Releases: obiba/opal
Releases · obiba/opal
Various fixes:
- file system: ensure parent folder cannot be copied/moved to one of its children
- minor ui issues following vite upgrade
Full Changelog: 5.1.0...5.1.1
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.5.6 to 1.5.13 by @dependabot in #3980
- fix: validate folder and file names by @ymarcon in #3981
- feat: personal access token is generated by server by @ymarcon in #3982
- feat: added white and black list of file extensions by @ymarcon in #3983
- fix: added missing table ref filter as terms query by @ymarcon in #3984
- fix: file not found when not readable or parent not readable by @ymarcon in #3985
- build(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /opal-ui by @dependabot in #3978
- Account for Obiba TOTP coming from Agate by @kazoompa in #3995
- chore: ui dependencies updated by @ymarcon in #3989
- fix: updated destination folder selection when file export type changes by @ymarcon in #4002
Full Changelog: 5.0.3...5.1.0
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump vue-i18n from 9.14.0 to 9.14.2 in /opal-ui by @dependabot in #3977
Full Changelog: 5.0.2...5.0.3
Full Changelog: 5.0.1...5.0.2
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump cookie and express in /opal-ui by @dependabot in #3943
- build(deps): bump org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http from 12.0.10 to 12.0.12 by @dependabot in #3944
- Corrected conditions to hide/show VCF based on permission and plugin availability by @kazoompa in #3946
- Adds smtp security params by @thiagomdiniz in #3948
- build(deps): bump org.springframework:spring-context from 6.1.13 to 6.1.14 by @dependabot in #3956
- Added download pwd encryption length validation by @kazoompa in #3966
- Decode VFS file path before any folder creation by @kazoompa in #3964
- Added folder name validation by @kazoompa in #3965
- Clear only when starting search, added lastDoc for pagination by @kazoompa in #3967
- Cleanup selections when confirmation is cancelled, added search bar by @kazoompa in #3968
- Fixed some TS warning and fullIfCached by @kazoompa in #3969
- Added query count API to get correct total counts by @kazoompa in #3970
- fix: date/datatime variables are exported as chars when there are categories, number values handled when importing date/datetime variables by @ymarcon in #3972
New Contributors
- @thiagomdiniz made their first contribution in #3948
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.1
Java 21 and brand new UI: see release notes
What's Changed
- SQL API added by @ymarcon in #3619
- Bump xstream from 1.4.15 to 1.4.16 by @dependabot in #3615
- Bump commons-io from 2.4 to 2.7 by @dependabot in #3624
- unzip zip archive by @meek0 in #3632
- Bump xstream from 1.4.16 to 1.4.17 by @dependabot in #3635
- Bump httpclient from 4.5 to 4.5.13 by @dependabot in #3639
- DataSHIELD/R server profiles by @ymarcon in #3648
- update mongo driver to 3.12 by @meek0 in #3649
- Fix for RPM in CentOS by @mennodekker in #3664
- Do not use hardcoded port number by @kazoompa in #3683
- Use config server port number by @kazoompa in #3684
- #3674 filters should check localeTextDto values by @meek0 in #3686
- Bump xstream from 1.4.17 to 1.4.18 by @dependabot in #3670
- Bump xstream from 1.4.18 to 1.4.19 by @dependabot in #3695
- Two-factor authentication mechanism added by @ymarcon in #3711
- Bump json-smart from 2.3 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #3712
- Bump logback-core from 1.2.3 to 1.2.9 by @dependabot in #3713
- Bump gson from 2.3.1 to 2.8.9 by @dependabot in #3731
- Bump postgresql from 42.5.0 to 42.5.1 by @dependabot in #3768
- Bump commons-fileupload from 1.3.3 to 1.5 by @dependabot in #3783
- Bump spring-core from 5.3.26 to 5.3.27 by @dependabot in #3792
- DataSHIELD activity logging by @ymarcon in #3794
- feat: CORS filter added, to support alternate gui by @ymarcon in #3819
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @dependabot in #3823
- feat: upgrade to Java 21, spring 6 and more by @ymarcon in #3828
- build(deps): bump org.springframework:spring-web from 6.0.18 to 6.0.19 by @dependabot in #3830
- build(deps): bump org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on from 1.76 to 1.78 by @dependabot in #3847
- build(deps): bump org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on from 1.76 to 1.78 by @dependabot in #3831
- feat: added bookmarks for project and table pages, refactored landing page by @ymarcon in #3850
