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openHAB 4.2 Milestone 1

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@kaikreuzer kaikreuzer released this 03 Mar 18:26
· 76 commits to main since this release

This is the first monthly milestone build for the upcoming openHAB 4.2 release, which brings many fixes and improvements.

New Add-ons

The following add-ons are newly introduced:

Add-on Type Issue
DolbyCP Binding #16216
Freecurrency Binding #16194
Growatt Binding #15120
Panasonic Blu-ray Player Binding #16122
Piper Text-to-Speech Voice #15965
Radio Browser Binding #16392
sungrow Binding #15130

The following improvements were made:


Type Issue Change
Enhancements 3922 Add-on suggestion finder for USB devices
3934 UsbSerialDiscovery service based on Windows registry
3943 Minor extension to generic ip discovery
3957 Refactor ThingHandlerService to an OSGi component prototype
3960 Add piped audio stream and fix raw PCM streams format
3968 Remove unnecessary parenthesis from lambdas
3969 Remove unnecessary boxing
3971 Simplify boolean expressions
3972 Replace lambdas with method references
3973 Use String.join instead of Collectors.joining
3975 More code cleanups
3981 Add network-interface context
3994 Replace or remove assert statements
3995 Fix assertEquals order
3996 Simplify assertions
3997 Remove redundant array creation for calling varargs methods
3999 Use isEmpty instead of 0 comparisons
4000 Remove redundant modifiers
4001 Use diamond operator
4002 Use static inner classes
4003 Iterate using Map entries
4004 Fix JavaDoc issues
4006 Simplify adding elements to Collections
4009 Remove unnecessary semicolons
4010 Use protected modifier with constructor of abstract classes
4013 IpAddonFinder: Skip installed addons
4015 Upgrade to JmDNS 3.5.9
4019 Improve marketplace add-on handling
4020 Simplify Map operations using computeIfAbsent
4021 Some more code cleanup
4023 Replace Markdown backticks with JavaDoc code tags
4024 Improve YAML model repository
4026 Refactor java.util.Date usages to java.time.Instant
4033 Upgrade Jollyday to 0.23.2
4041 Fix several compiler warnings
4054 Add useful logs in SitemapResource for REST API calls
4057 Add console commands to manage add-ons
4058 Script profile: Separate toHandlerScript for commands and states
4063 Add inbox console command completion
4064 Use precompiled regular expressions to validate the segments of a UID
4065 Fix warnings
4067 Use the ChannelUID to retrieve the Channel from a Thing
4069 Add dimension for emission intensity
4084 Add releaseOnly parameter to Slider sitemap element
4092 Expose Jetty EndPoint in http requests
4093 Include StartLevelEvent in start level triggers
4098 Upgrade jUPnP to 3.0.0
4117 Upgrade tool: Add upgrade task for script profile changes
4123 Add numericState and unit to StateDTO
Bug Fixes 3961 Fix duplicate UIDs in remote add-on services
3964 Fix month, week, day not supported
3966 Fix NPE in GroupStateTriggerHandler and GroupCommandTriggerHandler
3970 Add no-cache directive to cached REST responses
3978 Consider network settings to avoid creating unexpected JmDNS instances
3980 Fix parsing of button (buttongrid element built with MainUI)
3989 Respond with 404 if add-on is missing in add-on service
3991 Fix build number reporting at startup
3993 Fix syntax warning for empty rule condition in managed sitemap provider
4007 Fix SerialPort.getFlowControlMode() infinite recursion
4008 Fix String.format argument mismatches
4012 Fix openhab-core-auth-oauth2client feature installation
4016 Fix CurrencyUnit
4034 Fix wrong class name logged in LocaleServiceImpl
4040 Fix logging in ChannelCommandDescriptionProvider
4043 Fix config parsing and version handling in RemoteAddonServices
4061 AddonFinderProcess fixes
4068 Remove state description when loading an item with a removed pattern
4075 Fix reloading channel config changes in .items file
4086 Fix CME in ReadyService
4088 Fix the recursive group membership check
4089 Fix forecast for externally changed data
4097 Call, Contact, Image items: Don't create command descr from state descr
4116 Audio parsing : Fix byte / bit confusion
Enhancements 1626 Merge addon info of all repos into one addons.xml file
1628 Clear marketplace cache during upgrade
1633 Add suggestion finder parameters to addons.cfg


