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📳 Low Latency Haptic Feedback with Worklet Support for React Native


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Nitro Haptics

Low Latency Haptic Feedback with Worklet Support for React Native

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  • Low latency for timing interaction and feedback perfectly, thanks to extremely fast Nitro Modules
  • Worklet support to ensure instant feedback even if JS thread is blocked
  • Built for New Architecture from the start
  • Drop-in replacement for expo-haptics for ease of adoption


You need to install both Nitro Modules core package and Nitro Haptics:

npm install react-native-nitro-modules react-native-nitro-haptics
# Don't forget to update CocoaPods and recompile app:
cd ios && pod install


See Apple Human Interface Guidelines for best practices and references.

import { Haptics } from 'react-native-nitro-haptics';

<Button title="Press me" onPress={() => Haptics.impact('medium')} />;

Reanimated Worklets

Assuming your app has been correctly configured with Reanimated, Nitro Haptics can be called directly from the UI thread by using Nitro Modules Boxing:

import { Gesture, GestureDetector } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import { Haptics } from 'react-native-nitro-haptics';
import { NitroModules } from 'react-native-nitro-modules';
const boxed =;

  gesture={Gesture.Tap().onBegin(() => {


Haptics.impact(style: 'light' | 'medium' | 'heavy' | 'soft' | 'rigid')

Impact haptics provide a physical metaphor you can use to complement a visual experience. For example, people might feel a tap when a view snaps into place or a thud when two heavy objects collide.

style argument maps to UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle, see HIG for visualization.

Haptics.notification(type: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error')

Notification haptics provide feedback about the outcome of a task or action, such as depositing a check or unlocking a vehicle.

type argument maps to UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackType, see HIG for visualization.


Selection haptics provide feedback while the values of a UI element are changing, see HIG for visualization.

Haptics.performAndroidHaptics(type: 'confirm' | 'reject' | 'gesture-start' | 'gesture-end' | 'toggle-on' | 'toggle-off' | 'clock-tick' | 'context-click' | 'drag-start' | 'keyboard-tap' | 'keyboard-press' | 'keyboard-release' | 'long-press' | 'virtual-key' | 'virtual-key-release' | 'no-haptics' | 'segment-tick' | 'segment-frequent-tick' | 'text-handle-move')

Android equivalent to provide haptic feedback for some built in actions, such as long presses, but you may wish to provide feedback for your own widget, see HapticFeedbackConstants for uses.
