git clone
cd qtheme
In Arch Linux
makepkg -si
In other distros
python build
python install
To list available themes for qtile and kitty
qtheme -ls
To change the qtile theme
qtheme --theme [theme]
To change the position of the bar
qtheme --position [top/bottom]
You can put the parameters together
qtheme -t nord -p t
To change the terminal theme
qtheme --terminal [theme]
To change the opacity
qtheme --terminal-opacity [opacity-value]
To change the terminal font family
qtheme --terminal-font [font-family]
You can use the parameters together
qtheme -t onedark -To 0.80 -kf "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
You can also use the qtile and kitty parameters
qtheme -t forest -p b -k onedark -ko 1 -kf "Hack Nerd Font"