Add-on Type Issue Change
amazonechocontrol Bug Fixes 16152 Fix Servlet exceptions due to non-unique names
amplipi Enhancements 16171 Add new power channel to zones and groups
androidtv Enhancements 15352 Add PhilipsTV protocol to AndroidTV
Bug Fixes 16191 Resolve protocol failures and update TCP port naming
16264 Fix discovery issues
16290 Fix missing default shieldtv applications
asuswrt Enhancements 16084 Support router discovery and add-on suggestion using UPnP
Audio Enhancements 16111 Fix PCM format and use PipedAudioStream in sources
bluetooth.bluez Bug Fixes 16167 Workaround exception on disconnect
bluetooth.generic Enhancements 16209 Upgrade to latest gatt parser library
boschindego Bug Fixes 16232 Fix removal of discovery results
boschshc Enhancements 15060 Add command to list SHC device mappings
16028 Add user defined states
16093 Support for Door/Window Contact II
16274 Add support for Universal Switch I + II
16357 Add support for Smoke Detector II
Bug Fixes 16002 Handle invalid long poll responses gracefully
16161 Fix options for channels with Switch items
16211 Cache mDNS-based bridge discovery results
chatgpt Bug Fixes 16131 Fix ConfigOptionProvider
chromecast Enhancements 16186 Update protobuf from 2.6.0 to protobuf-javalite 3.25.1
digitalstrom Bug Fixes 16352 Fix initialization of temperature control devices
dmx Bug Fixes 16281 Improve exception handling in refresh job
doorbird Enhancements 16297 Add support for version 2 encryption scheme
ecobee Bug Fixes 16442 Fix NullPointerException in BridgeHandler
elerotransmitterstick Enhancements 16229 Support suggestion finder
energidataservice Enhancements 16190 Remove obsoleted advanced channel hourly-prices
16283 Update tariff filter for NOE Net
16317 Update tariff filter for Ikast El Net
Bug Fixes 16217 Increase robustness of UoM price updates by using currency code rather than symbol
16222 Reduce redundant persistence of tariffs
enocean Enhancements 16089 Addon suggestion finder xml
epsonprojector Enhancements 16438 Add A/V standby power status
evcc Enhancements 16114 Adjust to evcc version 0.123.1
16378 Add support of heating devices and three new channels
fineoffsetweatherstation Enhancements 16461 Implement new Measurand free-heap-size
govee Enhancements 16109 Addon info for suggestions
growatt Enhancements 16319 Suggest addon to be installed
Bug Fixes 16377 Correct battery display channel unit from 'one' to 'volt'
homematic Enhancements 16196 Add Authentication
http Enhancements 16282 Improve binding
Bug Fixes 16288 Fix refresh time check and calculation
hue Bug Fixes 16356 Fix NullPointerException
hydrawise Bug Fixes 16221 Handle API auth changes
16280 Small fix when retrying token
influxdb Enhancements 16151 Add compatibility with InfluxDB Cloud Serverless
Bug Fixes 16234 Fix exception handling for InfluxDB 1.x
inmemory Bug Fixes 16185 Add filterCritera ordering
insteon Enhancements 16075 Mask password when logged
ipcamera Enhancements 16081 Remove channels and stop checking IO status when camera does not support IO
16090 Addon info for suggestions
16144 Add white LED controls for Dahua and also Email and Push for Reolink with v20 command support
16332 Improve online/offline detection for ONVIF cameras
ism8 Enhancements 14206 Add UoM support
jdbc Enhancements 16132 Upgrade MySQL Connector/J to 8.2.0
Bug Fixes 16444 Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.4.4
jinja Bug Fixes 16347 disable failOnUnknownTokens
jpa Enhancements 15978 Do not log failure to persist item with duplicate timestamp as error
jsonpath Enhancements 16365 Upgrade dependencies and some cleanup
jsscripting Enhancements 16445 Improve logging on JS error
Bug Fixes 16106 Fix JS Quantity to Java QuantityType conversion
16112 Upgrade openhab-js to 4.7.3
jythonscripting Enhancements 16465 Upgrade to Jython 2.7.3
knx Enhancements 16078 Add support for RGBW represented by HSBType
16094 Allow receiving DPT 235.001
16238 DPT 1 to support Switch and Contact
Bug Fixes 16263 postUpdate for contact-control sends to bus
16337 Correctly support state sub-types for DPTs
16395 Fix scale when sending DPT 7.002 or DPT 7.003
16453 Fix DPT 6.020 and 8.010
lgwebos Bug Fixes 16399 Increase limit to 5MB for Websocket text message
