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Added paginationDepth to HybridQuery #2330

Added paginationDepth to HybridQuery

Added paginationDepth to HybridQuery #2330

Workflow file for this run

name: Test Spec
- .github/workflows/test-spec.yml
- package*.json
- spec/**
- tests/**
- tools/src/tester/**
- tsconfig.json
- .github/workflows/test-spec.yml
- package*.json
- spec/**
- tests/**
- tools/src/tester/**
- tsconfig.json
fail-fast: false
- version: 1.3.17
admin_password: admin
- version: 2.0.0
admin_password: admin
- version: 2.19.0
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/index_state_management
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/ml
- version: 2.19.0
tests: routing
- version: 2.19.0
tests: snapshot
- version: 2.19.0
tests: remote_store
- version: 2.19.0
tests: dangling
url: http://localhost:9200
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/replication
url: http://localhost:9200
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/streaming
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/notifications
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/query_insights
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/workload-management
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/analysis
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/knn
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/learning_to_rank
- version: 2.19.0
tests: plugins/security
cert: tests/plugins/security/.kirk.pem
key: tests/plugins/security/.kirk-key.pem
- version: 2.20.0
hub: opensearchstaging
ref: '@sha256:037a2eb5a4f48b9a9a29950be5e5fae4ebd82d41de1066e00bb8d8b0ce7871b1'
- version: 3.0.0
hub: opensearchstaging
ref: '@sha256:727643acdfebed77bfdb26362dbcff536b7ea02a0cc4ae2da2521729171333de'
name: test-opensearch-spec (version=${{ matrix.entry.version }}, hub=${{ matrix.entry.hub || 'opensearchproject' }}, tests=${{ matrix.entry.tests || 'default' }})
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
OPENSEARCH_DOCKER_HUB_PROJECT: ${{ matrix.entry.hub || 'opensearchproject' }}
OPENSEARCH_DOCKER_REF: ${{ matrix.entry.ref }}
OPENSEARCH_VERSION: ${{ matrix.entry.version }}
OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD: ${{ matrix.entry.admin_password || 'myStrongPassword123!' }}
OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS: ${{ matrix.entry.opts }} -Xms8g -Xmx8g
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '20'
- name: Install Dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Run OpenSearch Cluster
working-directory: tests/${{ matrix.entry.tests || 'default' }}
run: docker compose up -d
- name: Generate Test Files Hash
id: tests
run: echo "hash=${{ matrix.entry.version }}-${{ hashFiles(format('tests/{0}', matrix.entry.tests || 'default')) }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Run Tests
run: |
npm run test:spec -- \
--opensearch-insecure \
--opensearch-version=${{ matrix.entry.version }} \
--coverage coverage/test-spec-coverage-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}.json \
--opensearch-url=${{ matrix.entry.url || 'https://localhost:9200'}} \
--opensearch-cert=${{ matrix.entry.cert }} \
--opensearch-key=${{ matrix.entry.key }} \
--tests=tests/${{ matrix.entry.tests || 'default' }} \
--log logs/test-spec-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}.log
- name: Get Container Logs
if: failure()
run: |
for container_id in $(docker ps -aqf "ancestor=opensearchproject/opensearch:${{ matrix.entry.version }}"); do \
echo Dumping logs from $container_id ... && \
docker logs $container_id \
; done
- name: Upload Test Coverage Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: coverage-${{ matrix.entry.version }}-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}
path: coverage/test-spec-coverage-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}.json
- name: Upload Logs
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: logs-${{ matrix.entry.version }}-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}
path: logs/test-spec-${{ steps.tests.outputs.hash }}.log
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: test-opensearch-spec
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download Spec Coverage Data
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: coverage
- name: Collect Test File Names
run: |
find tests/. -name "*.yaml" | xargs realpath | jq -Rn '{ files: [inputs | "\(.)"] }' > test-files.json
- name: Display Unused Test Files
run: |
jq -r -sc '
(map(.stories) | add | unique) as $stories |
(map(.files) | add | unique) as $all |
$all-$stories |
' $(find ./ -name "test-spec-coverage-*.json") test-files.json > ./coverage/files.txt
cat ./coverage/files.txt | sed -e 's/^/::error::/'
test ! -s ./coverage/files.txt || { echo "::error::Unused test files detected."; exit 1; }
- name: Collect and Display Missing Test Paths
run: |
jq -r -sc '
(map(.operations) | add | unique) as $all |
(map(.evaluated_operations) | add | unique) as $evaluated |
($all-$evaluated | map({path: .path, method: .method, evaluated: false})) as $unevaluated |
($evaluated | map({path: .path, method: .method, evaluated: true})) as $evaluated |
$evaluated+$unevaluated |
sort_by(.path) |
map(if .evaluated then "- [x] \(.method) \(.path)" else "- [ ] \(.method) \(.path)" end) |
' $(find ./ -name "test-spec-coverage-*.json")
- name: Combine Test Coverage Data
shell: bash -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
jq -sc '
(map(.operations) | add | unique | length) as $total_operations_count |
(map(.evaluated_operations) | add | unique | length) as $evaluated_operations_count |
total_operations_count: $total_operations_count,
evaluated_operations_count: $evaluated_operations_count,
evaluated_paths_pct: $evaluated_operations_count | (10000 * . / $total_operations_count | round / 100)
' $(find ./coverage -name "test-spec-coverage-*.json") > ./coverage/coverage.json
cat ./coverage/coverage.json
- name: Construct Comment Data Payload
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
shell: bash -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
jq \
--arg pr_number ${PR_NUMBER} \
--slurpfile test_coverage ./coverage/coverage.json \
--null-input '
"pr_number": ($pr_number),
"comment_identifier": "## Spec Test Coverage Analysis",
"template_name": "pr-test-coverage-analysis",
"template_data": {
"test_coverage": ($test_coverage[0])
' | tee pr-comment.json
PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
- name: Upload PR Comment Payload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
name: pr-comment
path: pr-comment.json