textparser 2.5.0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @navikt/textparser@2.5.0
Install via package.json:
"@navikt/textparser": "2.5.0"
About this version
Parses text into an AST given a set of regex-based rules.
import React from 'react';
import { parse, build, AST, ParagraphRule, LinebreakRule, LinkRule } from '@navikt/textparser'
const rules = [ParagraphRule, LinebreakRule, LinkRule];
const textFromUser : string = '...';
const ast : AST = parse(textFromUser, rules);
const reactOutput : React.ReactElement<{}> = build(ast, rules);
Rules are split into two group; block-rules and inline-rules. Block-rules are useful when working with structures spanning multiple lines, e.g paragraphs, lists, tables etc. Whereas inline-rules are useful can be used to implement bold, italics, linking etc. Take a look at the predefined rules for more inspiration.
type Rule = {
name: string;
scope: RuleScope;
regex: RegExp;
parse(match: RegexMatch): ASTNode;
react(node: ASTNode, ast: AST): ReactElementDescription;
const atRule = {
name: 'atRule',
scope: RuleScope.INLINE,
regex: /\s?@(\w+)/,
parse(match): ASTNode {
return { name: 'atRule', content: [match.capture[0]] }
react(node: ASTNode, ast: AST): ReactElementDescription {
return { type: 'a', props: { href: `https://url.com?user=${Utils.getText(node)}` } }
import * as Utils from '@navikt/textparser';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
const customLinkRule: Rule = {
react(node: ASTNode, ast: AST): ReactElementDescription {
return {type: Link, props: {className: 'paragraph-class', to: Utils.getText(node) }}
This *is* a paragraph.
This is another.
This has *highlighting*.
This is _bold_.
This has links www.google.com, *https://www.yahoo.com*, _http://www.bing.com_
And here we combine them *_highlight bold_*, and reversed _*highlight bold*_, with links; _*www.google.com*_ *_https://yahoo.com_*
The last paragraph
spans multiple lines.
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"This ",
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
" a paragraph."
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"This is another."
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"This has ",
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"This is ",
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"This has links ",
"name": "Link",
"content": [
", ",
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"name": "Link",
"content": [
", ",
"name": "Link",
"content": [
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"And here we combine them ",
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"highlight bold"
", and reversed ",
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"highlight bold"
", with links; ",
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"name": "Link",
"content": [
" ",
"name": "Highlight",
"content": [
"name": "Link",
"content": [
"name": "Bold",
"content": [
"name": "Paragraph",
"content": [
"The last paragraph",
"name": "Linebreak",
"content": []
"spans multiple lines."