Releases: manudss/akita-filters-plugin
- Update to last version of Angular
- Compile in Ivy mode
- Split Akita filter plugin and akita mat datasource, in two libs.
What's Changed
- Migrate to last angular version Angular 17 + Compile with angular Ivy and in es2022 tslint target by @manudss in #94
Breaking changes
- minimal required version of angular is now angular 16.
Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v7.0.0
- build: Update to Angular 12
BREAKING CHANGE: need Angular 12
build: migrate from tslint to eslint
🚨 style(eslint): Migrate eslint and fix lint errors
build(libs): Compile libs with ivy, and in es2020 format
BREAKING CHANGE: Es2020 format and with Ivy. Need an angular version that support ivy, minimal angular 11. And supported configuration with ts target es2020
Add release action (#95)
Add release yml
change node version
fix(libs): Compile in partial mode
BREAKING CHANGE: Compile in partials mode of ivy
- feature(akita-filters-mat-datasource): publish mat data source into an external package
BREAKING CHANGE: Akita Mat Datasource, is now published into another npm librarie.
- update to angular 13 and Build in Ivy modes. So this libs should not be fully compatible with previous Angular version.
- Akita filters Mat Datasource is no longer published in the same package o Akita-filter-plugins.
- You need to install it from a separate package
- Imports it from different package
Install the new module akita-filters-mat-datasource
npm install --save akita-filters-mat-datasource
yarn add akita-filters-mat-datasource
Import it with package :
import { AkitaMatDataSource } from 'akita-filters-mat-datasource';
npm page :
ci: Fix packages root for publish libraries
ci: run multiple npm publish
release(version): Release 7.0.0-beta.4 [skip ci]
7.0.0-beta.4 (2022-06-08)
Fix packages root for publish libraries (a0a2068)
run multiple npm publish (cd4ae4c)
fix: Fix extends DataSource error
AkitaMatDatource extended DataSource. But this seems to be a problem in some cases, because DataSource is an abstract class. This can produce this error: TypeError: Class constructor DataSource cannot be invoked without 'new'
This fixes this error, AkitaMatDatource will no longer extend DataSource, it will just be the MatTableDataSourceInterface extends DataSource.
BREAKING CHANGE: AkitaMatDatource will not extends anymore DataSource.
- release(version): Release 7.0.0-beta.5 [skip ci]
7.0.0-beta.5 (2022-06-14)
- Fix extends DataSource error (fc02b7c)
Breaking changes
AkitaMatDatource will not extends anymore DataSource.
fix: Fix extends Akita Filter plugin error : EntityCollectionPlugin cannot be invoked without 'new'
AkitaFiltersPlugin extended EntityCollectionPlugin. But this seems to be a problem in some cases, because EntityCollectionPlugin is an abstract class. This can produce this error: TypeError: EntityCollectionPlugin cannot be invoked without 'new'
This fixes this error,
BREAKING CHANGE: AkitaFiltersPlugin will no longer extend EntityCollectionPlugin, that is not used in the code
- release(version): Release 7.0.0-beta.6 [skip ci]
7.0.0-beta.6 (2022-06-14)
- Fix extends Akita Filter plugin error : EntityCollectionPlugin cannot be invoked without 'new' (c4f1bbd)
Breaking changes
AkitaFiltersPlugin will no longer extend EntityCollectionPlugin, that is not used in the code
fix: update to Angular 13
BREAKING CHANGE: AkitaFiltersPlugin will be generated in last version of Angular Package Format
- test: fix tests executions + update jest
Jest need to be updated to more recent version + update jest config in order to make tests works.
- release(version): Release 7.0.0-beta.7 [skip ci]
7.0.0-beta.7 (2022-09-29)
- update to Angular 13 (05383d3)
- fix tests executions + update jest (8fe3a31)
Breaking changes
AkitaFiltersPlugin will be generated in last version of Angular Package Format
🔧 add volta conf
Update Angular dependencies version 14
This update includes changed dependencies related to Angular, adjusting them to newer versions for improved compatibility. The package-lock.json file has been updated to reflect these changes. Additionally, configuration for Volta, a JavaScript Tool Manager, has been added to the project.
