Library with support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data-structures and network messages related to Dash Core payment chain.
Heads up for contributors: upcoming edition change
Supports (or should support)
- De/serialization of Dash protocol network messages
- De/serialization of blocks and transactions
- Script de/serialization
- Private keys and address creation, de/serialization and validation (including full BIP32 support)
- PSBT creation, manipulation, merging and finalization
- Pay-to-contract support as in Appendix A of the Blockstream sidechains whitepaper
For JSONRPC interaction with Dash Core, it is recommended to use rust-dashcore-rpc.
This library must not be used for consensus code (i.e. fully validating blockchain data). It technically supports doing this, but doing so is very ill-advised because there are many deviations, known and unknown, between this library and the Dash Core reference implementation. In a consensus based cryptocurrency such as Dash it is critical that all parties are using the same rules to validate data, and this library does not and might never implement the same rules as Core.
Given the complexity of both C++ and Rust, it is unlikely that this will ever be fixed, and there are no plans to do so. Of course, patches to fix specific consensus incompatibilities are welcome.
16-bit pointer sizes are not supported and we can't promise they will be. It will be dependent on rust-bitcoin implementing them first.
Documentation can be found on dashcore.readme.io/docs.
Contributions are generally welcome. If you intend to make larger changes please discuss them in an issue before PRing them to avoid duplicate work and architectural mismatches.
This library should always compile with any combination of features on Rust 1.60.
Rust can be installed using your package manager of choice or
rustup.rs. The former way is considered more secure since
it typically doesn't involve trust in the CA system. But you should be aware
that the version of Rust shipped by your distribution might be out of date.
Generally this isn't a problem for rust-bitcoin
since we support much older
versions than the current stable one (see MSRV section).
The library can be built and tested using cargo
git clone [email protected]:dashpay/rust-dashcore.git
cd rust-bitcoin
cargo build
You can run tests with:
cargo test
Please refer to the cargo
documentation for more detailed instructions.
Every PR needs at least two reviews to get merged. During the review phase
maintainers and contributors are likely to leave comments and request changes.
Please try to address them, otherwise your PR might get closed without merging
after a longer time of inactivity. If your PR isn't ready for review yet please
mark it by prefixing the title with WIP:
The CI pipeline requires approval before being run on each MR.
In order to speed up the review process the CI pipeline can be run locally using
act. The fuzz
and Cross
jobs will be
skipped when using act
due to caching being unsupported at this time. We do
not actively support act
but will merge PRs fixing act
The code in this project is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license.