- 内存调试工具jhook仅用约800行核心代码就实现了valgrind约26000行代码实现的memcheck的核心功能,无需重新编译程序即可完成内存越界分析和内存泄漏分析。
- 代码注入的实现原理是使用
在程序运行前优先加载的指定的动态库,这个库中重新定义堆分配释放函数,加入调试和统计钩子。 - 内存越界分析的核心思想是分配内存时多分配一些内存,在尾部内存处memset成校验字节,如果检测到尾部校验字节不对,就判定为内存有越界。
- 内存泄漏分析的核心思想是以“分配大小和函数调用栈”为锚点,分配的内存指针挂载在锚点上,从而统计指定锚点分配了多少次,释放了多少次,如果“分配减释放”的值一直在增大,则判定该位置存在内存泄漏。
- 代码注入的实现原理是使用
- 内存调试工具jhook根据记录统计数据的数据结构,有两个实现,两者的功能和接口是完全一致的,选择其中一个实现即可。
: 由jlisthook.c
: 由jtreehook.c
注:用户也可以使用开源工具 valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all <bin>
- 使用jhook检测的内存泄漏
$ make O=obj check_cycle=10 check_unwind=y check_depth=10 # 编译选项
$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/lengjing/data/jcore/obj/libjtreehook.so ./yyjson twitter.json 1
[mut] read=3 parse=3 format=3 unformat=2
size alloc free diff addr
1024 1 0 1 0x7f936fd1dd04:(_IO_file_doallocate+0x94) | 0x7f936fd2ded0:(_IO_doallocbuf+0x50) | 0x7f936fd2cf30:(_IO_file_overflow+0x1b0) | 0x7f936fd2b6b5:(_IO_file_xsputn+0xe5) | 0x7f936fd12972:(psiginfo+0x13512) | 0x7f936fdca27b:(__printf_chk+0xab) | 0x55895411646f:(main+0x20f) | 0x7f936fcc0083:(__libc_start_main+0xf3) | 0x55895411663e:(_start+0x2e)
631518 1 0 1 0x55895411d290:(yyjson_read_opts+0xb0) | 0x558954116358:(main+0xf8) | 0x7f936fcc0083:(__libc_start_main+0xf3) | 0x55895411663e:(_start+0x2e)
631632 1 0 1 0x55895411d64e:(yyjson_read_opts+0x46e) | 0x558954116358:(main+0xf8) | 0x7f936fcc0083:(__libc_start_main+0xf3) | 0x55895411663e:(_start+0x2e)
----------- total=1264174 peak=3894705 -----------
- 使用valgrind检测的内存泄漏
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./yyjson twitter.json 1
==240599== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==240599== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==240599== Using Valgrind-3.15.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==240599== Command: ./yyjson twitter.json 1
[mut] read=14 parse=27 format=19 unformat=14
==240599== HEAP SUMMARY:
==240599== in use at exit: 1,263,150 bytes in 2 blocks
==240599== total heap usage: 57 allocs, 55 frees, 7,069,897 bytes allocated
==240599== 631,518 bytes in 1 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 1 of 2
==240599== at 0x483B7F3: malloc (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==240599== by 0x11028F: yyjson_read_opts (in /home/lengjing/data/test/yyjson)
==240599== by 0x109357: main (in /home/lengjing/data/test/yyjson)
==240599== 1,263,150 (631,632 direct, 631,518 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 2
==240599== at 0x483B7F3: malloc (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==240599== by 0x11064D: yyjson_read_opts (in /home/lengjing/data/test/yyjson)
==240599== by 0x109357: main (in /home/lengjing/data/test/yyjson)
==240599== LEAK SUMMARY:
==240599== definitely lost: 631,632 bytes in 1 blocks
==240599== indirectly lost: 631,518 bytes in 1 blocks
==240599== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==240599== still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==240599== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==240599== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==240599== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
make O=obj check_cycle=10 check_tofile=n check_unwind=n check_depth=1
- IMake 变量
- O=xxx: 指定编译输出目录
- DESTDIR=xxx: 指定安装目录
- DEPDIR=xxx: 指定依赖包的根目录
- 私有变量
- check_cycle=N: check_cycle为几秒检测一次,默认为10s
- make传入此变量会创建一个线程每N秒检测一次内存情况,否则线程空转不检测
- check_tofile=<y|n>: 输出到文件还是终端,默认是n,输出到文件
- 设置为
- 设置为
- check_unwind=<y|n>: 是否使用libunwind记录栈信息,默认是n,没有依赖其它包,不会记录函数名和偏移量
- 设置为
时需要依赖 libunwind
- 设置为
- check_depth=N: 记录的调用栈深度,默认值为1
- 如果check_unwind未设置为y,check_depth为1时使用__builtin_return_address记录,大于1时使用backtrace记录
- check_cycle=N: check_cycle为几秒检测一次,默认为10s
* @brief 初始化内存调试管理结构
* @param tail_num [IN] 尾部校验字节的个数,最大256,用于检测是否越界,可设置为0表示不检测越界
