关于Hessian的介绍, 维基百科 的说明如下:
Hessian is a binary Web service protocol that makes Web services usable without requiring a large framework, and without learning a new set of protocols[weasel words]. Because it is a binary protocol, it is well-suited to sending binary data without any need to extend the protocol with attachments.
Hessian was developed by Caucho Technology, Inc. The company has released Java, Python and ActionScript for Adobe Flash implementations of Hessian under an open source license (the Apache license). Third-party implementations in several other languages (C++, C#, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Objective-C, D, and Erlang) are also available as open-source.
由于 Hessian 并没有提供源码仓库,因此我将 hessian源码 解压后,源码整理到此仓库中。便于后续的学习。