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next-logger 2.0.0-20250213143428

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @navikt/next-logger@2.0.0-20250213143428
Install via package.json:
"@navikt/next-logger": "2.0.0-20250213143428"

About this version


A simple logger that lets you log from both the frontend and the backend. Both will log in a JSON format that understands. And all logs are grouped under your application (+application:yourapp) with correct log level.

Getting started


yarn add @navikt/next-logger pino
npm i @navikt/next-logger pino

if you want to use the secure logger, you also need to install pino-roll:

yarn add pino-roll
npm i pino-roll

Step 1: API route

You need an API route that will receive all the log statements.

For app dir:

Create a new API route /app/api/logger/route.ts, it should look like this:

export { POST } from '@navikt/next-logger/app-dir'

For pages dir:

Create a new API route /pages/api/logger.ts, it should look like this:

export { pinoLoggingRoute as default } from '@navikt/next-logger/pages';

Step 2: Logging

Anywhere in your application where you want to log, you should import import { logger } from '@navikt/next-logger';, this is a pino instance, use it to log, for example: logger.warn("Uh oh"). Alternatively, if you need secure logging, use ìmport { secureLogger } from '@navikt/next-logger';. See Securelogs for more information on secure logging.

Step 3: pino-pretty

If you want pino-pretty for local development (and you probably do, simply install it and pipe it:

yarn add -D pino-pretty
npm i --save-dev pino-pretty

Simply pipe the output of your development server into pino pretty:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev | pino-pretty",

Step 4 (Optional): Integrating with next-logger

The pino configuration from this library can be shared with next-logger.

Simply create a next-logger.config.js in the root of your project, and re-export the logging config as following:

const { backendLogger } = require('@navikt/next-logger')

module.exports = {
    logger: backendLogger,


App Dir

You want this configuration to execute as early as possible, but on the actual client. Typically in your app-dir app, you will have for example a <Providers>-client that is "use client"-enabled.

On the root of any "use client"-enabled file that wraps your root layout.tsx, you can configure the library, for example:

"use client"

    basePath: '/my/base/path',

export const MyProviders() {


If your application is using a base path, or you want to have your logger on a different API-route, you can configure the logger.

In your _app.tsx, on root in the file, you can use configureLogger as such:

    basePath: '/my/base/path',
    apiPath: '/api/other-logger',

Or if you only want to change the base path:

    basePath: '/my/base/path',


If you want to log sensitive information, you can use the secureLogger function. This will instead of logging to stdout log to a file on /secure-logs. This requires some setup, see nais docs for how to enable secure logging in your app.

The log file is setup with pino-roll for rolling the logs based on file size.

Using secure logger as an isomorphic logger requires an additonal API-route in your next app, the configuration is similar to the primary logger route.

For app dir:

Create a new API route /app/api/secure-logger/route.ts, it should look like this:

export { POST } from '@navikt/next-logger/secure-log/app-dir'

For pages dir:

Create a new API route /pages/api/secure-logger.ts, it should look like this:

export { pinoLoggingRoute as default } from '@navikt/next-logger/secure-log/pages';

Breaking changes: migrating to v2

The only breaking change is that the paths for the API routes have been updated.

App Dir


- export { POSTLoggingRouteHandler as POST } from '@navikt/next-logger'
+ export { POST } from '@navikt/next-logger/app-dir'



- export { pinoLoggingRoute as default } from '@navikt/next-logger'
+ export { pinoLoggingRoute as default } from '@navikt/next-logger/pages'

If you want to use the new secureLogger feature, refer to the Securelogs docs above.



  • next-logger-2.0.0-20250213143428.tgz

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