A RESTful API for project management, built with Node.js, Express, TypeScript, and TypeORM.
This API provides the following project management functionalities:
- ✅ User Authentication & Role-Based Access Control
- 📂 Project & Task Management
- 🔍 Search Functionality
- 📧 Email Notifications
- 🧪 Automated Testing
- 📑 API Documentation (Swagger & Postman)
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript
- Database: PostgreSQL, TypeORM
- Caching: Redis
- Testing: Jest, Supertest
- Documentation: Swagger & Postman Collection
- Containerization: Docker & Docker Compose
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v16+)
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Docker (optional)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/petro-joseph/project-management-system.git cd project-management-system
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
Create database:
psql -U postgres CREATE DATABASE project_management;
Run migrations:
npm run migration:run
Start the server:
# Development npm run dev # Production npm run build npm start
├── config/ # Configuration files
├── controllers/ # Route controllers
├── dto/ # data Transfer Object
├── entities/ # TypeORM entities
├── middleware/ # Custom middleware
├── migrations/ # Database migrations
├── routes/ # API routes
├── services/ # Business logic
├── test/ # Test files
└── utils/ # Utility functions
# Run all tests
npm test
# Run specific test types
npm run test:unit # Unit tests
npm run test:integration # Integration tests
npm run test:e2e # E2E tests
# Run with coverage
npm run test:coverage
├── unit/ # Unit tests
├── integration/ # Integration tests
├── e2e/ # End-to-end tests
├── setup.ts # Test setup
└── helpers.ts # Test helpers
Access Swagger UI: http://localhost:3000/api-docs
Import the Postman Collection to test API endpoints.
POST /api/auth/register - Register new user
POST /api/auth/login - Login user
POST /api/auth/logout - Logout user
POST /api/users - Create user (Admin only)
GET /api/users - List users (Admin, Manager)
GET /api/users/:id - Get single user
PUT /api/users/:id - Update user (Admin only)
DELETE /api/users/:id - Delete user (Admin only)
POST /api/users/:id/role - Assign role (Admin only)
GET /api/projects - List projects
POST /api/projects - Create project (Manager/Admin)
GET /api/projects/:id - Get project by ID
PUT /api/projects/:id - Update project (Manager/Admin)
DELETE /api/projects/:id - Delete project (Manager/Admin)
GET /api/projects/:id/tasks - List tasks in a project
POST /api/projects/:id/tasks - Create task (Manager)
PUT /api/tasks/:id - Update task
PATCH /api/tasks/:id/status - Change task status
DELETE /api/tasks/:id - Delete task (Manager/Admin)
GET /api/dashboard/stats - Get statistics (Admin/Manager)
GET /api/dashboard/progress - Get project progress (Admin/Manager)
GET /api/search/tasks?q={query} - Search tasks
GET /api/search/projects?q={query} - Search projects
GET /api/search/users?q={query} - Search users (Admin only)
All endpoints support pagination using page
and limit
query parameters:
GET /api/projects?page=1&limit=10
GET /api/search/tasks?q=test&page=1&limit=10
# Start development containers
docker-compose up
# Run tests in containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up
npm run dev # Start development server
npm run build # Build for production
npm start # Start production server
npm test # Run tests
npm run migration:run # Run migrations
- Access MailHog: http://localhost:8025
The API follows standard HTTP status codes:
- Success ✅201
- Created 🎉400
- Bad Request ❌401
- Unauthorized 🚫403
- Forbidden ⛔404
- Not Found 🔎500
- Internal Server Error⚠️
Success Response:
"status": "success",
"data": {
// Response data
Error Response:
"status": "error",
"message": "Error description"