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Malhar Ujawane Justmalhar
🧑🏻‍💻Staff Software Engineer @walmart on weekdays, 👨🏻‍🎓PhD @ucumberlands on weekends, 👾PUBGM Gamer at midnight 💭 GenAI, AGI, LLMs and VR ᯅ

@Walmart San Fransisco, California

Khant Sithu khantseithu
Software developer. Make stuffs.

Hledan, Yangon


Specified Nonprofit Corporation OVA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Andrew Peterson andrewpetersondev
Hi! I am a graduate of Northwestern's Full Stack Coding Boot Camp and UW-Madison where I studied Economics with a Math Emphasis.

Chicago, IL

KRISHNA K krishna-kudari
I caught fire🔥 coding

Bengaluru ,India

Tanakorn Pookongmek mickie2k
Hi, I'm Tanakorn Pookongmek 👋 Aspiring Fullstack Developer


Bowen Aisuko
Member of the GNU Hurd and @meshery @go-skynet | previously @rancher | Founder of @SkywardAI | Casual Researcher at RMIT

RMIT Melbourne, Australia

Jean jeansweden

Sweedly Sweden

Sai Tharun saitharunsai
I am a software engineer at @LiveHealth and a coding Nerd 💻

@LiveHealth Pune

Dom dom-liu
software developer


Tyler Gibbs Tylerbryy
I'm a 22 year old with a passion for tech. Aspiring Software/Machine learning Engineer, CS @ OU
Devman xdevman9
Owner of Pblocker Proxy


Moonsun Kim fazomo

Tublet Seoul, South Korea

Susan oleteacher
Just a tired ole broke teacher trying to keep up with the new world, one key stroke at a time...


abdolreza abdolreza79
I'm a web developer

Freelancer Shiraz

Busara Saelim busara-s
I'm a Business Analyst who decided MS office weren’t exciting enough, so now I’m diving into AI, LLMs. I'm open for collaboration.


Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Script Boy richie997
I communicate with the universe. My mind is binary I live outside the planet, God created me to digitalize everything (Trash talk)

Empty Universe

Derrick Macharia CowPeas
Front-end => React => Back-end => Python => Machine Learning & ArtificiaI Intelligence
Mohammad Mosharaf Ali mosharafali
Hi, I am Mohammad Mosharaf Ali. I am a data scientist and also a web developer.

Dear Digitals Bangladesh

Raalzz Raalzz
Passionate about Tech and Dubstep Dance, Musicophile.

@antstackio bengaluru

Kropp justinkropp
I'm a graphic designer and writer, currently designing and building at @vercel.

Vercel Remote

pavel prichodko
product engineer, typescript developer and rational tinkerer.


David Coy dcoy
Senior CSE ▲ @vercel


Sarvagya Kumar sarvagyakrcs
Code Insane or Remain Same

Bangalore, India

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Kanak kanakkholwal
⚛️Developer with a passion for creating high-conversion applications with cutting-edge UI and performance.


Franck NIAT franckniat
Software engineer

Douala cameroun

dumpnoodles dumpnoodles


Brandon Hollins brandonhollins
Hazzah! I'm Brandon, a gallant Software Engineer. I meld my wizardry in technical realms with a sorcerer's touch in design to conjure user-centric solutions.

Currently in Free Agency Jackson, MS

Kristian Løvstrøm loevstroem

@pacmate-aps Aarhus, Denmark

Andre Chandra Putra andrechandra
Software Engineer specializing in front-end development with React and Next.js.

Panin Dai-ichi Life Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia