This is a fork from spark python examples, where I extracted what needed to read / write from avro files over hdfs
Just for the record : I am an experienced C, C++, python developer, but I have absolutely no experienece in Java / scala. I therefore know nothing in scala or maven. This set of files is very dirty.
I wanted to have a self containted package for reading and writing avro file, I tweaked spark source directory. Hence Spark licence applies here, This is basically a rough extract from spark source code.
I used a pulled request in spark from staslos :
And this was inspired by this topic :
To build :
mvn package
To check what is insided compiled packages
jar tf target/AvroToPythonConverters-1.3.0.jar
For using, I have setup a demo file :
spark-submit --driver-class-path target/AvroToPythonConverters-1.3.0.jar