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chore: Split out the finishing tactic aspect of simp_mem into mem_omega [2/?] #231

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Oct 29, 2024
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64 changes: 56 additions & 8 deletions Arm/Memory/Common.lean
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Expand Up @@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ inductive Hypothesis
| pairwiseSeparate (proof : MemPairwiseSeparateProof e)
| read_eq (proof : ReadBytesEqProof)

def Hypothesis.isPairwiseSeparate : Hypothesis → Bool
| .pairwiseSeparate _ => true
| _ => false

def Hypothesis.proof : Hypothesis → Expr
| .pairwiseSeparate proof => proof.h
Expand All @@ -245,17 +248,35 @@ instance : ToMessageData Hypothesis where

/-- create a trace node in trace class (i.e. `set_option traceClass true`),
with header `header`, whose default collapsed state is `collapsed`. -/
def TacticM.withTraceNode' (header : MessageData) (k : TacticM α)
def TacticM.withTraceNode'
[Monad m]
[MonadTrace m]
[MonadLiftT IO m]
[MonadRef m]
[AddMessageContext m]
[MonadOptions m]
[always : MonadAlwaysExcept ε m]
[MonadLiftT BaseIO m]
(header : MessageData) (k : m α)
(collapsed : Bool := false)
(traceClass : Name := ` : TacticM α :=
(traceClass : Name := ` : m α :=
Lean.withTraceNode traceClass (fun _ => return header) k (collapsed := collapsed)

/-- Create a trace note that folds `header` with `(NOTE: can be large)`,
and prints `msg` under such a trace node. Collapsed by default.
def TacticM.traceLargeMsg (header : MessageData) (msg : MessageData) : TacticM Unit := do
def TacticM.traceLargeMsg
[Monad m]
[MonadTrace m]
[MonadLiftT IO m]
[MonadRef m]
[AddMessageContext m]
[MonadOptions m]
[always : MonadAlwaysExcept ε m]
[MonadLiftT BaseIO m]
(header : MessageData)
(msg : MessageData) : m Unit := do
withTraceNode' m!"{header} (NOTE: can be large)" (collapsed := true) do
-- | TODO: change trace class?
trace[] msg

Expand All @@ -270,15 +291,14 @@ def omega (bvToNatSimpCtx : Simp.Context) (bvToNatSimprocs : Array Simp.Simprocs
trace[] "{goal}"
-- @bollu: TODO: understand what precisely we are recovering from.
withoutRecover do
evalTactic (← `(tactic| bv_omega_bench))
evalTactic (← `(tactic| bv_omega_bench))

Introduce a new definition into the local context, simplify it using `simp`,
and return the FVarId of the new definition in the goal.
def simpAndIntroDef (name : String) (hdefVal : Expr) : TacticM FVarId := do
withMainContext do

let name ← mkFreshUserName <| .mkSimple name
let goal ← getMainGoal
let hdefTy ← inferType hdefVal
Expand All @@ -301,7 +321,7 @@ def simpAndIntroDef (name : String) (hdefVal : Expr) : TacticM FVarId := do
let hdefVal ← simpResult.mkCast hdefVal
let hdefTy ← inferType hdefVal

let goal ← goal.define name hdefTy hdefVal
let goal ← goal.assert name hdefTy hdefVal
let (fvar, goal) ← goal.intro1P
replaceMainGoal [goal]
return fvar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,7 +428,7 @@ partial def MemPairwiseSeparateProof.ofExpr? (e : Expr) : Option MemPairwiseSepa
/-- Match an expression `h` to see if it's a useful hypothesis. -/
def hypothesisOfExpr (h : Expr) (hyps : Array Hypothesis) : MetaM (Array Hypothesis) := do
let ht ← inferType h
trace[] "{processingEmoji} Processing '{h}' : '{toString ht}'"
trace[] "{processingEmoji} Processing '{h}' : '{ht}'"
if let .some sep := MemSeparateProp.ofExpr? ht then
let proof : MemSeparateProof sep := ⟨h⟩
let hyps := hyps.push (.separate proof)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,4 +769,32 @@ def proveWithOmega? {α : Type} [ToMessageData α] [OmegaReducible α] (e : α)
return none
end ReductionToOmega