* @return 成功返回0; 失败返回-1
* @note 无
int jhook_init(int tail_num);
* @brief 反初始化内存调试管理结构
* @param 无参数
* @return 无返回值
* @note 无
void jhook_uninit(void);
* @brief 开始内存调试
* @param 无参数
* @return 无返回值
* @note 开始内存调试才会记录内存分配信息
void jhook_start(void);
* @brief 停止内存调试
* @param 无参数
* @return 无返回值
* @note 停止内存调试会清空所有内存分配信息
void jhook_stop(void);
* @brief 检查是否有内存越界
* @param 无参数
* @return 无返回值
* @note 此功能jhook_init时需要传入非0的tail_num
void jhook_check_bound(void);
* @brief 检查内存使用情况,查看是否有内存泄漏
* @param choice [IN] 检测打印节点信息的方式:0 未释放且有变化; 1 有变化; 2 未释放; 3 所有;
* >3 未释放数大于choice; < 0 未释放数大于-choice且有变化
* @return 无返回值
* @note "未释放"指malloc和free不相等,"有变化"指这段时间有过alloc和free
void jhook_check_leak(int choice);
* @brief 修改高频检测选项
* @param dup_flag [IN] 是否高频检测当前的ptr和记录的ptr重复,即使用了debug的接口分配了内存,但没有使用jheap_free_debug释放
* @param bound_flag [IN] 是否高频检测记录的内存有越界
* @return 无返回值
* @note 高频检测指每次分配内存时都检测,显著降低性能
void jhook_set_flag(int dup_flag, int bound_flag);
* @brief 修改线程检测内存方式
* @param check_flag [IN] 是否在线程中检测内存情况
* @param check_count [IN] 线程中多长时间检测一次内存情况,为0时不修改
* @return 无返回值
* @note 线程中检测每 10ms*check_count 检测一次
void jhook_set_check(int check_flag, int check_count);
* @brief 修改记录栈调用的方法
* @param method [IN] 栈调用记录方式,0: 使用__builtin_return_address记录; 1: 使用backtrace记录
* @return 无返回值
* @note __builtin_return_address: 只记录1层栈调用,速度较快,但对应C++来说,1层调用都是new,不好分析
* backtrace: 只记录2层调用,速度较较慢,由于backtrace内部调用malloc,需要临时关闭记录,可能造成记录遗漏
void jhook_set_method(int method);
* @brief 修改要跟踪的内存的范围
* @param min_limit [IN] 纳入统计的堆内存分配大小下限
* @param max_limit [IN] 纳入统计的堆内存分配大小上限
* @return 无返回值
* @note 修改范围只跟踪指定范围大小的内存,提升性能
void jhook_set_limit(size_t min_limit, size_t max_limit);
- jhook检查可以不用gdb,直接监测内存的变化,如下例子编译运行
$ make O=obj check_cycle=10
$ LD_PRELOAD=obj/libjtreehook.so curl www.bing.com
size alloc free diff addr
12 15 1 14 0x7f88e131438f
16 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b8d1f
16 3 0 3 0x7f88e13b915a
20 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b8e45
22 2 0 2 0x7f88e13b8e45
23 3 0 3 0x7f88e13b8e45
24 3 0 3 0x7f88e138ef94
24 3 0 3 0x7f88e13b890e
24 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b8e45
25 3 0 3 0x7f88e13b8e45
26 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b8e45
32 1 0 1 0x7f88e1313ca0
38 1 0 1 0x7f88e15685b8
38 1 0 1 0x7f88e157a5df
40 1 0 1 0x7f88e15685b8
40 1 0 1 0x7f88e157a5df
48 1 0 1 0x7f88e15685b8
48 1 0 1 0x7f88e157a5df
51 4 0 4 0x7f88e13b83f7
52 2 0 2 0x7f88e13b83f7
54 10 0 10 0x7f88e13b83f7
56 2 0 2 0x7f88e13b83f7
56 1 0 1 0x7f88e156ac4a
62 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b83f7
72 2 0 2 0x7f88e156ac4a
80 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
88 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
88 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b6d7f
104 4 0 4 0x7f88e12a6a4f
112 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
116 1 0 1 0x7f88e1313f55
120 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
120 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a737a
168 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
192 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
192 2 0 2 0x7f88e156e31d
216 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
240 1 0 1 0x7f88e156e31d
281 1 0 1 0x7f88e12a55c8
336 1 0 1 0x7f88e156f9db
432 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
776 1 0 1 0x7f88e12a6a4f
784 1 0 1 0x7f88e12a6a4f
1200 1 0 1 0x7f88e1568284
1202 1 0 1 0x7f88e1568284
1210 1 0 1 0x7f88e1568284
1336 2 0 2 0x7f88e12a6a4f
1560 1 0 1 0x7f88e13b2775
----------- total=17485 peak=336755 -----------
- 使用libunwind记录栈信息
$ make O=obj check_cycle=10 check_unwind=y check_depth=2
$ LD_PRELOAD=obj/libjtreehook.so curl www.bing.com
size alloc free diff addr
