A Nagios/Icinga plugin to check the VMware Cloud Director's AVI loadbalancers pools and virtual services.
$ ./check_vcd_avi_lb.py --checkmode pools --vcd_org_name 1-2 --vcd_token JoAsnNx4ECWje1h2l7jhahsmCgLVzIij
$ ./check_vcd_avi_lb.py --checkmode virtual_services --vcd_org_name 1-2 --vcd_token JoAsnNx4ECWje1h2l7jhahsmCgLVzIij
The following software is required for check_vcd_avi_lb.py
- Python
- pprint
- requests
check_vcd_avi_lb.py: Nagios/Icinga plugin to check the AVI loadbalancers pools and virtual services is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
- Daniel Masur (noris network)
- Jochen Rößner (noris network)