simplify the goal state, closing legality, subset, and separation goals,
and simplifying all other expressions. return `true` if goal has been closed, and `false` otherwise.
partial def closeMemSideCondition (g : MVarId)
(bvToNatSimpCtx : Simp.Context) (bvToNatSimprocs : Array Simp.Simprocs)
(hyps : Array Memory.Hypothesis) : TacticM Bool := do
g.withContext do
trace[] "{processingEmoji} Matching on ⊢ {← g.getType}"
let gt ← g.getType
if let .some e := MemLegalProp.ofExpr? gt then
TacticM.withTraceNode' m!"Matched on ⊢ {e}. Proving..." do
if let .some proof ← proveWithOmega? e bvToNatSimpCtx bvToNatSimprocs hyps then
g.assign proof.h
if let .some e := MemSubsetProp.ofExpr? gt then
TacticM.withTraceNode' m!"Matched on ⊢ {e}. Proving..." do
if let .some proof ← proveWithOmega? e bvToNatSimpCtx bvToNatSimprocs hyps then
g.assign proof.h
if let .some e := MemSeparateProp.ofExpr? gt then
TacticM.withTraceNode' m!"Matched on ⊢ {e}. Proving..." do
if let .some proof ← proveWithOmega? e bvToNatSimpCtx bvToNatSimprocs hyps then
g.assign proof.h
return ← g.isAssigned

end Tactic.Memory
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions Arm/Memory/MemOmega.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
Copyright (c) 2024, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author(s): Siddharth Bhat

In this file, we define proof automation for separation conditions of memory.

import Arm
import Arm.Memory.MemoryProofs
import Arm.BitVec
import Arm.Memory.Attr
import Arm.Memory.AddressNormalization
import Lean
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Rewrite
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Rewrites
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Conv
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Conv.Basic
import Tactics.Simp
import Tactics.BvOmegaBench
import Arm.Memory.Common

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Memory

namespace MemOmega

structure Config where
If true, then MemOmega will explode uses of pairwiseSeparate [mem₁, ... memₙ]
into O(n^2) separation conditions.
explodePairwiseSeparate : Bool := false

/-- Edit the config for mem_omega! -/
def Config.mkBang (c : Config) : Config :=
{ c with explodePairwiseSeparate := true }

/-- Context for the `SimpMemM` monad, containing the user configurable options. -/
structure Context where
/-- User configurable options for `simp_mem`. -/
cfg : Config
/-- Cache of `bv_toNat` simp context. -/
bvToNatSimpCtx : Simp.Context
/-- Cache of `bv_toNat` simprocs. -/
bvToNatSimprocs : Array Simp.Simprocs

namespace Context

def init (cfg : Config) : MetaM Context := do
let (bvToNatSimpCtx, bvToNatSimprocs) ←
(config := {failIfUnchanged := false})
-- Also use `mem_{legal', subset', separate'}.iff_omega to unfold definitions that
-- occur inside compound expressions, such as (mem_subset' .. ∨ mem_subset' ..)
-- (thms := #[``mem_legal'.iff_omega, ``mem_subset'.iff_omega, ``mem_separate'.iff_omega])
(simp_attrs := #[`bv_toNat])
(useDefaultSimprocs := false)
return {cfg, bvToNatSimpCtx, bvToNatSimprocs}
end Context

abbrev MemOmegaM := (ReaderT Context TacticM)

namespace MemOmegaM

def run (ctx : Context) (x : MemOmegaM α) : TacticM α := x ctx

end MemOmegaM

def memOmegaTac : MemOmegaM Unit := do
let g ← getMainGoal
g.withContext do
/- We need to explode all pairwise separate hyps -/
let rawHyps ← getLocalHyps
let mut hyps := #[]
-- extract out structed values for all hyps.
for h in rawHyps do
hyps ← hypothesisOfExpr h hyps

-- only enable pairwise constraints if it is enabled.
let isPairwiseEnabled := (← readThe Context).cfg.explodePairwiseSeparate
hyps := hyps.filter (!·.isPairwiseSeparate || isPairwiseEnabled)