12 12 0 12 0x7f4ba141038f:(__strdup+0x1f) | 0x7f4ba13a1948:(setlocale+0x268)
12 2 0 2 0x7f4ba141038f:(__strdup+0x1f) | 0x7f4ba13a3395:(setlocale+0x1cb5)
16 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b4d1f:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x25f) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
16 3 0 3 0x7f4ba14b515a:(__nss_lookup_function+0xca) | 0x7f4ba14754bf:(sched_setaffinity+0x1c7f)
20 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
22 2 0 2 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
23 3 0 3 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
24 3 0 3 0x7f4ba148af94:(tsearch+0x1c4) | 0x7f4ba14b50f1:(__nss_lookup_function+0x61)
24 3 0 3 0x7f4ba14b490e:(__gai_sigqueue+0x68e) | 0x7f4ba14b5179:(__nss_lookup_function+0xe9)
24 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
25 3 0 3 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
26 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b4e45:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x385) | 0x7f4ba147627c:(sched_setaffinity+0x2a3c)
32 1 0 1 0x7f4ba140fca0:(__libc_dynarray_emplace_enlarge+0xe0) | 0x7f4ba14b3faf:(__resolv_context_put+0x138f)
38 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16655b8:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x2528) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
38 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16775df:(_dl_catch_error+0x189f) | 0x7f4ba1671a92:(_dl_exception_free+0x832)
40 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16655b8:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x2528) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
40 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16775df:(_dl_catch_error+0x189f) | 0x7f4ba1671a92:(_dl_exception_free+0x832)
48 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16655b8:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x2528) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
48 1 0 1 0x7f4ba16775df:(_dl_catch_error+0x189f) | 0x7f4ba1671a92:(_dl_exception_free+0x832)
51 4 0 4 0x7f4ba14b43f7:(__gai_sigqueue+0x177) | 0x7f4ba14b4e6c:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x3ac)
52 2 0 2 0x7f4ba14b43f7:(__gai_sigqueue+0x177) | 0x7f4ba14b4e6c:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x3ac)
54 10 0 10 0x7f4ba14b43f7:(__gai_sigqueue+0x177) | 0x7f4ba14b4e6c:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x3ac)
56 2 0 2 0x7f4ba14b43f7:(__gai_sigqueue+0x177) | 0x7f4ba14b4e6c:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x3ac)
56 1 0 1 0x7f4ba1667c4a:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x4bba) | 0x7f4ba166ddb0:(_dl_find_dso_for_object+0x920)
62 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b43f7:(__gai_sigqueue+0x177) | 0x7f4ba14b4e6c:(__nss_database_lookup2+0x3ac)
72 2 0 2 0x7f4ba1667c4a:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x4bba) | 0x7f4ba166ddb0:(_dl_find_dso_for_object+0x920)
80 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
88 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
88 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14b2d7f:(__resolv_context_put+0x15f) | 0x7f4ba14b3428:(__resolv_context_put+0x808)
104 4 0 4 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
112 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
116 1 0 1 0x7f4ba140ff55:(__libc_alloc_buffer_allocate+0x15) | 0x7f4ba14b3849:(__resolv_context_put+0xc29)
120 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
120 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a337a:(setlocale+0x1c9a) | 0x7f4ba13a21ce:(setlocale+0xaee)
168 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
192 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