- feat: add/edit/delete/order categories by @ymarcon in #3852
- Feature/admin data access by @kazoompa in #3851
- Added select and chips to beautify users/groups by @kazoompa in #3853
- fix: no eslint warnings, ensure UI/UX consistency by @ymarcon in #3854
- Feature/admin user profiles (wip) by @kazoompa in #3859
- Added permissions page (wip) by @kazoompa in #3860
- Feature/admin user profiles by @kazoompa in #3861
- feat(ui): add view of variables by @ymarcon in #3863
- feat(ui): add variables to a view and other variable edition acitons by @ymarcon in #3864
- Feature/identity providers by @kazoompa in #3865
- feat(ui): user profile by @kazoompa in #3866
- feat(ui): variable annotations managenent by @ymarcon in #3867
- Changed the breadcrumb and file names by @kazoompa in #3868
- feat(ui): edit annotation free text in multiple languages by @ymarcon in #3869
- feat(ui): variable attributes and annotations by @ymarcon in #3870
- When filtering, terms table shows edit/del by @kazoompa in #3872
- Added project permissions page by @kazoompa in #3873
- View/Report permissions fixed by @kazoompa in #3874
- feat(ui): Resources by @ymarcon in #3875
- Started the Add Project dialog by @kazoompa in #3876
- feat: resource actions according to permissions by @ymarcon in #3877
- Converted BaseResource to an abstract class by @kazoompa in #3878
- feat: resource views creation, display and deletion by @ymarcon in #3879
- fix: revert transactional by @kazoompa in #3880
- Feature/project admin by @kazoompa in #3881
- Improve/project admin keys by @kazoompa in #3882
- Feature/admin apps by @kazoompa in #3883
- Added VCF to project admin page by @kazoompa in #3884
- build(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /opal-ui by @dependabot in #3857
- feat(ui): add edit reload resource view #3840 by @ymarcon in #3886
- feat(ui): add or update variables, apply or delete annotations in batch, filter items #3837 by @ymarcon in #3888
- feat(ui): sql queries and history ui by @ymarcon in #3889
- feat: contingency table and service (using SQL when no search engine) #3838 by @ymarcon in #3890
- build(deps): bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.7.4 in /opal-ui by @dependabot in #3891
- feat: edit where script of views #3838 by @ymarcon in #3892
- feat: refactoring search service (wip) #3893 by @ymarcon in #3894
- feat: index variables in lucene, execute search and display results by @ymarcon in #3895
- feat: n-gram analyzer added by @ymarcon in #3896
- feat: remove table variables from index on table/variable update, add… by @ymarcon in #3897
- feat: search pages added, index entity identifiers by @ymarcon in #3898
- feat: search variables page by @ymarcon in #3899
- Feature/project vcf by @kazoompa in #3902
- feat: table index scheduling, values index cleaning #3893 by @ymarcon in #3904
- feat: import/export from/to declared databases by @ymarcon in #3905
- feat(ui): extract zip file in a destination folder #3836 by @ymarcon in #3909
- feat: upgrade to opal 5.0 #3907 by @ymarcon in #3910
- feat: added tables index, not used for query (for now) #3901 by @ymarcon in #3911
- feat(ui): identifiers mappings by @kazoompa in #3912
- fix: identifiers by @kazoompa in #3914
- Improvement/import with id mapping by @kazoompa in #3916
- Fixed the driver <=> url change bug by @kazoompa in #3918
- feat: plugins administration page added by @ymarcon in #3919
- excluded OrientDB fasterxml deps by @kazoompa in #3920
- feat: rest client updated to use httpclient5 #3921 by @ymarcon in #3922
- feat: reporting feature removed #3923 by @ymarcon in #3924
- feat(ui): cart of variables added by @ymarcon in #3925
- chore: removed dependency over quartz and hsqldb because report sched… by @ymarcon in #3926
- feat: make opal contingency service compatible with legacy mica5 by @ymarcon in #3927
- build(deps): bump org.springframework:spring-webmvc from 6.1.8 to 6.1.13 by @dependabot in #3928
- build(deps): bump from 3.24.3 to 3.25.5 by @dependabot in #3931
- feat: R cache is encrypted by @ymarcon in #3932
- feat: removed RQL parser, as it was not used anymore by @ymarcon in #3933
- Disable moving and editing terms when taxos are R/O by @kazoompa in #3935
- Feature/analyze validation by @kazoompa in #3938
- feat(ui): show user R activity by @ymarcon in #3939
- feat: set a tmp secret when 2FA is enforced by @ymarcon in #3941
New Contributors
- @mennodekker made their first contribution in #3664
Full Changelog: 4.0.3...5.0.0
Full Changelog: 5.0.0-RC4...5.0.0-RC5