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Omnisend Core Plugin

Omnisend is WordPress plugin that enables to use Omnisend marketing automation tool features for WordPress website.

Plugin features

  • Website connection to Omnisend features)
  • Client to connect other plugins to Omnisend.


The plugin provides an SDK client to easily integrate with Omnisend API.


To use in your plugin you must check if wp-omnisend plugin is installed. Provided client will send data to Omnisend if it is connected.

You can find function references in the client folder.


Ensuring that you can use Client

Before using Omnisend Client you need to ensure the following conditions:

  • Omnisend Plugin is installed is_plugin_active( 'omnisend/class-omnisend-core-bootstrap.php' )
  • Omnisend Plugin is up to date class_exists( 'Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend' )
  • Omnisend is connected to account Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend::is_connected()

If any of these conditions are false you should ask to resolve them.

Client Initialization

To send contact to the Omnisend you need to provide your integration name & version.

This is done by getting an actual client

$client = \Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend::get_client( 'integration name', 'integration version' );

'integration name' - should be your integration name 'integration version' - should be your integration version

Save and update Contact

Here is how you can create new or update existing contact.

$contact  = new Contact();

$contact->set_email( $email );
if ( $phone_number != '' ) {
	$contact->set_phone( $phone_number );
$contact->set_first_name( $first_name );
$contact->set_last_name( $last_name );
$contact->set_birthday( $birthday );
$contact->set_postal_code( $postal_code );
$contact->set_address( $address );
$contact->set_state( $state );
$contact->set_country( $country );
$contact->set_city( $city );

if ( $email_consent ) {
} elseif ( $email_consent_unsubscribe ){

if ( $phone_consent ) {
} elseif ( $phone_consent_unsubscribe ){

$client = \Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend::get_client( 'integration name', 'integration version' );
$response = $client->save_contact( $contact );

Get Contact by email

Here is how you can get Contact information.

$client = \Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend::get_client( 'integration name', 'integration version' );
$response = $client->get_contact_by_email( $user_email );
$email_consent_status = $response->get_contact()->get_email_status();
$phone_number = $response->get_contact()->get_phone();

Customer events

Here is how you can send customer events.

$contact  = new Contact();
$contact->set_email( $email );

$event =  new Event();
$event->set_contact( $contact );
$event->set_origin( 'api' );
$event->set_event_name( 'something hapened' );
$event->add_properties( 'pageUrl', $pageUrl );
$event->add_properties( 'pageTitle', $pageTitle );

$client = \Omnisend\SDK\V1\Omnisend::get_client( 'integration name', 'integration version' );

$response = $client->send_customer_event($event);

You can send contact identifiers and if contact exists, then event will be attributed for this contact, if not - new contact will be created and event will be attributed to this new contact

Error handling

If data provided is invalid or contact creation fails, then

$response = $client->create_contact( $contact )

Will return CreateContactResponse. Depending on your integration logic you should handle the error i.e

    if ( $response->get_wp_error()->has_errors() ) {
        error_log( 'Error in after_submission: ' . $response->get_wp_error()->get_error_message());

If data provided is invalid or sending customer event fails, then

$response = $client->send_customer_event( $event );

Will return SendCustomerEventResponse. Depending on your integration logic you should handle the error i.e

    if ( $response->get_wp_error()->has_errors() ) {
        error_log( 'Error in after_submission: ' . $response->get_wp_error()->get_error_message() );

PHP Linting team mandates our plugin to be linted against WordPress coding standards.

After each push to any branch PHP Standards action will run and all the PHP code will be linted. See action output for results.

Linting locally

Tools needed:

After installing those tools one can run in local plugin dir (plugin_woocommerce_api) helper script:

./ check
./ fix

or all commands manually. Following commands

composer update
composer install

install linting tool and standards. Then actual linting phpcs script can be initiated with

./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcs --ignore=.js --standard=WordPress omnisend-connect

A second phpcbf script can be run to automatically correct coding standard violations:

./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcbf --ignore=.js --standard=WordPress omnisend-connect


Run test locally:


Plugin release

To release a new version of the plugin, you need to:

  1. Run action Update Plugin Version - this will create PR with version upgrade in all necessary places.
  2. Get PR approved and merge it. Actions Create GH Release and Release plugin will be triggered automatically on merge.