192 2 0 2 0x7f4ba166b31d:(_dl_debug_state+0x113d) | 0x7f4ba166e0fd:(_dl_find_dso_for_object+0xc6d)
216 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
240 1 0 1 0x7f4ba166b31d:(_dl_debug_state+0x113d) | 0x7f4ba166e0fd:(_dl_find_dso_for_object+0xc6d)
281 1 0 1 0x7f4ba13a15c8:(__gconv_destroy_spec+0x178) | 0x7f4ba13a1e58:(setlocale+0x778)
352 1 0 1 0x7f4ba166c9db:(_dl_allocate_tls+0x2b) | 0x7f4ba156c323:(pthread_create+0xa53)
432 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
776 1 0 1 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
784 1 0 1 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
1200 1 0 1 0x7f4ba1665284:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x21f4) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
1202 1 0 1 0x7f4ba1665284:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x21f4) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
1210 1 0 1 0x7f4ba1665284:(_dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x21f4) | 0x7f4ba165ee97:(_dl_catch_error+0x0)
1336 2 0 2 0x7f4ba13a2a4f:(setlocale+0x136f) | 0x7f4ba13a33f4:(setlocale+0x1d14)
1560 1 0 1 0x7f4ba14ae775:(__idna_from_dns_encoding+0x925) | 0x7f4ba1477a69:(getaddrinfo+0xa19)
----------- total=17501 peak=336771 -----------
记录2层调用- 启动方式也可以如下(推荐)
$ gdb ./jini_test # 正常启动gdb (gdb) set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libjtreehook.so # 设置环境变量 (gdb) set args <xxx> # 设置程序运行的参数
$ make O=obj check_depth=2
$ gdb --args env LD_PRELOAD=./libjtreehook.so ./jini_test
(gdb) b main # 在main函数断点,准备初始化统计结构信息
Function "main" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (main) pending.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/bin/env LD_PRELOAD=./libjtreehook.so ./jini_test
process 31255 is executing new program: /home/lengjing/data/jcore/obj/jini_test
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000555555555340 in main ()
(gdb) call jhook_init(0) # 初始化统计结构信息,0表示无需校验字节,不进行越界分析,其它值表示尾部校验字节的个数
$1 = 0
(gdb) call jhook_start() # 开始统计
(gdb) call jhook_set_method(1) # 修改栈调用记录方法,改为使用backtrace记录两层调用
(gdb) b jhook_delptr # 在某个观察点设置断点,运行统计函数
Breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7fc35e8: file jtreehook.c, line 426.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, jhook_delptr (ptr=0x816938a99eac5200) at jtreehook.c:426
426 {
(gdb) call jhook_check_leak(0) # 统计信息,0为选项,内存泄漏主要是用选项0,看diff是否一直在增加
size alloc free diff addr
2 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x55555555542e
2 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x55555555544b
3 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x555555555411
5 1 0 1 0x555555555cce|0x555555555411
5 1 0 1 0x555555555cce|0x5555555570cb
5 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x5555555570cb
6 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x555555555411
6 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x55555555542e
6 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x55555555544b
6 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x555555555468
6 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x555555555485
8 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x5555555553d7
8 1 0 1 0x555555555d33|0x5555555570cb
9 1 0 1 0x55555555667b|0x555555555351
10 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x555555555468
10 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x555555555485
13 1 0 1 0x555555555e82|0x5555555553d7
14 1 0 1 0x555555556045|0x555555555494
32 1 0 1 0x555555555cba|0x555555555411
32 1 0 1 0x555555555cba|0x5555555570cb
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x5555555553d7
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x555555555411
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x55555555542e
