React Web application containing a dashboard with patients and configuration table.
- Dev experience
- eslint
- prettier
- React application
- Material-UI
- Components
- Theme (CSSinJS)
- Webpack configuration
- Dev
- Prod
- Material-UI
- Mock server
- Unit Testing
- Jest + React testing library
- CI / CD
- Github workflows
- Jenkins file example
- Docker files for mock and frontend
- Docker-compose using both docker files
- Create .env files
- Import tokens in js format and use them in the theme
- Cover all the components with unit testing
- Add integration tests with cypress
- Import web components and bind vars and events
- Create GraphQL API
- Duplicate json-server to simulate 2 hospitals
- Redistribute docker containers to suit new mocked backend
- Improve responsiveness of the application
git clone
cd fte-assessment
npm i
npm start
# Test
npm test
# Build
npm run build:dist