Releases: nofrixion/moneymoov-php
The latest library updates have been released as version 3.0.0 of the library. New models and clients/client methods have been added to support additional MoneyMoov API endpoints.
- Continue using v1.x.x of this library if using v1.x.x of either the NoFrixion woocommerce-plugin or the magento2-payments-module.
- Continue using v2.0.0 of this library if using v2.0.0 of the NoFrixion magento2-payments-module.
This release adds additional models and client functionality to initiate "Pay by Bank" payments via the NoFrixion MoneyMoov API. Including:
models and aNofrixion\Client\MerchantClient
class for the relevant MoneyMoov APImerchants
endpoints.- An additional payment request methods to initiate 'Pay by Bank' payments.
This release has been released as version version 2.0.0 as some updates may introduce breaking changes in older code:
- PHP namespaces have been renamed for case consistency between this library and the NoFrixion Magento 2 payments module.
- The payment requests client class has been renamed to be consistent with the webhook and merchant client classes.
This release includes Nofrixion\Client\WebhookClient
and Nofrixion\Models\Webhook
The WebhookClient
which gives access to the MoneyMoov API Webhook endpoints by implementing the following methods:
- createWebhook()
- getWebhooks()
- updateWebhook()
The Webhook
model provides a simple class for working with MoneyMoov webhooks in PHP. It also includes a getSignature()
method for HMAC signature validation when webhooks are received.
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
Added parameter to createPaymentRequest() to hide the checkbox "Billing address same as shipping address"
- Add support for PaymentRequest: payment initiation request
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0