A MonoDevelop / Visual Studio for Mac addin that provides an Expecto test adapter
This project is in its early stages. Contributions are always welcome.
The addin currently discovers tests by searching the user assemblies for TestsAttribute
, as in:
let test1 = test "hello world" { () }
Open MonoDevelop.UnitTests.Expecto.sln and run the MonoDevelop.UnitTests.Expecto project from Visual Studio for Mac / MonoDevelop.
msbuild MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.Expecto/MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.Expecto.fsproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:InstallAddin=true
NOTE: This has project has not been tested on Windows MonoDevelop. It probably doesn't work (but it's probably not too much effort to make it work)