This release is a overhaul.
- I've removed the submodules because just cause issues and I'm too potato to deal with it.
- Merge ultimate-linux-tools and ultimate-wordpress-tools into this repo, didn't see a need for two additional repos.
- Renamed from zsh to zshbop!
Created functions-tools.zshrc by removing non-core functions out of functions.zshrc
More cleanup of core functions
Added check_if_email_exists from https://github.com/reacherhq/check-if-email-exists
Created mysqldbrowsize command
Added maldet.mb
Updated curl command
House keeping
More house keeping and fixes cause I'm a potato
Put all OS scripts into os directory
Put all os scripts into os/ for real this time.
Removed w10.zshrc
Added ZSH installations for common OS's into kb/zsh.md
More house keeping
Added submodules via straight download