txt --antenna_file ./data/antenna_pattern.csv
Simulate radioastronomical 'visibilities' for a specified observation scenario using the NVSS catalog. Generate several figures showing the components of the source on the sky and the flux density in different scenarios.
python --rxname1 FD_VLBA --rxname2 DBR205 --rxpos1 "-1324009.3502 -5332181.9482 3231962.3802" --rxpos2 "-1324095.2788 -5332177.7083 3231908.2627" --time "2022-01-26T13:21:55" --catalog ./data/NVSS_cat_pared.txt --centerFreqHz 1440e6 --bandwidth 72e6 --genfringe --scanLen 600 --ra 212.8359583 --dec 52.2025 --Npt 200 --source "3C295" --searchRad 10
Correct the phase of complex visibilities in a FITS file with data from a PPP clock solution. Note that FITS files are not included in the GitHub repository but can be obtained from the TDL link above.
python --ant1 FD_VLBA --ant2 DBR205 --pppclockfile uy001b_ppp_data_corrdbr205.txt --filename ./data/uy001b1.fits --fileout ./data/uy001b1_corrected.fits
Find the number of visible sources in the NVSS catalog for given interferometer characteristics. The system temperature of the paired radio telescope is assumed to be that of FD-VLBA.
python python --antenna_file ./data/antenna_gain.csv --catalog_file ./data/NVSS_cat_pared.txt --bandwidth 200e6 --start_freq 1376e6 --rad 10 --SNR_lim 10 --t_obs 5 --Tsys_antenna 200
Helper scripts dealing with receiver positions and interferometer characteristics used in the above analysis scripts.