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rule-901 2.0.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @frmscoe/rule-901@2.0.0
Install via package.json:
"@frmscoe/rule-901": "2.0.0"

About this version

Rule 901 Documentation


Rules are libraries that consist of a single functionality. They can be installed on the rule-executer, and the rule-executer is expected to change its identity to a rule installed. This means you can only have one rule installed at a time on the rule-executer.Rules in the system has as small a purpose as possible and seeks to answer a single and very specific behavioural question about the transaction it is evaluation

Consider reading more about the rule-executer. If this is your first time learning about rules, you can follow this link for more information.

Description Number of outgoing transactions - debtor
Historical depth
Behaviour Focus
Rule result type Banded
Query Parameters
1 maxQueryRange
Exit Conditions
.x00 Incoming transaction is unsuccessful


Before using the rule libraries, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
  • Basic understanding of Node.js development
  • Setup a GitHub Token (you can follow this link)


To install a rule library, use npm:

npm install @frmscoe/rule-901@latest 

Option: Replace latest with a specific version of the rule available.

handleTransaction Function


The handleTransaction function processes a transaction according to the rules defined in the rule library.

  • req: RuleRequest - The request object containing transaction information.
  • determineOutcome: (value: number, ruleConfig: RuleConfig, ruleResult: RuleResult) => RuleResult - A function used to determine the outcome of the transaction based on the provided value, rule configuration, and current rule result.
  • ruleResult: RuleResult - The current result of applying rules to the transaction.
  • loggerService: LoggerService - An instance of the logger service for logging purposes.
  • ruleConfig: RuleConfig - Configuration settings for the rules to be applied.
  • databaseManager: DatabaseManagerInstance<ManagerConfig> - An instance of the database manager for accessing and managing data.
Return Value
  • RuleResult - The updated result after processing the transaction.

Common Trends:

  1. Configuration Validation: Each rule starts with validation checks for the provided configuration. If essential configuration parameters are missing, an error is thrown to indicate an invalid configuration.

  2. Exit condition before retrieval of data: The payload data is checked for specific values that have been configured as exit conditions. If any of the checks meet the criteria of the exit condition, the rule responds with the result of the exit condition that was configured as part of the rule configuration.

  3. Data Retrieval: The rules retrieve necessary data from external sources, such as a database. This data includes transaction details, timestamps, and other relevant information required for rule evaluation.

  4. Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling is implemented throughout the rule logic. Errors related to missing configuration, data retrieval failures, or unexpected data types are caught and appropriately handled, ensuring robustness and reliability.

  5. Time Calculations: Time calculations play a crucial role in rule evaluation. The rules calculate time differences between various transaction events and the current time to determine the validity of certain conditions.

  6. (Rule-specific) query post-processing: The returned data from data retrieval is checked before determining the value using the determine outcome function; these checks are configured to verify whether the returned value applies to any of the configured exit conditions. more about exit conditions follow this link

  7. Outcome Determination: After gathering relevant data and performing necessary calculations, the rules delegate the final outcome determination to an external function (determineOutcome). This function evaluates the calculated parameters against the rule configuration and returns the result.

To read more about what can be more common about rules follow this link

Internal process flow

flowchart TD
     A[HandleTransaction] --> |Start| B{Checks of rule's configuration}
    B --> |Log message| D[return]
    B --> C{Exit conditions checks for payload}
    C --> |Log message| K[return]
    C --> E(Data Retrieval)
    E --> F{Exit conditions checks for retrieved data}
    F --> |Log message| J[return]
    F --> L("(Rule-specific) query post-processing")
    L --> U(Determine outcome)
    U --> Q[Return outcome]    

Publishing Rule Library

To publish the Rule library, you need to set up a continuous integration (CI) workflow that builds and publishes the library automatically whenever changes are pushed to the main branch. Below is an example workflow configuration using GitHub Actions:

Workflow Explanation:

  1. Trigger: The workflow is triggered on push events to the main branch.

  2. Jobs: Contains a single job named build-and-publish.

  3. Runs On: Specifies that the job should run on an Ubuntu latest virtual machine.

  4. Permissions: Grants permissions for writing to packages and reading contents.

  5. Steps:

    • Checkout code: Checks out the code repository.
    • Setup Node.js (.npmrc): Configures Node.js environment variables, including .npmrc settings, such as registry URL and scope.
    • Install dependencies: Installs project dependencies using npm ci.
    • Build library: Builds the Rule library using the specified npm script (npm run build).
    • Publish package: Publishes the built library to the configured npm registry (npm publish).
  6. Environment Variables:

    • GH_TOKEN: GitHub token for authentication.
    • NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: Node.js authentication token. In this case, it's set to the same GitHub token.


  • Make sure to replace @frmscoe with your actual scope name in the .yaml file.
  • Ensure that you have set up the appropriate GitHub token (GITHUB_TOKEN) with necessary permissions for publishing packages.
  • Adjust the npm run build command as per your project setup.
  • Review and customize the workflow to suit your specific requirements and project structure.

This workflow automates the process of building and publishing the Rule library whenever changes are pushed to the main branch, ensuring that the latest version is always available to consumers.



  • rule-901-2.0.0.tgz

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