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Leonardo Agasso LeonardoAgasso
Ph.D. student in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine @BioPhys-Turin

University of Turin Turin

AI in PM ai-in-pm
Influencing AI in Project Management.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Paola León paucimi
Philosopher Specializing in Big Data, Machine Learning & IA
Lara Ianov lianov
Co-Director of the UAB Biological Data Sciences Institutional core. A fan of R, Python, workflow management systems and data science topics.


Zaki Alasmar zklsmr
Neuroscience student and self-taught programmer. In addition to open code for neuroscience data analysis, I write code on random things I enjoy working on.

McGill University Montreal

Jess Horton jjessicahorton

Appalachian State University Boone, NC

Ben Sutton ben-at-allen
SWE @ Allen Institute

@AllenInstitute Seattle, WA

Farzaneh Najafi farznaj
Systems, behavioral, and computational neuroscience

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Hua Sun hsun9
I am currently focused on studying pediatric brain tumors using computational biology.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis, TN, US

MiaChen nancycxx
Cognitive Science researcher; Master of Science student, Vanderbilt University; B.S. Mathematics, USTC
A Python & Machine Learning enthusiast, all under GNU/Linux (🐧).


Just as long ago, the enduring stars shone across thirteen provinces.
YipengLi李依朋 liyipeng-moon
PhD student in Peking University. Vision Neuroscience. Ephys, fMRI, Deep Model


Andrew Tawfeek andrew-tawfeek
Math PhD at University of Washington

Seattle, WA

liuzq Yippee3

Huazhong University of science and technology


UESTC Chendu,Sichuan

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Hi 👋 I’m Sony, an AI researcher with a passion for leveraging artificial intelligence to create real-world impact. Driven by a deep curiosity about how machine


Geoffrey Schau schaugf
Scientist @ The Allen Institute

Allen Institute USA, Earth (Mostly)

Roberto RobertoDF
Spanning time

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin

Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Jihae Sophia Lee esoap
I am an researcher at the Human Genomics Lab at Korea University, studying human brain and brain organoids through single-cell technologies.

Joon An Lab, Korea University Seoul, South Korea

Erfei Shang cecilia-shang
PhD Student from @JunQu-Lab

University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY

Martin Barker MartinBarker
Seattle Software Developer / DJ designing tools to aide in the digitization and archiving of music online.

Seattle, WA

Luis Torrao LTorrao


Joel Arbuckle Jarbuckle
Web developer with a passion for user experience!
Pranav Kokati kokatipranav
IHS Student | ML Enthusiast | Class of 2028
Yabo Zhao zyabo

xiamen university