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Meeting Notes 2023 07 24
Elias Rohrer edited this page Jul 24, 2023
1 revision
- 0.0.116 (https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning/milestone/33)
- On friday, the release got cut
- Bindings not far behind
- Anchors is the headline feature, lots of bug fixes as well ofc
- Anchors is considered beta, should be considered pretty safe but let us know if there are any issues
- Make sure you always have enough onchain funds to cpfp. That’s one thing that’s missing in the current implementation
- Note that wilmer will be doing a livestream with Conor regarding anchors on Thursday
- Hopefully will be able to move quick on a lot of PRs that have built up over the past few weeks that were blocked on 116. Hoping for a quick 117
- 0.0.117 (https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning/milestone/34)
- 0.1 (https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning/milestone/1)
- Developer support
- Payment protocols
- Lots of bolt 12 stuff under review now. It’s shipping in 117!
- Language bindings
- Will need some review here
- Ldk upstream in rust has moved to using associated types for the parameters passed to the scorer, this is an issue for bindings bc there’s no way to do associated types in java/TS/swift so the type for that ends up being hardcoded. A little awkward but probably not noticeable for users
- Taproot support
- There’s a PR open against the spec to modify a couple last things. Also a PR open that converts the channel and its holder signer to be extensible, so that’s the penultimate step to being able to work on TR. working on getting some unit tests to pass
- Anchor outputs
- Mostly covered in the 0.0.116 section
- May want to remove this agenda item or just keep it to remind folks it’s a thing and to provide feedback
- Anchors == done!!
- Nslaney: we’re just about ready to merge LSPS2. Coming soon!
- VSS (Versioned Storage Service)
- Merged the VSS client side, now Gursharan is creating a PR for VSS integration with LDK Node. there’s still some open items regarding that
- There will be a meeting soon to discuss VSS phase 2 with shareholders
- LDK Node
- Elias: Nothing much new, waiting for 116 and now that it’s out we’ll probably do another release soonish, but i want to include some other stuff so it’ll be a week or two out yet
- Dual funding channels
- Duncan: “Noisy here but for dual funding: We had our rgular meet last week and we’re just working through review of interactive transaction PR by Jurvis. I’m currently working on enum channel phase map to reduce channel map lookups. Then back to updating the draft V2 establishment PR. Push for dual-funding support this quarter still 😃”
- Wilmer will be working on splicing, which needs some aspects of DF
- Splicing
- Wilmer: will be catching up on the spec this week, so should have a better idea of everything that needs to happen. I do plan to get the quiescence protocol done for 118
- Timeline wise, we’re thinking Q1 2024 for splicing. DF should be this quarter(?). Optimistically, could be end of Q4 2023.
- VLS (https://gitlab.com/lightning-signer/validating-lightning-signer)
- Devrandom: we’re working on low resource signers/microcontrollers. Doing memory optimization for those environments. Otherwise, we should catch up with 116 soon.
- Ksedgwick: will need to chat about bolt12 signing
- Jeff: the interface for this current PR is where you don’t have a blinded path, so your node id is exposed, and that’s when that signing comes in, whereas if we are deriving it from the metadata this interface is not hit
- To be discussed further offline
- Devrandom: my general approach here is that as much context as possible is nice when we get called, so i’m not sure in which case the invoice is available or some other bolt12 object is available. If it’s not in the actual message, then i guess we would want to see either before this call like with an add_invoice call or as part of the call.
- Jkczyz: the tagged bytes there in the param are essentially the invoice, so you would parse it yourself. I’ll comment on the PR
- Dev: the metadata – just documenting what is the format would be good.
- Jkczyz: might technically be a separate byte array in memory but yea it should be the same. I’ll comment on the PR. we might just drop the param if you're just gonna parse the tlv stream anyway
- Synonym (https://github.com/synonymdev/ldk-node-js)
- Corey: no updates here, just waiting for 116 bindings and excited to test out anchor channels
- Mutiny (https://github.com/MutinyWallet)
- Tony: we launched the open beta a few weeks back, been going pretty well. Been running the 116 alpha, working well. Main concern is client side routing, so we’re doing a probing project rn to ship the scorer bytes to the end user. Every now and then certain users just can’t find any routes anywhere, not sure if related to RGS issue opened a few weeks back (a few thousand channels will fail to update). Besides that, other issue is we may end up doing some ad hoc multiplayer thing with vss, to see if there’s already a device running this node, bc other #1 issue is people restore the same wallet everywhere and have it on multiple browsers, which causes issues.
- Elias says: We just improved logging for excluded candidate hops, so you might get some more insight into that with 116
- Arik: still working on RGS issue, have a PR for that. Hoping to have some updates later this week for you
- c=
- Nslaney: i was going to bring up that Dom had done a PR for persisting a while ago, and it looks like matt/elias just got back to him last night. That’s important to us, dom had already put a way to do it in that PR. highlighting this.
- Elias: i talked to him a while back when he opened te PR, decided we should land it in 117. Unfortunately i didn’t upstream the KVStore yet, but hopefully this/next week it should land. Will be a bunch of work/test adjustments, but then should be able to rebase his PR on top of that and ship in 117 Matt: we’ll also have to have async persistence in 117. That api change also will need to factor in here.
- Lightspark
- Waterson: we updated to 116, went well. Working thru integration stuff. I upstreamed a PR we need for channel creation, dunxen was reviewing, TY.
- Duncan says: Will continue with that reciew today 😃
- Komodo DEX (https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API)
- Lexe
- 2022/07/17 (https://github.com/lightning/bolts/issues/1094)
- New simple coop close is nice, doesn’t have a force close path. It’s a part of TR
- review begs?