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x55555555544b
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x555555555468
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x555555555485
32 1 0 1 0x555555555d1f|0x5555555570cb
32 1 0 1 0x555555556616|0x555555555351
48 1 0 1 0x555555557122|0x555555556085
1024 1 0 1 0x7ffff7e38d04|0x7ffff7e48ed0
8192 1 0 1 0x555555557136|0x555555556085
----------- total=9708 peak=9708 -----------
(gdb) x /x 0x555555557136 # 查看第1层栈调用的位置
0x555555557136 <jfcache_open+70>: 0x24448949
(gdb) x /x 0x555555556085 # 查看第2层栈调用的位置
0x555555556085 <jini_flush+149>: 0x48c58948
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, jhook_delptr (ptr=0x55555555d4a8) at jtreehook.c:426
426 {
(gdb) call jhook_check_leak(1) # 选项1表示距离上次统计,有过alloc/free的节点信息
size alloc free diff addr
8192 1 1 0 0x555555557136|0x555555556085
----------- total=1516 peak=9708 -----------
- 使用
# 上面同样的方法,如果不运行call jhook_set_method(1),统计结果如下:
(gdb) call jhook_check_leak(0)
size alloc free diff addr
2 2 0 2 0x555555555e82
3 1 0 1 0x555555555e82
5 2 0 2 0x555555555cce
5 1 0 1 0x555555555e82
6 5 0 5 0x555555555d33
8 2 0 2 0x555555555d33
9 1 0 1 0x55555555667b
10 2 0 2 0x555555555e82
13 1 0 1 0x555555555e82
14 1 0 1 0x555555556045
32 2 0 2 0x555555555cba
32 7 0 7 0x555555555d1f
32 1 0 1 0x555555556616
48 1 0 1 0x555555557122
1024 1 0 1 0x7ffff7e38d04
8192 1 0 1 0x555555557136
----------- total=9708 peak=9708 -----------
(gdb) x /x 0x555555557136
0x555555557136 <jfcache_open+70>: 0x24448949
静态链接程序使用库函数替换法,链接成静态可执行文件时需要加上链接选项 -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=calloc -Wl,--wrap=realloc -Wl,--wrap=strdup -Wl,--wrap=strndup -ljtreewrap -pthread
,此时会使用自定义的函数 __wrap_xxxx
代替库函数 xxxx
,如果此时要使用真正的库函数,可以使用 __real_xxxx
例如静态编译 LJSON 内存调试,可以如下编译: gcc -o ljson json.c jnum.c json_test.c -O2 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -W -Wall -L/home/lengjing/data/jcore/obj -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=calloc -Wl,--wrap=realloc -Wl,--wrap=strdup -Wl,--wrap=strndup -ljtreewrap -pthread -lm
- 编译资源占用小的调试程序
$ make O=obj check_cycle=10 check_tofile=y
- 导出环境变量,以代码注入方式运行程序
$ export LD_PRELOAD=<jhook_path>/libjtreehook.so
$ ./<cmd>
- 运行一段时间后,查看哪个记录文件表现内存一直在增长
$ grep -n 'total=' `ls -Sr <log_path>/heap_memory_info.*.log`
- 辅助分析手段:对文件进行如下处理,看下哪个节点的内存疑似泄漏
- size和addr相同是同一节点,如果diff值一直增加,表明该节点可能存在内存泄漏
$ grep -E '^[0-9]+ ' heap_memory_info.<pid>.log | nl | sort -k2n -k6 -k1n | cut -f 2-
- 辅助信息手段:查看进程线程相关信息
$ cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline
$ top -Hp <pid>
$ ps -Tlf <pid>
- 修改调试程序源码只监测特定size的内存分配
--- a/jtreehook.c
+++ b/jtreehook.c
@@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ void before_main(void)
jhook_mgr_t *mgr = &s_jhook_mgr;
if (!mgr->inited) {
+ jhook_set_limit(<size>, <size>);
- 如果系统不带
$ autoreconf --install
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=<libunwind install root>
$ make && make install
- 编译记录节点调用栈的函数,调用栈层数可配
$ make O=obj DEPDIR=<libunwind install root> check_cycle=10 check_tofile=y check_unwind=y check_depth=10
- 导出环境变量,以代码注入方式运行程序
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<libunwind.so path>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export LD_PRELOAD=<jhook_path>/libjtreehook.so
$ ./<cmd>
if [ -z $src ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <src>"
exit 1
for line in $(cat $src | sed -e 's/ 0x/\n0x/g' -e 's/ |//g'); do
if [ $(echo "$line" | grep -c "^0x") -eq 1 ]; then
prefix=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '(' -f 1)
suffix=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '(' -f 2 | cut -d '+' -f 2 | cut -d ')' -f 1)
oldfunc=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '(' -f 2 | cut -d '+' -f 1)
newfunc=$(c++filt $oldfunc 2>/dev/null)
