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Essentials for LiteLoaderBDS
lip install LLEssentials
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Command | Description | Permission |
/gmode <player> <mode(0/1/2/3)> | Change gamemode | OP |
/ban <ban/unban/list> <player> [time(second)] | Ban/unban a player | OP |
/transfer <player> <IP> [port] | Transfer a player to another server | OP |
/helper <reload/update> | Reload config/Check plugin's update | OP |
/skick <player> | Force kick a player from server | OP |
/cname <set/rm> <player> [nickname] | Set nickname for a player | OP |
/vanish | invisibility(only effective for players who can see you) | OP |
/crash <player> | Crash player's client | OP |
/runas <player> <command> | Execute command as target player | OP |
/tps | Query server's TPS | OP |
/item | Show the item info on hand | Player |
Command | Description | Permission |
/tpa <to/here/ac/de/cancel/toggle> [player] | Teleport to a player's location/teleport the player to your location/accept the teleport/refuse the teleport/cancel the teleport/change the status of whether to accept the teleport | Player |
/warp <add/del/go/ls> <warp> | Add a warp/delete warp/go to warp/list warp | OP |
/home <add/del/go/ls> <home> | Add a home/delete home/go home/list home | Player |
/lltpa <reload/update> [isForce: true or false] | Reload config/Check plugin's update | OP |
"language": "en-us",
"max_homes": 3, //The maximum number of homes the player can set
"tpa_timeout": 20000, //tpa request timeout
"tpa_ratelimit": 5000, //tpa request cooldown
"back_enabled": true, //Enable /back command
"suicide_enabled": true//Enable /suicide command