Foxglove is a high performance OpenTimestamps aggregator.
Every interval (e.g. 100ms) it builds a merkle tree of all incoming timestamp requests, and then forwards the tip digest to an upstream aggregator/calendar. When the upstream aggregator replies, all pending requests are responded to with the completed timestamp. Thus it allows for horizontal scaling of timestamp creation. Foxglove is entirely stateless, and does not save anything to disk.
It is written in Rust, using the Tokio and Hyper crates. It doesn't actually use the rust-opentimestamps crate yet, as it trusts the upstream aggregator fully without actually validating that upstream timestamps are structually valid; the steps in the merkle tree are seralized "by hand".
At the moment, Foxglove's basic functionality works and is being used in production on the a and b aggregators for the Alice and Bob calendars. But it is quite primitive, without full error handling, tests, etc.