echo "$prefix $newfunc+$suffix"
if [ $(echo "$line" | grep -c "^[0-9]") -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\033[33m$line\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[32m$line\033[0m"
- 最终发现下面的内存积攒来不及释放
1640 1072685 375670 697015
0x7f4f024de298: operator new(unsigned long)+0x18
0x7f4eea713bb0: std::__shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_ptr<std::allocator<erizo::DataPacket>, erizo::DataPacket&>(std::_Sp_make_shared_tag, std::allocator<erizo::DataPacket> const&, erizo::DataPacket&)+0x30
0x7f4eea709c4d: erizo::MediaStream::deliverAudioData_(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>)+0x3d
0x7f4eeb535912: owt_base::AudioFramePacketizer::onAdapterData(char*, int)+0x172
0x7f4eeb00ec55: non-virtual thunk to rtc_adapter::AudioSendAdapterImpl::SendRtp(unsigned char const*, unsigned long, webrtc::PacketOptions const&)+0x15
0x7f4eeb11c3c8: webrtc::DEPRECATED_RtpSenderEgress::SendPacketToNetwork(webrtc::RtpPacketToSend const&, webrtc::PacketOptions const&, webrtc::PacedPacketInfo const&)+0x58
0x7f4eeb11cd42: webrtc::DEPRECATED_RtpSenderEgress::SendPacket(webrtc::RtpPacketToSend*, webrtc::PacedPacketInfo const&)+0x252
0x7f4eeb11d087: webrtc::DEPRECATED_RtpSenderEgress::NonPacedPacketSender::EnqueuePackets(std::__1::vector<std::__1::unique_ptr<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend, std::__1::default_delete<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend> >, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::unique_ptr<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend, std::__1::default_delete<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend> > > >)+0x97
0x7f4eeb061e1e: webrtc::RTPSender::SendToNetwork(std::__1::unique_ptr<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend, std::__1::default_delete<webrtc::RtpPacketToSend> >)+0x14e
0x7f4eeb053569: webrtc::RTPSenderAudio::SendAudio(webrtc::AudioFrameType, signed char, unsigned int, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, long)+0x849
1640 753557 495014 258543
0x7f4f024de298: operator new(unsigned long)+0x18
0x7f4eea713bb0: std::__shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_ptr<std::allocator<erizo::DataPacket>, erizo::DataPacket&>(std::_Sp_make_shared_tag, std::allocator<erizo::DataPacket> const&, erizo::DataPacket&)+0x30
0x7f4eea70a25e: erizo::MediaStream::onTransportData(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>, erizo::Transport*)+0x4e
0x7f4eea6ec473: std::_Function_handler<void (std::shared_ptr<erizo::MediaStream> const&), erizo::WebRtcConnection::onTransportData(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>, erizo::Transport*)::{lambda(std::shared_ptr<erizo::MediaStream> const&)#3}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, std::shared_ptr<erizo::MediaStream> const&)+0x103
0x7f4eea6ea882: erizo::WebRtcConnection::forEachMediaStream(std::function<void (std::shared_ptr<erizo::MediaStream> const&)>)+0x62
0x7f4eea6ecb4a: erizo::WebRtcConnection::onTransportData(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>, erizo::Transport*)+0x38a
0x7f4eea6c78f3: erizo::UnencryptedTransport::onIceData(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>)+0x233
0x7f4eea6c3a85: std::_Function_handler<void (), erizo::Transport::onPacketReceived(std::shared_ptr<erizo::DataPacket>)::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&)+0xf5
0x7f4eea7243fd: boost::asio::detail::completion_handler<std::function<void ()> >::do_complete(boost::asio::detail::task_io_service*, boost::asio::detail::task_io_service_operation*, boost::system::error_code const&, unsigned long)+0x7d
0x7f4eea72504b: boost::asio::detail::task_io_service::run(boost::system::error_code&)+0x43b