luxtronik Enhancements 16218 Add channel for fixed heating return temperature
melcloud Bug Fixes 16422 Adjust to new API limits
Meteostick Enhancements 16270 Add windvane calibration
miele Enhancements 16250 Improve discovery result labels
16463 Add information/failure channels
miio Bug Fixes 16380 Fix date parsing issue last cleaning details
16384 Fix sending empty command for feature channels
16388 Fix last cleaning details wrong start and end missing issue
milight Bug Fixes 16157 Fix for failing to increase animation speed
misc Enhancements 16107 Adapt to core changes (ThingHandlerService)
16202 Remove openhab-transport-http feature dependencies
16204 Remove redundant feature dependencies
mongodb Enhancements 16333 Upgrade DB driver, add more type handlings, fix QuantityType handling
MPD Bug Fixes 16299 Fixed loosing pending commands on broken idle connection
mqtt Enhancements 16245 recognize -NaN as UNDEF as well
16307 Treat incoming empty string as NULL for most types
mqtt.espmilighthub Bug Fixes 16127 Fix upgrade instructions
mqtt.generic Enhancements 16051 Expose more advanced rollshutter config options
Bug Fixes 16345 default STOP to null for rollershutter channel
mqtt.homeassistant Enhancements 16052 Improve support for Lock component
16143 Trigger HA devices to update discovery information
16246 update config abbreviations
mybmw Enhancements 16418 Improve data refresh handling
netatmo Bug Fixes 16026 Enable home being both energy and security
network Enhancements 16145 Add parameter for limiting network interfaces to fix performance issues
16259 Add configuration parameter for using iOS wake-up
nuvo Enhancements 16068 Display album art from MPS4
16443 Add source menu channel
ojelectronics Bug Fixes 16159 Adjust setpoint command handling
openweathermap Enhancements 16350 Add daily moon channels to OneCall Thing
16369 Remove "Current UV Index and Forecast" Thing for discontinued service
openwebnet Enhancements 16376 Replace dependency with serial transport
PJLink Bug Fixes 16119 Fix RejectedExecutionException on discovery
plex Enhancements 16343 Add ratingKey channels
pollytts Bug Fixes 16153 Update AWS Java SDK
pushover Bug Fixes 16212 Fix thing action backwards compatibility
roku Enhancements 16210 Improve TV discovery model name and add timeout
16424 Add suggestion finder methods
rrd4j Enhancements 16360 Improve querying the RRD4jPersistenceService
16379 Reuse the state for identical values
shelly Enhancements 16303  improved logging on WebSocket connection problems
16304 Make blu gw script more robust on startup
16306 Add check and ThingStatus for local IP issue (APIPA)
16335  Support for Shelly Plus Mini Gen 3 series of devices, Shelly Plus UNI
16336 New channel group ncurrent for 3EM
16413 Support for Shelly BLU H&T
Bug Fixes 16150 Fix WebSocketServerFactory ClassNotFoundException
16240 Fix stack overflow, sensor init on wakeup and wrong temp channel for Plus 1
16371 Fix blu gateway script to prevent crash
16426 Fix missing head start tag in manager web ui
smartmeter Bug Fixes 16183 Prevent NumberFormatException
solarmax Bug Fixes 16397 Add right unit and precsision to current power channel
solax Enhancements 16124 Add cloud connection support
16248 Add support for Solax X3MIC / G2 inverter and workmode channel
16412 Add support for x1 mini inverter local connection
sonos Enhancements 16261 Add TrueHD 7.1
Bug Fixes 16141 prevent logging unsupported device
squeezebox Bug Fixes 16368 Fix notification sometimes playing last playlist item first
systeminfo Enhancements 16197 Bump OSHI to 6.4.8
teleinfo Enhancements 16328 Enable background discovery
tellstick Enhancements 16228 Add support for suggestion finder
Bug Fixes 16220 Adopt new API url
tesla Bug Fixes 16331 Adapt calls to new products API endpoint
tibber Enhancements 16275 Add time series support for Tibber prices
vizio Bug Fixes 16291 Prevent thing status from bouncing offline
wled Bug Fixes 16146 Fix Playlist and Preset detection when missing bri values
yamahamusiccast Enhancements 16231 Add discovery information
Zigbee Enhancements 815 Bumped zsmartsystems.version 1.4.12 -> 1.4.13
819 Addon suggestion finder xml
ZWave Enhancements 1908 Addon suggestion finder xml

