Hi 👋 I'm a computer enjoyer. This repository contains projects spanning to 2007. Sources before that are lost on defunct zip disks or CDs somewhere. If you have a question about anything, feel free to email!
My 2020 Portfolio tells a better story than this page, so have a look there if you have some free time. The following is a highlighted handful of my projects.
- nanopaint - A work in progress, making a collaborative canvas with infinite resolution. Paint tiny images with atoms!
- mysite2 - A modern 2025 revision of my personal website and blog. The pages are served by a Go app via FastCGI, very friendly with shared-hosting environments. Read more about it on my blog.

- smes - It's not a Super Nintendo; it's the SourceMod Entertainment System! It's playable in the game. Includes support for two player controllers, a console, and cartridge models.
- vg-supermareo - A fun Mario minigame for the SMES. Features a single fast-paced level (this is designed to be played and hopefully completed in a single match of the game). One or two players can play, with the two player mode requiring both to keep up!

- vg-tetris - A fast-paced Tetris game for the SMES. Includes Sprint mode (1-player) and Duel mode (2-player). Trust me, it's fun.
- rxg-plugins - A collection of fun and administrative plugins that we wrote for our servers. Imagine being a visible ghost from Super Mario World to pull players around if they are misbehaving. My favorite is the sm_doom command which essentially sentences a player to a not-so-swift and screaming end. We used that for players found cheating.

SNES development is not for the faint of heart, but making your own game on a cartridge file is a magical experience. I spent my time in 2009 on neat SNES things.
- sneskit - An SNES development it. This project could use some contributors for getting more C support.
- snesmod - An audio library for the SNES with streaming support. Only a few games like Star Ocean do that.
- skipp-and-friends - An SNES game similar to The Lost Vikings. Superb soundtrack composed by #mod_shrine legends like surrashu, madbrain, and coda.
My contributions to the Nintendo Entertainment System's "8-bit" music scene.
- s3m2nsf - A tool for making NES music with S3M tracker modules. Co-authored with the fantastic reduz - creator of the Godot engine.
- it2nsf - A more complex tool that uses IT modules with special MML commands for synthesis.
- supernsf - Mixing and streaming PCM audio on the NES with other channels. Uses 100% of the CPU.
Visit #mod_shrine on EsperNet for tracker module misadventures.

- superwings - A fun GBA game, an overhead shooter with three levels. It uses my Maxmod engine for music and sound.
- maxmod - An audio library written entirely (and regrettably!) in ARM assembly. Targets the GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS, providing IT module playback and sound effects with minimal overhead.

Other older games where I'm not sure where the source code is:
- Bytes - A nibbles game.
- Teraman - Megaman game.
- Adventurer - A platformer about collecting rings and moving red bricks.
Much more exists in here, and I'll add more as I discover it. Hope you find something neat. Most projects are open to contributions with permissive licensing.