A Python package for the cryptocurrency exchange Hotbit that doesn't require an API Key, making it available to everyone.
The package also work with official api keys, if you want help getting one, join my Discord.
This is still at the development stage which is why not all endpoints are covered.
As some of you might now, Hotbit has closed down. Do to this I will be archiving this project.
You can read more here: https://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14750194236823
Please notice I am not involved with Hotbit and has never worked for them. I cannot do anything about their decision.
This repo will remain up, in case anyone finds it interesting.
pip install hotbit
pip install python-hotbit
Join click here to join our Discord, we're always happy to help.
If you are experiencing errors please try to type this in the terminal:
$ pip install --upgrade requestsWS
$ pip install git+https://github.com/websocket-client/websocket-client.git
For this method the either Anti-Captcha or 2Captcha is needed
Please notice the price of login is about $0.0019 on Anti-Captcha and about $0.0029 on 2Captcha, as they charge for the captcha solving.
If you don't want to pay you can use either Key/Secret or Cookie as the authorization method.
import hotbit
email = "[email protected]"
password = "MyPassword"
authenticatorCode = "MyAuthenticatorCode"
captchaKey = "My 2Captcha Key or Anti-Captcha Key"
auth = hotbit.auth.login(email=email, password=password, authenticatorCode=authenticatorCode, antiCaptcha=captchaKey) #If you use 2Captcha write twoCaptcha instead of antiCaptcha
Client = hotbit.Hotbit(auth)
If you want help gaining access to the official api, join the Discord.
import hotbit
auth = hotbit.auth.api(api_key="My API Key", api_secret="My API Secret")
client = hotbit.Hotbit(auth)
import hotbit
auth = hotbit.auth.cookie(cookies="My Cookie String")
client = hotbit.Hotbit(auth)
Get the server time of Hotbit.
Buy/sell something.
client.order(market="ADA/USDT", side="BUY", amount=10, price=0.6)
Cancel a select order.
client.cancelOrder(market="ADA/USDT", order_id="4365873")
Query your balance on Hotbit.
Retrieve the instant buy/sell price of a select market.
This function has some logic behind it meaning it does not only use Hotbit's endpoints to calculate.
market = "ADA/USDT"
side = "BUY"
amount = 1000 # USDT (Last part of market)
client.marketPrice(market=market, side=side, amount=amount)
Query ask and bid prices and amount.
market = "ADA/USDT"
Retrieve a list of all markets.
Retreve a list over all tickers.
Get the order history.
This only works when using the official API. Endpoints can be found here: https://hotbitex.github.io/slate/docs/spot/v2/en.
urlPath = "/p2/balance.query"
payload = 'assets=[]'
client.http(urlPath, payload).json()