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19 repositories
PublicRemote Sensing and GIS Software Library; python module tools for processing spatial data.docker_builds
PublicA set of docker build scripts used to build the docker images (which I import into singularity) for my processing chains.pb_gee_tools
PublicAutomated download and processing of Earth Observation data to create a monitoring system.rsgislib-tutorials
PublicSoftware to automate the production of optical analysis ready data (ARD) from Landsat, Sentinel-2 and others.classaccuracy
PublicA QGIS plugin which aids the assessment of classification accuracy derived from earth observation datapb_process_tools
PublicTools for automating batch processing data. Includes tools for using of SLURMpysl4land
PublicOpenGL GUI interface for visualisation lidar data in SPD format.spdlib
PublicSorted Pulse Data (SPD) LiDAR processing tools.sen1_ard_gamma
PublicTools for processing Sentinel-1 GRD data to an analysis ready product using the Gamma softwarecompute_job_recorder_web_app
Public archiveeodatadown_utils
Public archiveA set of utilities which can be used with EODataDown for data analysis. For example, useful plugins and batch processing tools.compute_job_recorder
Public archiveeodatadown_web_app
Public archiveA web app, using flask, to the eodatadown software.