-- used specialized procedure that doesn't unfold everything for the easy case.
if ← closeMemSideCondition (← getMainGoal) (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimpCtx (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimprocs hyps then
return ()
-- in the bad case, just rip through everything.
-- let _ ← Hypothesis.addOmegaFactsOfHyps (hyps.toList.filter (fun h => h.isPairwiseSeparate)) #[]
let _ ← Hypothesis.addOmegaFactsOfHyps hyps.toList #[]

TacticM.withTraceNode' m!"Reducion to omega" do
TacticM.traceLargeMsg m!"goal (Note: can be large)" m!"{← getMainGoal}"
omega (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimpCtx (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimprocs
trace[] "{checkEmoji} `omega` succeeded."
catch e =>
trace[] "{crossEmoji} `omega` failed with error:\n{e.toMessageData}"

Allow elaboration of `MemOmegaConfig` arguments to tactics.
declare_config_elab elabMemOmegaConfig MemOmega.Config

The `mem_omega` tactic is a finishing tactic which is used to dispatch memory side conditions.
Broadly, the algorithm works as follows:
- It scans the set of hypotheses for `mem_separate`, `mem_subset`, and `mem_legal` hypotheses, and turns them into `omega` based information.
- It calls `omega` as a finishing tactic to close the current goal state.
- Cruicially, it **does not unfold** `pairwiseSeparate` constraints. We expect the user to do so. If they want `pairwiseSeparate` unfolded, then please use `mem_omega!`.
syntax (name := mem_omega) "mem_omega" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? : tactic

The `mem_omega!` tactic is a finishing tactic, that is a more aggressive variant of `mem_omega`.
syntax (name := mem_omega_bang) "mem_omega!" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? : tactic

@[tactic mem_omega]
def evalMemOmega : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| mem_omega $[$cfg]?) => do
let cfg ← elabMemOmegaConfig (mkOptionalNode cfg) (← Context.init cfg)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

@[tactic mem_omega_bang]
def evalMemOmegaBang : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| mem_omega! $[$cfg]?) => do
let cfg ← elabMemOmegaConfig (mkOptionalNode cfg) (← Context.init cfg.mkBang)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

end MemOmega
37 changes: 28 additions & 9 deletions Arm/Memory/Separate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ theorem mem_legal'.omega_def (h : mem_legal' a n) : a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64 := h

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_legal'`. -/
theorem mem_legal'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (n : Nat) :
(a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64) ↔ mem_legal' a n := by
mem_legal' a n ↔ (a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64) := by
· intros h
apply mem_legal'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_legal'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_legal' a n) :=
if h : a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64 then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,14 +341,15 @@ theorem mem_separate'.of_omega

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_separate'`. -/
theorem mem_separate'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_separate' a an b bn ↔
(a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧
(a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) ↔ mem_separate' a an b bn := by
(a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) := by
· intros h
apply mem_separate'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_separate'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_separate' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ (a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,15 +431,16 @@ constructor

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_subset'`. -/
theorem mem_subset'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_subset' a an b bn ↔
(a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧
a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) ↔ mem_subset' a an b bn := by
a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) := by
· intros h
apply mem_subset'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_subset'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_subset' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧ a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,4 +689,21 @@ def Memory.Region.separate'_of_pairwiseSeprate_of_mem_of_mem
· simp only [List.get?_eq_getElem?, ha]
· simp only [List.get?_eq_getElem?, hb]

Convenient API to extract out a separate proof from a Memory.Region.pairwiseSeparate.
Proof obligations are given by `decide` to allow the API to be used as follows:

let h := mem.pairwiseSeparate [(a, na), (b, nb), (c, nc)]
let h01 := h.get 0 1
def Memory.Region.pairwiseSeparate.get
(h : Memory.Region.pairwiseSeparate mems)
(i j : Nat)
(hi : i < mems.length := by simp)
(hj : j < mems.length := by simp)
(hij : i ≠ j := by omega) :
mem_separate' mems[i].fst mems[i].snd mems[j].fst mems[j].snd := by
apply Memory.Region.separate'_of_pairwiseSeprate_of_mem_of_mem h i j hij <;> simp

end NewDefinitions