User Interfaces

UI Type Issue Change
Basic UI Enhancements 2243 Move most of app settings to per-device (browser) settings
2247 Enhance the description of the "Inline SVG" setting
2282 Close EventSource when leaving
Bug Fixes 2232 icon.png minimal fix
2234 Fix closing h4 tag in sitemap list page
2238 Fix image element being link to a sub page
2257 Adjust the SVG icon in buttons to the current theme
2260 Fix Buttongrid alignment on desktop
2269 Update the content of the default cfg file
2280 Fix SSE reconnection to the current page
2284 Replace non printable characters
2341 Show buttons on several lines when not enough place
Main UI Enhancements 2229 Add a new settings menu for persistence
2246 Improve network-interface context support
2248 Settings pages: Fix x-overflow and large spaces on phone screens & Change icon for persistence config
2253 Help sidebar: Move docs to docs repo & Integrate them into the UI
2267 Upgrade from webpack v4 to v5
2270 oh-colorpicker: Replace defaultColor option with an actual default color
2273 Update descriptions in the settings menu
2288 Change the default navbar style from orange to light for light theme
2294 Lazy load the developer dock
2296 Update alexa range value attribute parameters
2305 oh-block: Allow setting style properties
2310 Upgrade Blockly from v9.2.0 to v10.4.2
2312 Provide meaningful list of units in item form
2313 Config sheet: Show advanced params if not default or not empty
2315 Add renderer switching
2317 Add tooltips to the show block/code buttons
2320 Model picker popup: Add "Show name" and "Show tags" options
2322 Script editor: Add commenting/uncommenting with Ctrl-/ and Cmd-/
2326 item-form: Various (layout) improvements & Refactor tag-input
2331 Sidebar help: Add script editor docs
2336 Label and style all UID elements consistently
2340 Allow custom page icons
2347 Remove padding in list grouping toolbar
2348 Accept double click to pick an Item in model picker popup
2349 Remember checkbox settings in model picker popup
2352 Rule edit: Remove redundant module title prefix
2355 Model page: Remember checkbox settings
2362 Rule & Script editor: Various improvements
2369 Add a global component developer-dock-icon
2371 Persistence edit: Make page title dynamic & Fix delete back navigation
2372 Developer sidebar: Add clipboard icons
2377 Rule edit: Generate suggested trigger title only when none is available
2381 Add-on Store: add sub menu items and various improvements
2387 Model Treeview: Remember the expanded state
2390 Sitemap editor: Add slider releaseOnly parameter support
2391 Persistence edit: Change empty-state-placeholder icon
2402 Add support for SVG add-on logos
2405 Only align smart-select on wider screens
2406 Add-on store: Title and searchbar focus tweaks
2410 Show lock icon in the item details members list
2411 Provide HTTP request block
2412 Rule module popup: add dirty checking
2415 Blockly Editor: combine renderer selection and show item label icons
2419 Add multi-select feature
2421 Update alexa networking integration
2424 Help sidebar: Add blockly help page
2425 Location card: Swap status & measurement badges to avoid layout shift
2428 Item picker: Disable picker & hide chevron if not yet ready
2432 Remove Cordova from Main UI
2441 Widget expressions: Add # as a shorthand for item.numericState
Bug Fixes 2096 Fix oh-stepper sends command on Item state update due to rounding
2245 Fix Quickstart-Button shown for non-admin users
2276 Rule/Script edit: Fix not editable not properly handled & Always show tags
2277 Thing edit: Hide clear button for location if not editable or not ready
2289 Settings page: Fix add-on settings header displayed when no add-ons installed
2291 Home page: Hide tab bar if all model tabs are hidden
2295 Transformation edit: Fix copy UID doesn't work
2301 Widget expressions: (Partly) Fix handling of Item name being undefined
2302 Fix UoM metadata not stored when Item created from link
2304 Home edit: Fix model card settings drop-down not accessible
2306 Fix persistence block ZDT disconnection
2307 Fix incorrect field names
2308 Fix typos in transformation block tooltip
2309 Fix console warnings when switching to Math
2311 Set output type of oh_check_undefined_value to boolean
2314 Addon config page: Use dirty mixin & Add Ctrl-S shortcut
2316 Fix warning when show code button is clicked twice
2319 Disable Item editor fields for unmanaged items
2321 Fix code editor's Ruby detection
2325 Item edit: Fix semantic class cleared when property set to None
2328 Item details: Fix group member selection allows to select unmanaged Items
2329 Thing page: Fix dirty checks & Fix not-editable handling
2332 Settings page: Fix loading takes very long
2338 Fix sidebar search scene and script integration
2339 Fixes & Improvements to persistence edit, channel details & doc links logic
2350 Rule edit: Fix undefined currentSection error in trigger-module-wizard
2364 Fix alexa thermostat attribute parameters
2367 Fix rule module editor popup for blockly
2368 Help sidebar docs: Fix external anchors & Script editor RegEx
2373 Help sidebar: Fix wrong section in developer tools
2374 Script & Item edit: Add/Fix dirty handling
2375 Item edit: Fix code tab not working properly
2380 Update links to the add-ons store
2385 Add-on list: Top align the install buttons
2399 Persistence edit: Fix dirty for new persistence & Improve const handling
2409 Settings menu: Fix search bar to include system and addons settings
2414 Overview tab: Fix javascript error
2422 Fix UID copy for not editable channels and transformations
2423 Help sidebar: Reduce list indentation
2426 oh-player-controls: Hide default tooltip
2440 Add-on logo: Fix jdbc logos not loading & list-item logo distorted