Releases: kike-canaries/canairio_android
What's Changed
- Fix api34 foreground crash by @hpsaturn in #174
- fixed some grafana links issues by @hpsaturn in #175
- rev625 v0.9.4 fixed possible crash on service receiver launcher by @hpsaturn in #176
- Devel by @hpsaturn in #177
9bbe56a Merge pull request #181 from kike-canaries/fix_180_startservice_crash
3f3d289 workaround for issue #180. StartService only when we have a device
cecb6ed Merge pull request #179 from kike-canaries/devel
7b3e468 Power settings for now is a Experimental Settings
daa8a6d added missing UART sensor PMS5003 on settings
70a0963 fixed external links and added new menu item for supporting us
9642727 added about popup on settings on Version item
1338c09 added new thread to resolve possible issue #178
bcd7898 fixed some Grafana links issues
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.4
What's Changed
- Removed complete implementation of EasyPreferences by @hpsaturn in #166
- Fix transparent settings by @hpsaturn in #167
- improved minor implementations on RxBLE. Fix to API 33 by @hpsaturn in #169
- updated firebase crashlytics and some minor gradle config warnnings by @hpsaturn in #170
- Devel by @hpsaturn in #168
d0547af added missing permission for API34
8e7a2ee fixed target to 34 for Console requeriment. Added missing supporter
ea9f479 rev621v0.9.1 RC2 Telegram release
13b4665 removed duplicated permission reported by linter on signing
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
Released v0.9.0 on Telegram Group
c4ee521 minor improvement for map view
b7b3db5 fixed some lint issues around release version
3407bd8 fixed CI issue with Java version
5f3c4a4 fixed issue #162 for android 11
046334a fixed issue #162 for Android 13 and 14
5769188 updated submodules with fix around api 34 issue
cc77086 Gradle plugin migrations
9058eb0 fixed possible issue reported by CrashLytics
3dc7c63 updated Gradle and fix minor with Java build settings
3d18f1f fixed releases link issue
ae92c9c added missing contributors on About section
Full Changelog: v0.8.5...v0.9.0
rev611 v0.8.3
What's Changed
- Vindriktning support #152
- Some security improvements recommended by Google.
- Improved dependencies and support library.
- Upgrade gradle 7 2 2 new target SDK 33 #151
Thanks to @roberbike for hardware tests
Full Changelog: rev608...rev611
2022-08-26 23:47:38 +0200 a317297 Merge branch 'vindriktning_support' into release
rev608 v0.8.2
c5ad286 restored trackid click on chart view with the new mobile API
2d508c3 fixed issue with clicks on the top of the fragment to down fragments
aea23bf Merge pull request #148 from jcomas/devel
c8c88ea Convert other code to multi-language support.
bdb3245 Merge pull request #147 from jcomas/devel
0956030 Patched code to solve bug #146 (Sea Level Pressure Dimension).
2df7bff Merge pull request #144 from jcomas/devel
8eb98df Convert some strings to multi-language. Updated spanish translation.
9176ede Merge branch 'kike-canaries:devel' into devel
Thanks to @jcomas for the contributions.
2022-03-22 22:08:02 +0100 c447e38 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into release
rev607 v0.8.1
- added power saving section: ECO mode and sleep time flows
- added sealevel setting
- updated libraries and dependencies
- fixed issues on Samsung devices, thanks to @jcomas
- added Spanish localization (language), thanks to @jcomas
- missing issues on CI workflow
- improved about dialog
Issues resolved: #138 #133 #132
2022-02-22 21:15:59 +0100 4284669 Merge branch 'devel' into release
rev594 v0.7.5
- Home Assistant first release.
- fixed crash reported from Crashlytics issue #121
- fixed issue #120
- fixed issue #119
- fixed some sync issues in preferences section
Thanks to @jcomas to Home Assistant research and @melkati @roberbike @danielbernalb @lemeit for CanAirIO Sensors library improvements and tests.
2021-12-06 13:59:19 +0100 e6c11e1 Merge branch 'fix_crash_issue_121' into release
rev589 v0.7.3
Anaire MQTT integration
New integration with Anaire cloud, for have fast public CO2 station for share.
- Added section for Anaire launcher
- Added frontend for Home Assistant (not working yet)
- Some preferences getter refactors
- Tested with real devices (CanAirIO device rev841)
2021-11-20 14:06:42 +0100 1d35510 Merge branch 'mqtt_esphome' into release