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Releases: kiriDevs/kiriCore

pre-release 0.9.1

29 Nov 06:21
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pre-release 0.9.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-api from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 by @dependabot in #19
  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 by @dependabot in #20
  • build(deps): Bump annotations from 20.1.0 to 21.0.0 by @dependabot in #21
  • build(deps): Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #22
  • build(deps): Bump annotations from 21.0.0 to 21.0.1 by @dependabot in #23
  • build(deps): Bump annotations from 21.0.1 to 22.0.0 by @dependabot in #24
  • build(deps): Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #25
  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-api from 5.7.2 to 5.8.1 by @dependabot in #28
  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.7.2 to 5.8.1 by @dependabot in #29
  • build(deps): Bump annotations from 22.0.0 to 23.0.0 by @dependabot in #30
  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-api from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2 by @dependabot in #31
  • build(deps-dev): Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2 by @dependabot in #32
  • v0.9.1 by @kiriDevs in #33

Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1

pre-release 0.9.0

13 May 11:19
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pre-release 0.9.0 Pre-release

New features for users

New command /pvp

  • /pvp
    • Requires permission kiri.core.pvp.query
    • Displays the current global PVP status
  • /pvp <y/yes/on/true>
    • Requires permission kiri.core.pvp.modify
    • Changes the global PVP status to allow PVP
  • /pvp <n/no/off/false>
    • Requires permission kiri.core.pvp.modify
    • Changes the global PVP status to disallow PVP
  • While the global PVP status is set to disallow PVP, no Player will be able to hurt another Player and will get a message that PVP is disabled when tried.

API Changes

  • New class: de.kiridevs.kiricore.managers.PvpManager
    • Manages the global PVP state and allows for modification via public and static API methods
    • PvpManager#getAllowPvp() returns a boolean based on if PVP is currently allowed or not
    • PvpManager#setAllowPvp(boolean doAllowPvp) changes the current global PVP status and fires a ChangeAllowPvpStatusEvent
  • New class:
    • An event fired by the PvpManager whenever the global PVP status is changed.
    • Use getNewPvpState() to get the new global PVP state

For more information view the javadocs attached to this release in the file kiricore-0.9.0-javadoc.jar!

pre-release 0.8.0

08 May 12:20
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pre-release 0.8.0 Pre-release
  • /rename Now allows for custom colors using & as color coding character. (#15)
    • Color codes are not counted towards the 35 character limit

pre-release 0.7.2

08 May 12:20
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pre-release 0.7.2 Pre-release
  • /rename now allows names with exactly 35 characters, not only 34 as before.

pre-release 0.7.1

29 Mar 16:10
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pre-release 0.7.1 Pre-release

Minor style improvements. See commits 5dd17a6..a01f3fc.

pre-release 0.7.0

05 Feb 23:42
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pre-release 0.7.0 Pre-release

A lot of smaller changes happened. To see them, please check the commit history, I really don't feel like going through all of them and I don't have a tool to auto-create these changelogs. Anyways, this release is mainly to sync GitHub and Maven up - the 0.6.0 on Maven is only like 5 commits behind on master, 0.6.0 on GitHub more than 50. This release is also the first test for my dual-release action, which should automatically publish the code currently in the repo at the point of this release to Maven Central.

pre-release 0.6.0

16 Dec 17:01
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pre-release 0.6.0 Pre-release

Changes since 0.5.0

  • Players will now be automatically marked and announced as back when moving
  • Players will now be automatically marked and announced as back when chatting
  • Players will no longer be announced as back when leaving the server
  • And, as always: Changed version numbers, with love, by hand
    • plugin.yml: 0.5.0 -> version: 0.6.0
    • [0.5.0] -> [Current version: 0.6.0]

pre-release 0.5.0

16 Dec 15:36
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pre-release 0.5.0 Pre-release

Changes since 0.4.0

  • Fixing indents of bullet points in
  • Unifying starting cases of command classes after the CMD
  • Adding a getter for the list of all AFK players (playernames) to AfkManager
  • Added an afklist command
    • Prints a list of all players marked as AFK at the moment
    • permission: 0.5.0
  • And, as always: Changed version numbers, with love, by hand
    • plugin.yml: 0.4.0 -> version: 0.5.0
    • [0.4.0] -> [Current version: 0.5.0]

pre-release 0.4.0

15 Dec 13:47
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pre-release 0.4.0 Pre-release

Changes from 0.3.1:

  • Revamped the message system
    • I hope localizing messages will be easier with this new system
    • I also hope this will path the way for an easy localizing tool to be added later on
  • Updated all commands and listeners who were sending messages before to use the new messaging system
  • And, as always: Changed version numbers, with love, by hand
    • plugin.yml: version 0.3.1 -> version: 0.4.0
    • [Current version: 0.3.1] -> [Current version: 0.4.0]

pre-release 0.3.1

13 Dec 22:26
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pre-release 0.3.1 Pre-release

Changes from 0.3.0

  • Specified an api-version in plugin.yml
    • api-version: 1.16 - Earlier Minecraft versions might still be able to work with the plugin, but won't receive active support
  • Changed to include the new /rename command
  • And, as always: Changed version numbers, with love, by hand
    • plugin.yml: version: 0.3.0 -> version: 0.3.1
    • [Current version: 0.3.0] -> [Current version: 0.3.1]