VT Enterprise Quotas and Usage Statistics macOS menubar app. The purpose of app to monitor Virustotal Intelligence Enterprise resources usage. Uses https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/users/api-key/overall_quotas API to fetch statistics. Currently only grabs inherited from VTI group usage data.
mkdir ~/Tools; cd ~/Tools
git clone https://github.com/nikolay-n/VTStats.git
cd ~/Tools/VTStats
# to launch
# To setup LaunchAgent, copy LaunchAgent template
cp ./LaunchAgents/com.gorelics.VTStats.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
# replace /absolute/path/to/vtstats with real path
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :Program /absolute/path/to/vtstats" ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.gorelics.VTStats.plist
# load LaunchAgent
launchctl load -w ~/LaunchAgents/com.gorelics.VTStats.plist
# start or stop
launchctl stop com.gorelics.VTStats
launchctl start com.gorelics.VTStats
- uses macOS standard python 2.7 distribution, doesn't requires any other environment to setup, includes https://github.com/jaredks/rumps python library
- shows menubar menu with usage statistics
- automatically fetches statistics using VT API in specified interval or manually
- shows usage notifications when % of any VTI resources was used
- displays usage colors depending on amount of resources used