I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Form Health. In the past, I've worked as a Front-end Web Developer, a Mobile Developer, a DX Engineer (at Cypress.io), a technical reviewer (React Native Cookbook), and an expert witness (which was cool, but I can't talk much about it 😄—attorney-client privilege).
I'm a firm believer of "to teach is to learn twice." That's why I love public speaking and talking about JavaScript, the Web, and stuff that I think is kinda neat. I've given talks at local meetups and conferences like Nodevember and ReactBoston. Feel free to check out all the stuff that I've yapped about.
- 💬 Ask me about React Native, React, TypeScript, or my cat (Arya)
- 🌱 I’ve been dabbling with Go and Python in my free time
- 📫 How to reach me: Message me on LinkedIn
Tech I love: