Releases: navikt/nav-dekoratoren-api
Release main
What's Changed
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus from 1.14.4 to 1.14.5 by @dependabot in #187
- Bump junitVersion from 5.12.0 to 5.12.1 by @dependabot in #188
Full Changelog:[email protected]/prod@1742195379
Release main
What's Changed
- Bump from 5.0.17 to 5.0.19 by @dependabot in #185
Full Changelog:[email protected]/prod@1741597138
Release main
What's Changed
Full Changelog:[email protected]/prod@1741595480
Release main
What's Changed
- Bump from 5.0.16 to 5.0.17 by @dependabot in #180
- Bump io.mockk:mockk from 1.13.16 to 1.13.17 by @dependabot in #184
Full Changelog:[email protected]/prod@1740989384
Release main
What's Changed
- Bump from 5.0.16 to 5.0.17 by @dependabot in #180
- Bump io.mockk:mockk from 1.13.16 to 1.13.17 by @dependabot in #184
Full Changelog:[email protected]/prod@1740989172
Release main
Release main
What's Changed
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus from 1.14.3 to 1.14.4 by @dependabot in #178
Full Changelog:
v2.3.1 Upgrades
What's Changed
- Bump com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine from 3.1.8 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #170
- Bump com.github.ben-manes.versions from 0.51.0 to 0.52.0 by @dependabot in #171
- Bump from 5.0.14 to 5.0.16 by @dependabot in #175
- bumps og endre deprecated kode by @taniaholst in #177
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
v2.3.0 - consent logging
What's Changed
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus from 1.14.1 to 1.14.2 by @dependabot in #153
- Bump junitVersion from 5.11.3 to 5.11.4 by @dependabot in #156
- Bump ktorVersion from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #158
- Bump io.mockk:mockk from 1.13.13 to 1.13.14 by @dependabot in #161
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.5.12 to 1.5.16 by @dependabot in #164
- Bump from 5.0.13 to 5.0.14 by @dependabot in #165
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 by @dependabot in #167
- Bump io.mockk:mockk from 1.13.14 to 1.13.16 by @dependabot in #166
- ⬆️ KotlinxCoroutinesVersion and kotlinxHtmlJvmVersion by @taniaholst in #169
- ⬆️ Bump com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine from 3.1.8 to … by @taniaholst in #172
- Consent logging by @talepre in #176
Full Changelog: v2.2.19...v2.3.0
v2.2.19 Revert
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.2.18...v2.2.19