Monte Carlo codes to simulate dipole-dipole interactions and ferroelectric domains in a hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cell.
We have started to work on a more complete description and documentation,
available online:
- Molecular ferroelectric contributions to anomalous hysteresis in hybrid perovskite solar cells APL Materials (2014)
- The dynamics of methylammonium ions in hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells Nature Communications (2015)
- Role of microstructure in the electron–hole interaction of hybrid lead halide perovskites Nature Photonics (2015)
2016 - Extended to 3D, solid solutions, many further analysis tools, electrostatic potentials, Fermi-Dirac/Boltzmann hole/electron populations.
2014-05-31 - Started work on Icarius
Added dependency on libconfig for lightweight config file parsing.
Mac OSX: brew install libconfig
Debian: sudo apt-get install libconfig-dev