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular 14
- Update Angular material dependencies version 14
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular 14
- Update Angular dependencies version 15
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular 15
- Update Angular materials to dependencies version 15
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular material 15
remove enable ivy
Update Angular dependencies version 16
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular 16
- Update Angular dependencies and material to version 16
migrate to new version of angular material.
Correct tslint config + update
BREAKING-CHANGE : update to version angular 16
- (test): Update project to Angular 16 and Jest
This commit updates the Akita Filters Plugin's Angular dependencies to version 16. there are updates made to improve some eslint config, several package dependencies, and minor tsconfig and test script changes in package.json. Please be aware this is a breaking change because of the Angular version update.
- Update Angular and other dependencies
Upgraded angular from version 16.2.12 to 17.2.1 and made similar updates for other dependencies in package-lock.json. These updates ensure the application is using the latest, most secure versions of these libraries.
BREAKING-CHANGES: migration to angular 17
- Update Angular material to latest versions
The changes made include an upgrade of Angular material from version 16.2.14 to 17.2.0 in the package-lock.json file. .
- Update package dependencies
This commit updates the versions of all dependencies listed in package.json
for the project. Key updates include core-js, ngx-markdown, rxjs, and tslib, along with dev dependencies such as @Angular-devkit,, and eslint. The updated versions ensure we keep up-to-date with bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features from these libraries.
- Update Semantic Release plugins
This commit includes five Semantic Release plugins have also been added to package.json
to automate and customize the project's release process. Changes are reflected in the accompanying updated yarn.lock
- feat: release new major version, update to last version of angular
All previous commits, force update code to last version of angular, t 17
BREAKING CHANGE: minimal required version of angular is now angular 16.
- release(version): Release 7.0.0-beta.8 [skip ci]
7.0.0-beta.8 (2024-02-16)
- release new major version, update to last version of angular (128320a)
Breaking changes
- minimal required version of angular is now angular 16.
Co-authored-by: semantic-release-bot [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Emmanuel DE SAINT STEBAN [email protected]
7.0.0-beta.8 (2024-02-16)
- release new major version, update to last version of angular (128320a)
Breaking changes
- minimal required version of angular is now angular 16.
7.0.0-beta.7 (2022-09-29)
- update to Angular 13 (05383d3)
- fix tests executions + update jest (8fe3a31)
Breaking changes
- AkitaFiltersPlugin will be generated in last version of Angular Package Format
7.0.0-beta.6 (2022-06-14)
- Fix extends Akita Filter plugin error : EntityCollectionPlugin cannot be invoked without 'new' (c4f1bbd)
Breaking changes
- AkitaFiltersPlugin will no longer extend EntityCollectionPlugin, that is not used in the code
7.0.0-beta.5 (2022-06-14)
- Fix extends DataSource error (fc02b7c)
Breaking changes
- AkitaMatDatource will not extends anymore DataSource.
7.0.0-beta.4 (2022-06-08)
7.0.0-beta.3 (2022-06-08)
- akita-filters-mat-datasource: publish mat data source into an external package (2828848)
- akita-filters-mat-datasource: Akita Mat Datasource, is now published into another npm librarie.
- update to angular 13 and Build in Ivy modes. So this libs should not be fully compatible with previous Angular version.
- Akita filters Mat Datasource is no longer published in the same package o Akita-filter-plugins.
- You need to install it from a separate package
- Imports it from different package
Install the new module akita-filters-mat-datasource
npm install --save akita-filters-mat-datasource
yarn add akita-filters-mat-datasource
Import it with package :
import { AkitaMatDataSource } from 'akita-filters-mat-datasource';
npm page :
7.0.0-beta.2 (2022-05-20)
Bug Fixes
- libs: Compile in partial mode (c7f5dd9)
- libs: Compile in partials mode of ivy