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Clojure bindings for WireMock


As a fixture

Typically you'll want wiremock to fire up at the beginning of your test namespaces and shutdown at the end. To achieve this, wiremock-fixture is provided as your "once" test fixture.

(defn around-all
  (wmk/wiremock-fixture [{:port wiremock-port}] f))

(use-fixtures :once around-all)

(deftest can-ping
      [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200 {:body "pong"}]}]
      (let [{:keys [status]} (http/get (server/url (wmk/only-server) "/ping"))]
        (is (= 200 status)))))

Note that there is a subtle variation on this called wiremock-fixture-fn which wraps wiremock-fixture in another anonymous, parameterless function. This is useful if you want to thread through multiple fixtures in your "around all" function; e.g.

(defn around-all
  (-> f
  	  (wmk/wiremock-fixture-fn [{:port wiremock-port}])

(use-fixtures :once around-all)

See the full code.

As a block

Sometimes you only need wiremock in one or two tests rather than the entire suite. For cases like this with-wiremock is provided to create code blocks in which wiremock has been fired up. Wiremock will be stopped at the end of the block.

(wmk/with-wiremock [{:port wiremock-port}]
      [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200 {:body "pong"}]}]

      (let [{:keys [status]} (http/get (server/url (wmk/only-server) "/ping"))]
        (is (= 200 status)))))

See the full code.


If you find yourself wanting to manipulate wiremock from your REPL it might be best to manipulate the wiremock server directly. Below is a rather contrived test to illustrate this.

Note that because we're calling server/stub! directly the stubs will not get cleared down automatically - i.e. if you're not using with-stubs then you must handle clearing down stubs manually. (Of course, in the example below all this is a moot point as the server is being shut down in the finally block anyway.)

(deftest can-ping
  (let [wiremock (server/init-wiremock {:port wiremock-port})]
      (server/start! wiremock)
      (server/register-stub! wiremock {:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200 {:body "pong"}]})

      (let [{:keys [status]} (http/get (server/url wiremock "/ping"))]
        (is (= 200 status)))

      (finally (server/stop! wiremock)))))

See the full code.

Via Java interop

Sometimes the helper functions provided aren't enough and you need to get your hands dirty with the underlying Java WireMockServer.

(deftest can-ping
  (let [wiremock (server/init-wiremock {:port wiremock-port})
        wmk-java (.wmk-java wiremock)]
      (.start wmk-java)

      (http/post (str "http://localhost:" (.port wmk-java) "/__admin/mappings/new")
                 {:body (json/generate-string {:request  {:method :GET :url "/ping"}
                                               :response {:status 200 :body "pong"}})})

      (let [{:keys [status]} (http/get (str "http://localhost:" (.port wmk-java) "/ping"))]
        (is (= 200 status)))

      (finally (.stop wmk-java)))))

See the full code.

Syntactic sugar


As usual, you can just add the usual scenario/state fields from the Wiremock JSON API to your stub. Alternatively, you can use the syntactic sugar provided by two fields in your stub:

  • scenario: The name of the scenario (i.e. simply a synonym for the scenarioName field in the JSON API).
  • state: A map that has two optional subfields required and new corresponding to the requiredScenarioState and newScenarioState fields on the JSON API respectively. If no required field is specified, "Started" is implied.

Note that if a state field is included in a stub but no scenario, then a default scenario name (__default__) will be used instead. This is to allow creation of stubs in simpler situations where only one scenario is required.


; Specify a required state (in the default scenario) and new state for when the stub is matched
(wmk/with-stubs [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200] :state {:required "Started" :new "pinged"}}] ...)

; Specify a required state but no state change when the stub is matched
(wmk/with-stubs [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200] :state {:required "Started"}}] ...)

; Specify a new state for when the stub is matched and imply "Started" as the required state 
(wmk/with-stubs [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200] :state {:new "pinged"}}] ...)

; Specify a scenario name, required state and new state
(wmk/with-stubs [{:req [:GET "/ping"] :res [200] :scenario "myscenario" :state {:required "Started" :new "pinged"}}] ...)


Eclipse Public License 1.0, the same as Clojure.


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