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2023.12.02. ver 1.7.2

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@marko98y432ghiwf98y93w4f098 marko98y432ghiwf98y93w4f098 released this 02 Dec 03:11
· 1 commit to master since this release

gui scaling:
repaired     -     font scaling, to be lower in size than supposed to be rectangle
added     -     window fast scale while pressing ctrl and scrolling
added     -     window minimum size in scaling
repaired     -     window location while restoring defaultScale

gui dispose:
repaired     -     gui controls not disposing. 1. added keyword 'using' . 2. added override dispose. 3. control removed from dictionary that contains all controls, so that there is no more reference.

visual studio versions:
added     -     support for 2010, 2012, 2013.
added     -     preprocessor symbols, to disable features gradually for earlier vs versions
added     -     package entry point, not async, for versions prior to 2015

vsix package:    specified dependence .net 4.7.2

project references:

  1.     tried to reduce number of references, to make resulting vsix file as small as possible. only 2019, 2022 vsix files are not minimal in size.
  2.     removed nuGet packages from most of projects: vsSdk, vsSdk.analyzer, vsSdk.buildTools